Tag: Water

297 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition January 17, 2023
Contact Your Legislators, Ask Them to Co-Sponsor the PFAS Protection Act
Each week of the legislative session, we share an easy action for clean water as part of Water Policy News, it only takes a few minutes and it is the most urgent call to action.  This Week's Easy Action: Contact your Legislators and encourage them to co-sponsor the PFAS Protection Act! More
Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Legislative Updates WVEC January 13, 2023
GREEN, Volume 33 Issue 1
Welcome to the first newsletter of the 2023 Legislative session! All eyes are on the Capitol as we monitor bills to provide clean drinking water, protect our public lands, and lower utility bills by allowing Community Solar on our energy grid. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksEventLegislationPollutionRenewable energyWater
Blog WVEC January 9, 2023
2023 Legislative Priorities
Community Solar, Orphaned Gas Well Responsibility, Adequate funding for inspectors for the WV DEP Office of Oil and Gas, Mineland Reclamation, Advanced Nuclear, Hydrogen Hub/CCS, Aboveground Storage Tank Legislation, Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality Standards/Triennial Review, Public Lands, Clean Elections/Voter Protection legislation More
Issues: Aboveground tanksClean electionsDEPOrphaned wellsPollutionReclamationRenewable energyWater
Action Alerts WVEC November 10, 2022
Rally to Protect Upper Cheat Old Growth Forest November 14 1:00 pm
I'm asking you to join us at the Rally to Protect Upper Cheat Headwaters and Old-Growth Forest. The Upper Cheat River is a treasure within the Monongahela National Forest. The forest provides clean drinking water and flood protection for communities, wildlife habitat for endangered species, and miles of trails to explore the outdoors. Despite that, the Forest Service is pushing forward a poorly planned project that would clearcut large swaths of this critical area. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Kanawha River and WV Coal Legislature
Newsletter article Lucia Valentine November 2, 2022
Our 2023 Legislative Priorities
The 2023 Regular Legislative Session runs January 11 - March 11 2023. The West Virginia Environmental Council’s list of legislative priorities includes bills we support and those we want to stop on a range of energy, clean water and public lands and elections policies.  More
Issues: LegislationRenewable energyWater
Kanawha River and WV Coal Legislature
Blog WVEC November 1, 2022
2023 Legislative Priorities
Community Solar - promote access to affordable renewable energy through a solar facility subscription service where customers can purchase an interest in a solar facility and use credits against their electric utility costs. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyRenewable energyState parksWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition September 23, 2022
Breaking News: Legislation Requires Immediate Authorization of Mountain Valley Pipeline
West Virginia is once again at the center of debate in Congress. Yesterday, legislation was released that changes how energy projects are handled by federal agencies and requires the immediate approval of construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline with no judicial review as part of a spending bill that Congress must pass by September 30, or the federal government will shut down.  More
Issues: PipelinesPollutionWater
Newsletter article Friends of the Cheat July 8, 2022
Upcoming Listening Sessions
Please consider attending a listening session to help shape a regional plan to address water pollution issues and drinking water contamination in the 14-state Ohio River region. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletters WVEC July 8, 2022
GREEN, Volume 32 Issue 11
Happy Summer! We are excited to be back with our July Volume of GREEN. This month we are highlighting several events, actions and opportunities to get involved with our member groups. Please be sure to SAVE THE DATE for West Virginia Environmental Council’s 2022 Environmental Summit Sept 24-25 in Morgantown. Registration is now LIVE!  More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalEnergyEventPollutionWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 7, 2022
Storage Tank Bill on Senate Committee Agenda TOMORROW, 3/8
In a last minute push, HB 2598, the bill that would relax inspection requirements for certain oil and gas tanks located closest to our public drinking water intakes, has appeared on the Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining Committee agenda. Read our updated fact sheet on HB 2598. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksHealthPollutionWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition February 14, 2022
Ensure WVDEP has Adequate Oil & Gas Inspectors to Protect Our Water
The DEP Office of Oil and Gas (OOG) has been forced to severely reduce its staff due to budget shortfalls. Currently, OOG only has 9 inspectors overseeing approximately 75,000 wells and 28,000 tanks across the state. That’s 1 inspector for every 8,000 wells. More
Issues: DEPOil and gasWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition February 8, 2022
Oil & Gas Exemption Bill on 2PM Agenda
With your help during the 2021 Legislative Session, we successfully defeated a bill that attempted to exempt oil and gas tanks from the state’s Aboveground Storage Tank Act. The ASTA is an important piece of legislation unanimously passed in 2014 designed to prevent another water crisis caused by a failed aboveground storage tank. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksHealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition February 4, 2022
Tell Legislators to OPPOSE Exempting Oil & Gas Tanks Within ZCCs! 
Industry lobbyists are at it again trying to exempt oil and gas tanks from the Aboveground Storage Tank Act. This year, a few bills have been proposed that are similar to last year's rollback attempt - which you defeated!  More
Issues: Aboveground tanksLegislationWater
Legislative Updates WVEC February 4, 2022
GREEN, Volume 32 Issue 4
It's the fourth week of the Legislature! Several bills we are following hit committee agendas and were voted on in both chambers. We have compiled a list of bills we are watching, both good and bad, and will continue to update this list as we go. Take a look at the Legislative Update article below to see what's happening! More
Issues: Aboveground tanksEventLegislationPollutionWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition January 24, 2022
Action Alert: Water Quality Protections Up for Debate
The WV Legislature is considering revisions to human health protections within our water quality standards. These revisions are part of a rule proposed by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. More
Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article  December 17, 2021
Solutions for West Virginia Outside of Infrastructure Deals
Thanks to President Biden, West Virginia will receive billions of dollars in infrastructure funds.  However, if the state’s track record holds true, much of the money will be squandered on projects of little lasting benefit to those in most need of help.  More
Issues: CoalDEPOil and gasWater
Newsletter article Jim Kotcon December 17, 2021
Gearing Up for the WV 2022 Legislative Session
Legislative issues will soon be dominating headlines. Some key issues will carry over from previous years, including efforts to help transition coal communities affected by the decline in the coal industry. The WV Legislature has been conducting listening sessions in coal communities to seek suggestions on how to help those communities thrive as they transition to a new economy. More
Issues: LegislationOil and gasWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition December 3, 2021
Legislative Committee to Consider Water Quality Standards on Wednesday, Dec. 8
In our October e-newsletter, we shared information on the upcoming legislative session and highlighted one of our top legislative priorities – revisions to water quality standards. Now, we have our first call to action related to the revisions! More
Issues: HealthLegislationPollutionWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition August 3, 2021
Experimental Mine Proposed Near Snowshoe

Public Hearing on Experimental Underground Mine on Aug. 5

Our friends in Pocahontas and Randolph Counties are organizing to protect their water from a proposed experimental mine. You can support residents through their current action alert.


Issues: PollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC July 19, 2021
URGENT: WV Water Protections Under Revision – Act by 6PM July 19
A recent a policy decision by the WVDEP related to water quality standards creates a loophole to allow industries to dump more toxins in our source water. This proposal is part of a second round of human health criteria revisions – the portion of our water quality standards that protects our health from dangerous pollutants like cancer causing toxins, chemicals known to cause birth-defects, and poisons like cyanide. Submit comments on the proposal today! More
Issues: DEPPollutionWater
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