Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Coal sunset
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 10, 2018
Originating Bills in EIM
On the same agenda in Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining, we were alarmed to see two originating bills with no other descriptions. These bills have not been assigned numbers or titles at this time. More
Issues: CoalPollutionRenewable energy
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 10, 2018
Industry Advocate Bill Pulled
SB 410- a bill to create the position of Industry Advocate at the Department of Environmental Protection appeared on the Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining committee agenda on Thursday. More
Issues: DEP
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 10, 2018
Forced Pooling Lite Passes Out of Committee After Public Hearing
Midway through the session and things are starting to heat up! Just today, the House Judiciary committee held a public hearing on HB 4268, the cotenancy- or forced pooling lite bill. More
Issues: Forced poolingLegislation
Newsletter article Keena Mullins February 10, 2018
WVEC’s Priority Bills
WVEC's Bill Tracking list More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article Crystal Good February 9, 2018
WVEC Lobbyist
Whew! What a week. Thank you from lobbyist Crystal Good. More
Issues: Forced poolingLegislationLogging
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 2, 2018
House Judiciary Misses Opportunity to Safeguard Water and Protect State of WV
Late Friday afternoon, the House Judiciary committee passed a DEP rules bundle which included a version of the Surface Mine Rule that had been amended in the Senate the week before. More
Issues: LegislationReclamationWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 2, 2018
Governor Still Can’t See the Park for the Trees
A lot of work has been happening to stop a bill that would allow commercial logging in state parks from making its way onto any committee agenda at the legislature. SB 270 (HB 4182) is a bill that its proponents say is about forest health, or revenue, or fire prevention- actually, we can’t keep up with all of their excuses! More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Crystal Good February 2, 2018
Citizen Lobbyists Activate!
This week we were joined by Tabatha Cheke and her daughter, a host of friends and supporters from Tucker County Day and the usual Capitol avengers. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article WVEC February 2, 2018
SB 270 Information Booklet
Our state parks are priceless. They're special places that deserve to be protected, just as they have been for over 80 years, for the inherent and timeless value that they provide for ALL West Virginians and visitors. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article WVEC February 2, 2018
Ask Members of the WV House to Vote No on HB4182
An action alert from WV Rivers, with an easy to use action link. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Keena Mullins February 2, 2018
WVEC’s Priority Bills
WVEC's bill tracking list. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Chuck Wyrostok January 26, 2018
Showcase Your Group
Your environmental organization, large or small, and the work that it does are very important to the people of West Virginia. But those in other groups in different parts of the state may know little of it. More
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 26, 2018
Conservation Groups Disappointed in Thrasher Response to State Park Logging Bill
Representatives from groups involved in the SOS Parks initiative met with Commerce Secretary Woody Thrasher on Thursday to present a list of credible alternative funding sources that may allow the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources to repair and maintain our state parks without opening them up to commercial logging. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 26, 2018
Co-tenancy Bill Held Over in Committee
Last year, lobbyists and their political agents tried to rebrand forced pooling as “co-tenancy” and “lease integration” in an attempt to pull one over on West Virginia voters. On behalf of out-of state gas companies and their lobbyists, they’re back it with HB 4268. More
Issues: Forced poolingLegislation
Newsletter article Crystal Good January 26, 2018
Citizen Lobbyist Make a Rukus and Throw a Fit!
Charlie Nicholas’ recent Charleston Gazette- Mail opinion editorial in support of timbering West Virginia’s state parks said, “I can hear the ruckus now as the environmentalists throw a fit over cutting trees on public land.” More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Keena Mullins January 26, 2018
Write your Senators- Save Our State Parks
We are still working hard to stop the Governor’s proposal to use commercial timbering in state parks as a solution to pay for their maintenance. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Crystal Good January 19, 2018
The Citizen Lobbyists
Rumor has it that the Governor’s Office has been inundated with citizens like you calling to say NO to Bill SB270. SB 270 was initiated by Governor Justice’s Office and seeks to lift the 80-year-old moratorium on timbering State Parks. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 19, 2018
Proposed Changes to Surface Mining Rule
As the first full week of the legislative session comes to a close, we here at the Environmental Council have been keeping our eyes on several DEP rules and bills related to water quality. More
Issues: DEPReclamationWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 19, 2018
SOS Parks- Save our State Parks
The big news this week out of the Capitol is trees! Secretary of Commerce Woody Thrasher has outlined a plan to allow logging in state parks. Bills requested by the Governor to codify this plan have been introduced on both sides in the past week: SB 270 and HB 4182. More
Issues: Logging
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