Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article Keena Mullins January 13, 2018
Statement from the President on WVEC Priorities
My name is Keena Mullins and I have been honored to serve the WVEC as Vice-President during the past year. In December 2017, I was elected to the position of Board President. I joined the Ecouncil because I think that through advocacy and creative organizing, we can make a real impact at the legislature. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyLegislationWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 12, 2018
Karan Ireland, WVEC Lobby Coordinator
Hi, E-Council friends! My name is Karan Ireland and I am your new E-Council lobby coordinator. While this is my first year working for the West Virginia Environmental Council, it’s not my first year walking the halls of the Capitol in support of sound environmental policy. I look forward to digging in on legislation related to: water quality standards, forced pooling, energy issues, and “regulatory reform.” More
Issues: CoalEnergyLegislationOil and gasWater
Newsletter article Chuck Wyrostok January 12, 2018
Mountain Lakes Preservation Alliance and WVEC
Mountain Lakes Preservation Alliance is a multi-county, grassroots group of community members in counties affected by the Mountain Valley Pipeline and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Our mission is to educate the public about the dangers of fracking and gas infrastructure buildout. More
Issues: FrackingOil and gasPipelines
Newsletter article Crystal Good January 12, 2018
The Poet in the Lobby
Howdy! I’m Crystal Good one of your 2018 E-council Lobbyist. I’m also an entrepreneur, a Mom, an avid hula hooper and a poet. Some of you my might know me from a poem I wrote Boom Boom - about a stripper and a strip mine. More
Issues: LegislationMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justice
Newsletter article Elizabeth Cruikshank March 11, 2016
WVEC awards dinner
Last night we from all over the state gathered together in fellowship at the Woman’s Club to celebrate our friends’ courageous acts, our friendships and our wins in the legislature! We were treated to a wonderful dinner prepared by Greg and Karen that consisted of vegetarian lasagna, pork loin, salad, vegetables, bread, and dessert. More
Issues: Event
Newsletter article Conni Lewis March 11, 2016
What Roger Sherman Learned
On Thursday I had a short conversation with Roger Sherman, lobbyist for the forestry industry. We have known each other for perhaps 15 years and while it’s an adversarial relationship, it’s not hostile, instead it’s professional. We talked about our agendas and I pointed out that the session hadn’t been as bad as we anticipated this year, given the lengthy wish list of the oil and gas industry and the traditional concerns of the coal industry. More
Issues: Legislation
Coal sunset
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe March 11, 2016
More from the Charleston Gazette-Mail
DEP’s Huffman: Focus on how to deal with climate change, Forty percent flatter and still changing, Senate approves coal bill 30-4 More
Issues: Climate changeCoalMountaintop removalRegulation
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe March 10, 2016
Day 59: where things stand
Remember that S.B. 625 provides that, when public water utilities involve the public in developing their source water protection plans, they are allowed to share information that is already in the public domain. It passed the House on Thursday and is headed to the Governor; you can read more in a Gazette-Mail report here. And more. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksSolid wasteWater
Mountaintop removal mining
Newsletter article Elizabeth Cruikshank March 4, 2016
Severance taxes
This week I decided to take a look at the Coal and Oil and Gas severance tax from two different Coal Field elected officials, Delegate Rupie Phillips D-Logan and Senator Art Kirkendoll D- Logan. The two elected officials are from the same county but have completely different views on cutting severance tax for the coal industry. More
Issues: CoalOil and gas
Newsletter article Bill Price March 4, 2016
Shall we LEEP into the future?
As some may already be aware, the Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (LEEP) has died in the Legislature. After much time in the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee, it finally passed out of there and was ready for the Senate Floor. But instead, at the behest of lobbyists from First Energy and American Electric Power (AEP), the bill was assigned to the “rules committee”. More
Issues: Energy efficiency
Fracking and water contamination
Newsletter article Conni Lewis March 4, 2016
Misuse of terms
This week I am thinking about the use and misuse of terms such as “stakeholder” in legislative proceedings. Often, a legislator will ask “are the stakeholders on board?”. A typical answer is yes, the agency and the affected interest group are on board. More
Issues: FrackingOil and gasSolid waste
Newsletter article WVEC March 3, 2016
“Not so fast,” says the EPA
You may be sick of hearing about the coal industry's efforts to weaken water quality standards for aluminum and selenium, which have been ongoing for a few years now. These changes were codified in last year's "Coal Jobs and Safety Act," and the corresponding rules are in this year's bundle, H.B. 4053. Well, hopefully you won't mind hearing some good news. More
Issues: AluminumRegulationSeleniumWater
Newsletter article WVEC March 3, 2016
Bills still standing
As you can see from our bill tracking list, most of the bills we've been following did not make Wednesday's deadline for "crossing over" from their House of origin; and in the majority of cases, this is a good thing. Below are a few words about some of the ones that are still alive. More
Issues: Climate changeLegislationRegulationWater
Newsletter article Bill Price February 26, 2016
Who are they helping?
I had dinner last night with friends in Lexington and the subject of our respective state legislative bodies came up. Kentucky State Senator Brandon Smith has just introduced a bill in the Kentucky Senate that would end the requirement that mine foremen annually take six hours of training provided by the Kentucky Division of Mine Safety. The […] More
Issues: CoalLegislationSocial justice
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe February 26, 2016
Not one, not two–THREE bits of good news!
On Thursday the Senate EIM committee passed S.B. 370, the LEEP bill (Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships). The second committee reference has been waived, so prospects look good for the bill making it out of the Senate before crossover day (Wednesday, 3/2)! More
Issues: Climate changeEnergy efficiencyLegislationWater
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe February 26, 2016
Good news AND bad news
All the majority's "regulatory reform" measures have been rolled into one "Christmas tree" bill, S.B. 619, which was passed by the Senate Government Organization Committee on Tuesday. More
Issues: Regulation
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe February 24, 2016
Now the bits of not-so-good news
Last week we told you about S.B. 508, which takes away Mountaineers' freedom to file nuisance lawsuits against those who might make their lives miserable via noise, dust, etc., as long as the perpetrator has not broken a law, violated a permit, etc. And drillers' permits have no provisions related to noise, etc. More
Issues: DrillingLegislationOil and gas
Newsletter article Conni Lewis February 19, 2016
Power to the Suit
This week was about the power of the suit. Not the white coats of nurses and other health professionals, not the tee shirts that read “parents as teachers”, not even AARP, but the suit accessorized by wing tips or high heels. More
Issues: FrackingLegislationSocial justiceSolid waste
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