About WVEC

The West Virginia Environmental Council
An Effective Voice at the Legislature Since 1989

Who Are We?

The West Virginia Environmental Council (WVEC) promotes environmental protection and policies for a sustainable future in West Virginia by organizing concerned citizens and fostering collaboration among environmental organizations. Through education, advocacy, and legislative outreach, we work toward influencing policy decisions to preserve and protect West Virginia’s environment.

In our legislative efforts we work closely with our member organizations.  Sometimes we take the lead on issues.  At other times they take the lead, and we assist in the background. We always acknowledge the efforts of our member groups in our G.R.E.E.N. Newsletter and our Legislative Updates.

Click here for a historical list of WVEC E-Day! Award Recipients

A Few Proud Accomplishments


Defeated: HB 5018 asserted that data collected from citizens’ purple air monitors could not be used by the WV Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for regulatory or attainment purposes. Citizen air monitoring allows community members to supplement data gathered by government agencies, including the EPA and the DEP. This bill raised judicial concerns and sent the wrong message to communities burdened by air pollution.

Defeated: SB 618 would have created a state program for the sale and purchase of carbon offset credits, allowing the Division of Forestry to control the program and implement new and unnecessary rules and fees. This bill would limit landowners’ rights, ability to manage their land, and access to competitive carbon markets.

Defeated: SB 688 would have opened the state’s public lands, without exceptions for state parks, to widespread timbering and “economic development” for special-interest projects and permitted secret, noncompetitive bid contracts from out-of-state interests.

Defeated: HB 5076 (the “Diversified Welfare Bill”) would have loosened regulations on well plugging and prevented landowners from suing operators over abandoned unplugged wells. During a discussion of the bill in the House Energy & Manufacturing Committee, concerns were raised that it would act as a legal shield for Diversified Energy Co., the nation’s largest owner/operator of gas and oil wells.

Amended: HB 5091 (the “Anti-Protest Bill”) would have significantly increased fines and penalties for trespassing, theft and damages to critical infrastructure facilities, such as pipelines. Initially aimed at penalizing copper theft, the bill would have had severe consequences for environmental protestors. Senate amendments significantly lowered steep criminal fines, reducing concerns about the bill.


Passed: HB 3189, the PFAS Protection Act, provides steps for the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP) to conduct follow-up studies and create action plans to address the public health threat of PFAS or “forever chemicals” at their source.

Passed: HB 3110 secures more funding for the WV DEP’s Office of Oil and Gas. Creates consistent annual funding to increase the number of inspectors from 10 to around 20 to oversee the state’s 75,000+ wells.

Re-amended: SB 468 continues the Cabwaylingo State Forest Trail System while prohibiting DNR from “establishing any additional ATV, ORV, or UTV trail systems within state parks and state forests.” While connector trails from Cabwaylingo will allow ATVs, ORVs, and UTVs, further expansion of these vehicles on our state’s public lands was defeated.

Defeated: HB 2896 would have made WV an Agreement State with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It passed the House but died in Senate Finance. We successfully removed section F (allowing WV to store nuclear waste) but were glad the state legislature did not take on the over $9 million program.

Defeated: HB 3294 and SB 595 would have changed the Managed Timberland Program and effectively killed the opportunity and incentive for WV landowners to enter into carbon capture agreements, which enables landowners to practice stewardship and gain forestry support to maintain their managed timberland.


Defeated HB 2598, the Above Ground Storage Tank Act. This bill sought to deregulate oil and gas waste tanks closest to our drinking water intakes, putting health at risk.

Defeated HB 4553, a bill that would have exempted wholesale generators – nuclear, coal, solar, wind, geothermal – from local zoning codes and ordinances. Stopping this bill preserves local control and protects communities.

Amended HB4408, the Public Lands Privatization bill. The bill now requires a public hearing, reduced the contract period from 50 to 40 years, prohibits the DNR director from leaving their position and going to work for a newly contracted company within the first year, and requires any new contract to be approved by the Secretaries of the Department of Commerce, the Department of Tourism, and the Department of Economic Development.

Passed SB 480 out of the Senate though it died in House Finance. This bill secured funding for the WVDEP’s Office of Oil and Gas. The bill would have established an annual oversight fee of $100 for wells to increase the current number of 9 inspectors within the WVDEP’s Office of Oil and Gas to 20 inspectors.

Defeated SB 554, the Solid Waste Management Bill. This bill was tabled and aimed to transfer the duties and responsibilities of the Solid Waste Management Board to the DEP.


Defeating the exemption of oil and gas tanks from regular inspection under the Aboveground Storage Tank Act – HB 2598.

Legalizing Power Purchase Agreements for on-site solar power – HB 3310.

Creating a program to reduce energy usage in State buildings – HB 2667.

Defeating a restrictive voter access bill – SB 565.

Co-creating the first People’s Public Hearing.


Establishing priorities for expenditures for plugging abandoned gas or oil wells.

Creating a program to further development of renewable energy resources.

Creating Critical Needs/Failing Systems Sub Account.

Disposition of funds from oil and natural gas wells due to unknown/unlocatable interest owners.



Revising exceptions from FOIA provided for in Aboveground Storage Tank Act.

Modifying certain air pollution standards.


Restoration of “Category A” status to the lower 72-mile stretch of the Kanawha River.

Requiring public water utilities to develop and submit source water protection plans.

Development of an affordable recycling program for businesses.


Creating the Above Ground Storage Tank Act.

Future Fund Bill.


Making the Supreme Court Public Campaign Financing Act a permanent program.

Monongahela Act.

Complete Streets Act.

Some of the Bad Legislation We Have Helped Stop:


Stopped the exemption of oil and gas tanks from inspection under Aboveground Storage Tank Act.

Stopped suppressive voter access bill .


Stopped the exemption of oil and gas tanks from inspection under Aboveground Storage Tank Act.

HB4690 – Relating to solid waste facilities.


Stopped State Parks Logging Bill.

Stopped The Regulatory Reform Act of 2018.

Stopped the abolishment of Environmental Advocate at DEP.

Stopped the Appointment of Industry Advocate at DEP .

Stopped bill allowed industrial energy users and manufacturers to negotiate discounted rates at the expense of ratepayers .


Stopped bill allowing well pad and road construction with only a storm water permit for oil and gas activities.


Stopped bill regarding permits for stationary sources of air pollution .

See the History Archive for more…

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