Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 9, 2019
Legislative Updates & How You Can Get Involved!
We are following so many bills, it would be hard to list them all here. However, here is a list that gives you an idea of the issues we are focused on and some actions you can take if you want to join us at the Capitol, or want to make a few calls from home. More
Issues: Clean electionsOil and gasPollutionRenewable energySocial justiceWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 9, 2019
Senate Votes on Water Bill – No Updated Health Protections
The West Virginia Senate voted Thursday to pass the water quality standards rule (SB 163) without updated protections for drinking water. The 20-12 vote advances the rule to the House. Read this article by the Charleston Gazette-Mail to learn more about the bill and its controversial passage through Senate Judiciary. More
Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article Ben Kessler February 9, 2019
What a beautiful day for some civic action! Thursday, was our 30th annual E-Day at the Capital. Amongst citizens who came to advocate for clean air, clean energy, and clean water; there were multiple organizations that showed up in force! Organizations present were not limited to: WV Highlands Conservancy, WV Rivers, Kanawha Forest Coalition, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Citizens Climate Lobby, Energy Efficient WV, Friends of Blackwater, WV Chapter Sierra Club, WV Citizen Action Group, and the E-Council. More
Issues: EdayEvent
Newsletter article Kayla Young February 8, 2019
Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform
SB 115, which would require disclosure of dark money political expenditures to allow the public to know who is paying for political advertisements. Unfortunately, this dark money spending is no longer limited to the election. More
Issues: Clean elections
Coal sunset
Newsletter article WVEC February 1, 2019
New tax credit recycles old tax credits; results still bad for WV
WV SB 52 would "entitle natural resource producers to economic opportunity tax credit.” That sounds innocent and technical enough, but what this bill would actually do is slice the severance tax and corporate taxes on natural gas and coal companies by around 80%. More
Issues: CoalOil and gas
Newsletter article WVEC February 1, 2019
E-Day at the Capitol
Please plan to set up between 8:30AM and 9:30 AM. Tables, chairs, and easels provided in the upper rotunda outside the House and Senate chambers (lower rotunda is closed for repairs). We will also have PA systems and podiums, one for the House wing and one for the Senate. More
Issues: EdayEvent
Newsletter article Ben Kessler February 1, 2019
Pick Up the Phone for PPAs
As I previously wrote to you last week, Senate Bill 409, which legalizes Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for on-site renewable and alternative energy generation will hopefully be on the Senate EIM agenda this upcoming week. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyRenewable energy
Newsletter article Kayla Young February 1, 2019
Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform is a set of common sense policy solutions that can help put our government on a path to solve problems that affect us all. This is not about Democrat vs. Republican; this is about fixing a broken system, and moving toward a government that’s more transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of ALL West Virginians. More
Issues: Clean electionsLegislation
Newsletter article Kayla Young February 1, 2019
Oil and Gas Abandoned Well Plugging Fund
This week we saw some bills related to conventional oil wells, HB 2673 - Creating the Oil and Gas Abandoned Well Plugging Fund. The bill will cut the oil severance tax on applicable wells (producing less than 60,000 cu. Ft. per day) from 5% to 0% but introduce a rate of 2.5%. More
Issues: Abandoned wellsOil and gas
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 25, 2019
Special thanks to our cookie lobbyist!
Since 2014, Lori Magana has been working hard for clean, safe water in unique and creative ways. She is known by her fans as “The Cookie Lobbyist” because of the delicious, waterdrop-shaped sugar cookies that she hands out to legislators, urging them to “Protect Our Water!” More
Issues: LegislationWater
Newsletter article Ben Kessler January 25, 2019
Solar Legislative Update
As some of you are aware, the West Virginia Environmental Council has been collaborating with West Virginians for Energy Freedom to enact legislation that would allow renewable energy to be widely available. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article WVEC January 25, 2019
E-Day at the Capitol
Thursday, February 7, 2019. Please plan to set up between 8:30AM and 9:30 AM. Tables, chairs, and easels provided in the upper rotunda outside the House and Senate chambers (lower rotunda is closed for repairs). We will also have PA systems and podiums, one for the House wing and one for the Senate. More
Issues: EdayEvent
Newsletter article Kayla Young January 25, 2019
Senate EIM Chairman Randy Smith, R-Tucker, says including 60 DEP updates to Water Quality Standards was the “right thing to do.”
The Water Quality Standards Rule (SB167) moves onward to Senate Judiciary! After being pulled from the agenda to allow for a DEP Public Hearing on Water & Human Health, the senate EIM committee reconvened twice on Tuesday to debate and question the rule and its implications. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 18, 2019
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) legislation to see light of day
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are a widely available method to finance distributed energy generation projects such as rooftop solar panels or landfill bio-gas. These agreements are legal in at least 26 states, including Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Georgia, but are NOT available in West Virginia. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article Ben Kessler January 18, 2019
Legislative action needed to prevent future environmental crisis
Oil and gas wells that have not been plugged at the end of their productive lives can become a nuisance to property owners. Unplugged wells can leak oil, gas, and brine onto a property, and can be a conduit for bacteria and septic runoff to enter your groundwater. More
Issues: DEPOil and gas
Newsletter article Kayla Young January 18, 2019
Pro-Democracy Platform
When legislators listen to regular West Virginians, they can work with us to pass bills that make West Virginia a better place to live. The governor can sign those bills into law, and our courts can uphold those laws. More
Issues: Clean elections
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 18, 2019
Manufacturers Serve Nothing Sandwich at DEP Session on Water Quality Standards
We continue to work hard to ensure that the DEP rule on water quality standards is as protective of human health as possible. The DEP meeting was held yesterday, Thursday, January 17, at its headquarters in Kanawha City at 2:00 pm. Dozens of citizens concerned about their health and the safety of their water took time out of their days to attend the meeting More
Issues: DEPPollutionWater
Newsletter article WVEC January 12, 2019
Legislative Kickoff Blast
Please join us for our legislative kick-off blast! We would love to share our legislative priorities with you, have fun with you, and benefit from your kind donation! More
Newsletter article WVEC January 12, 2019
Water Quality Standards Rule
One of our legislative priorities EVERY year is to protect drinking water. This year it is our top priority. One issue we are currently working on ensuring that the DEP’s water quality standards rule, which is undergoing a regular triennial review, includes the latest EPA-recommended guidelines relating to human health criteria. More
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 12, 2019
Hello from the 1st Session of the 84th WV Legislature
It’s great to be back under the dome–except: there is no dome! At least not one we can see from inside the building. There is no standing around the well, eavesdropping on conversations between committee meetings this year, as the rotunda undergoes repairs. More
Issues: DEPLegislationLoggingOil and gasRenewable energyWater
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