Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article WVEC January 12, 2019
Meet the Lobby Team
Karan Ireland is back for her second year as the lobby team coordinator. Prior to her work for the Environmental Council, Karan was the executive director of WV Solar United Neighbors More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article Crystal Good March 12, 2018
KILL BILL: Legislative Wrap Up
In the movie “Kill Bill” the lead blonde character is called, 'The Bride”. She is played by actor Uma Thurman. The Bride was a member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. The Bride decides to get out of the assassin profession but is quickly reminded that once you TRY to get out of the DVAS you can’t ! Perhaps as it is in the world of assassins it is in lobbying, once you get in politics you can’t get out -- nobody leaves the squad. The Bride reminds me of Karan Ireland during this legislative Session. More
Issues: Forced poolingLegislationLogging
Newsletter article Karan Ireland March 12, 2018
Legislative Wrap-Up
On the 10th day of the legislative session, I remember thinking, “wow, this is going to be a long sixty days.” But, as with anything, time flies when you’re having fun. Today is the last day of the 2nd session of the 83rd West Virginia Legislature, or “sine die.” The environmental bills we’ve been watching have either passed or died and all that’s left is to wait for the crack of the gavel at midnight. More
Issues: CoalEnergyForced poolingLegislationLogging
Newsletter article Karan Ireland March 3, 2018
Logging In Parks Bill (SB 270) OFFICIALLY Dead
We mentioned last week that Senator Mike Woelful released a statement that SB 270 appeared to be dead. While we were cautiously optimistic, we didn’t want to start shoveling dirt on the coffin until we knew for sure. Now that crossover has come and gone, we want to shout it from the rooftops: “THE BILL IS DEAD; NO LOGGING IN STATE PARKS thanks to YOU!! More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Karan Ireland March 3, 2018
Bad Utility Bill Dies on Senate Floor
In a dramatic turn of events, SB 600 which would have allowed discounted utility rates for large industrial energy users, but would have raised residential rates, was defeated on the Senate floor on crossover. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyLegislation
Newsletter article WVEC March 3, 2018
West Virginia Gas Companies Wined and Dined Lawmakers Before Scoring Favorable Fracking Legislation
A country club luncheon. A $130 steak dinner. A whiskey tasting. Dinner at an historic neo-Georgian mansion. These are just a few examples of the many occasions last year when oil and gas lobbyists wined and dined West Virginia state lawmakers on key committees that craft fossil fuel legislation. More
Issues: FrackingLegislation
Newsletter article Chuck Wyrostok March 3, 2018
Woody Gets Thrashed – State Parks Get Justice
SB 270 was introduced early this legislative session at the request of Governor Justice with head salesman Commerce Secretary Woody Thrasher. Sure-footed Woody could hardly bear to listen to suggestions at meetings with us and our partners. So we opened the spigot to a torrent from outraged West Virginians. Result? 270 died. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article WVEC February 24, 2018
WVEC’s Winter 2018 Full Fundraising Letter
’Tis the late winter season, the season to be wary- wary of the West Virginia Legislature, that is. The 2018 regular legislative session began on January 10th. As we write this, it’s the mid-session, 5th week of activity. So this is our annual request for your financial contributions to help support the WV Environmental Council lobby team. More
Issues: EventLegislation
Mountaintop removal mining
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 24, 2018
Coal Bill Update
We’ve seen some bills race before, but SB 626 is moving so fast it’s hard to see! This bill, which relates “generally to coal mining” originated on Monday, Feb. 19 in the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining committee, was sent straight to the floor and was on third reading by Thursdat. The bill deals with surface mining applications. More
Issues: CoalLegislationSocial justice
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 24, 2018
Ding Dong the Bill is Dead (We Hope)
After several weeks of intense public pressure, it appears that the trees at Watoga State Park, and all of West Virginia’s state parks are safe! More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Power plant
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 24, 2018
SB 600- Handouts to Industry; Who’s Looking Out for Ratepayers?
SB 600 offers discounted electric rates to industrial users and manufacturers whose rates, like everyone’s, have continued to skyrocket in the past few years. However, someone is going to have to make up the cost of these discounts and, per usual, it’s not going to be the utility shareholders. It’s going to be you and me. More
Issues: EnergyLegislation
Newsletter article Karen Yarnell February 17, 2018
No Commercial Logging in Any West Virginia State Park
On Monday, February 12, the Senate Natural Resources Committee replaced SB 270, the bill opening all our state parks to commercial logging, with a substitute “pilot program.” The substitute bill restricts timbering to Watoga State Park. More
Issues: LegislationLogging
Newsletter article Crystal Good February 17, 2018
I’m just a bill.
I’m certain some of you remember School House Rock the cartoon music video for “I’m Just A Bill” that came out in 1975 as part of Schoolhouse Rock: America. More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article Keena Mullins February 17, 2018
WVEC’s Priority Bills
WVEC's Bill Tracking list More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article Keena Mullins February 17, 2018
Join us at the Capitol for Eday 2018
The 2018 session is coming to a close and we are swiftly approaching WVEC’s annual Eday at the Capitol. This year we would like to see more faces than ever before, and have many conservation organizations represented. More
Issues: Eday
Newsletter article Frank Young February 17, 2018
Shameless Appeal for Funds
As we are at the midway point of the 2018 regular session of the Legislature, the WV Environmental Council Treasurer reminds readers that we are incurring heavy costs each day the legislature is in session. More
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 17, 2018
House Passes Cotenancy Bill
On Thursday, the West Virginia House of Delegates did what they had been unable to do the over the past few years: they passed the controversial cotenancy bill, aka forced pooling lite. More
Issues: Forced poolingLegislation
Newsletter article Chuck Wyrostok February 17, 2018
In Search Of
This Legislative Session is over the hump…past the midway point…and our WVEC team is in ISO mode (in search of). ISO Capitol Activists – ISO Group Profiles – ISO EDay Exhibitors More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 10, 2018
Environmental Stakeholders Improve Bad Water Bill
SB 290, which allows changes to water quality standards and pollution limits passed out of Senate Judiciary earlier in the week. Though we think this bill is bad and unnecessary, WVEC was part of the stakeholder process that ultimately improved the language in the bill, so we will celebrate where we can. More
Issues: PollutionWater
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