Tag: Solid waste

19 posts found

Newsletter article WVEC May 10, 2024
Quick Updates from WVEC and Member Groups!
Earth Day Tree Planting | Watershed Celebration Day | Make It Shine Trash Cleanup | Litter Clean Up in Madison | National Park Advocacy Week | Save the Date for WVEC's annual meeting September 13-15, 2024 | Mark your Calendars for E-Day at the WV State Capitol on March 17, 2025 More
Issues: EventPublic landsSolid wasteWater
Action Alerts WVEC March 6, 2023
Urgent: Senate Committee to Take Up Nuclear Bill Today
While it has not included it on its agenda for today, the Senate Economic Development Committee plans to take up HB 2896 at 2 PM TODAY. This legislation seeks to make West Virginia an agreement state with the US NRC. HOWEVER, Section F of the bill could open West Virginia to nuclear waste dumps. More
Issues: Nuclear energyPollutionSolid waste
Newsletter article Hannah King February 12, 2021
Happy Session, Everyone!
The 1st session of the 85th Legislature began on Wednesday, February 10th. Since then, we have seen more than a dozen environmental bills introduced, some good, some not so good. Rob and I are keeping a close eye on everything, but we will need your help the next two months. More
Issues: HealthLegislationPollutionSolid wasteWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 17, 2020
This Bill is Trash (Literally)
On Monday, HB4690, relating to solid waste authorities, is up for second reading, with a final vote on Tuesday morning. This bill quickly went through House Judiciary last week, with one civil engineer testifying in favor of the bill. The Solid Waste Authorities oppose this bill and so do we! More
Issues: Solid waste
Newsletter article WVEC January 24, 2020
Updates on the DEP’s Landfill Closure Assistance Program (LCAP)

It seems that most years, we are fighting to keep funds in the DEP’s Landfill Closure program. The bill that was taken up in House Government Org on Friday, HB4443, is meant to transfer $1 from the DEP’s Landfill “tipping” fee for waste that goes into landfill, taking it from $3.50 per ton to $2.50 per ton.


Issues: Solid waste
Action Alerts WVEC January 24, 2020
Say No to HB 4443.
On Friday, the Health Government Organization committee is taking up HB 4443 - “Shifting funding from the Landfill Closure Assistance Fund to local solid waste authorities” This bill takes more money from the DEP, endangering our health and safety.  More
Issues: LegislationSolid waste
Legislative Updates WVEC March 11, 2016
GREEN Vol. 26 Issue 9
What Roger Sherman Learned, Day 59: where things stand, WVEC awards dinner, More from the Charleston Gazette-Mail More
Issues: Aboveground tanksClimate changeCoalSolid wasteWater
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe March 10, 2016
Day 59: where things stand
Remember that S.B. 625 provides that, when public water utilities involve the public in developing their source water protection plans, they are allowed to share information that is already in the public domain. It passed the House on Thursday and is headed to the Governor; you can read more in a Gazette-Mail report here. And more. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksSolid wasteWater
Action Alerts Vickie Wolfe March 7, 2016
Down the home stretch: please help us get across the finish line!
H.B. 4435 is on the agenda of the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday). This bill would allow utilities to obtain "expedited rate recovery" for upgrades to boilers (the normal practice is that such upgrades must be "used and useful" before the costs can be incorporated into electric rates paid by consumers). ... We oppose the bill because it is just another excuse by out-of-state corporations to gouge local ratepayers. Please contact committee members and tell them to VOTE NO! More
Issues: DrillingSolid wasteWater
Fracking and water contamination
Newsletter article Conni Lewis March 4, 2016
Misuse of terms
This week I am thinking about the use and misuse of terms such as “stakeholder” in legislative proceedings. Often, a legislator will ask “are the stakeholders on board?”. A typical answer is yes, the agency and the affected interest group are on board. More
Issues: FrackingOil and gasSolid waste
Newsletter article Conni Lewis February 19, 2016
Power to the Suit
This week was about the power of the suit. Not the white coats of nurses and other health professionals, not the tee shirts that read “parents as teachers”, not even AARP, but the suit accessorized by wing tips or high heels. More
Issues: FrackingLegislationSocial justiceSolid waste
Fracking and water contamination
Newsletter article Conni Lewis March 19, 2015
There’s even more to be concerned about
262 bills survived the legislative process this year and only a handful are of concern to the Environmental Council . Vickie and Rob have written passionately about the most important (and often appalling) bills. Yet there are a few that we should take note of and here they are: SB234 removes water and sewer utilities owned by political subdivisions from PSC jurisdiction. An interesting twist is the provision detailling the procedure for selling such a utility to another entity. Gee, who would want to buy a small community's water system? More
Issues: FrackingSolid wasteWater
WV/ALEC Capitol
Legislative Updates WVEC March 7, 2015
GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 8
Reaction and Action , Update on S.B. 423, “Amending the Aboveground Storage Tank Act”, Hearing focuses concerns about tank law rollback, Coal Gets a Tax Cut Through HB2675 Despite its Continued Drain on State Budget, The Plot Sickens, Roundup: The Week Just Passed, The Week Ahead, In the media this week, CORRECTION!, Bills We Are Tracking More
Issues: Aboveground tanksCategory AClean electionsSolid wasteWater
Newsletter article Conni Lewis March 7, 2015
The Plot Sickens
Before Friday's hearing, attempts were made to "encourage" our side to cancel it. We don't know who all the players are, but if I have learned nothing else in the past 25 years, its this: if opponents of a strong SB373 didn't fear us, they wouldn't try to stop us. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksSolid waste
Out of State Trash
BlogNewsletter article Rob Goodwin March 1, 2015
Stinky Deal in SB27 to Bring Trash from New Jersey to McDowell County Dies in Senate Finance Committee
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed as amended SB27 on Saturday to allow McDowell county voters to decide if they want 50,000 tons of out-of-state trash rolling in monthly by rail and disposed of in county. To attempt to avoid constitutional provisions prohibiting bills from only applying to a single county and with the intent of this bill to only apply to a single county, Sen. Hall (Wyoming ) agreed to amend the bill introduced through a committee substitute to only pertain to counties with populations less than 40,000 people. More
Issues: Solid waste
WV Coal Dome
Legislative Updates WVEC March 1, 2015
GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 7
Stinky Deal in SB27 to Bring Trash from New Jersey to McDowell County Dies in Senate Finance Committee, Hearings Yes, But Listening is the Key, Roundup of the Week’s Activities, An Unexpected Champion, Update on S.B. 423, “Gutting the Aboveground Storage Tank Act”, Bills We Are Tracking More
Issues: Aboveground tanksNet meteringRecyclingSolid wasteWater
Action Alerts WVEC November 11, 2013
Two Actions You Should Take Today!
West Virginia Environmental Council Reminder November 11, 2013 Two Actions You Should Take Today! Tell Legislators: Don’t Weaken Water Quality Standards for Toxic Aluminum Tell PSC: Don’t Remove Landfill Tonnage Caps for Drilling Waste  Water Quality Standards for Toxic Aluminum: The West Virginia Department of Environmental (DEP) has proposed changes to 47CSR2 – the Water […] More
Issues: AluminumDrillingSolid wasteWater