Tag: Renewable energy

86 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article Ben Kessler February 1, 2019
Pick Up the Phone for PPAs
As I previously wrote to you last week, Senate Bill 409, which legalizes Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for on-site renewable and alternative energy generation will hopefully be on the Senate EIM agenda this upcoming week. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyRenewable energy
Legislative Updates WVEC February 1, 2019
GREEN, Volume 29 Issue 4
WV SB 52 would "entitle natural resource producers to economic opportunity tax credit.” That sounds innocent and technical enough, but what this bill would actually do is slice the severance tax and corporate taxes on natural gas and coal companies by around 80%. More
Issues: Clean electionsDEPEdayEnergy efficiencyRenewable energy
Newsletter article Ben Kessler January 25, 2019
Solar Legislative Update
As some of you are aware, the West Virginia Environmental Council has been collaborating with West Virginians for Energy Freedom to enact legislation that would allow renewable energy to be widely available. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Legislative Updates WVEC January 25, 2019
GREEN, Volume 29 Issue 3
The Water Quality Standards Rule (SB167) moves onward to Senate Judiciary! After being pulled from the agenda to allow for a DEP Public Hearing on Water & Human Health, the senate EIM committee reconvened twice on Tuesday to debate and question the rule and its implications. More
Issues: EdayEventRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 18, 2019
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) legislation to see light of day
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are a widely available method to finance distributed energy generation projects such as rooftop solar panels or landfill bio-gas. These agreements are legal in at least 26 states, including Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Georgia, but are NOT available in West Virginia. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Legislative Updates WVEC January 18, 2019
GREEN, Volume 29 Issue 2
We continue to work hard to ensure that the DEP rule on water quality standards is as protective of human health as possible. More
Issues: Clean electionsOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 12, 2019
Hello from the 1st Session of the 84th WV Legislature
It’s great to be back under the dome–except: there is no dome! At least not one we can see from inside the building. There is no standing around the well, eavesdropping on conversations between committee meetings this year, as the rotunda undergoes repairs. More
Issues: DEPLegislationLoggingOil and gasRenewable energyWater
Blog WVEC January 7, 2019
2019 West Virginia Environmental Council lobbying priorities
Water protection including updating state water quality standards with EPA recommended human health criteria, Advance renewable energy options including Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), Protect public lands, including prohibiting commercial logging in State Parks to preserve the integrity and intent of State Parks... More
Issues: Clean electionsLegislationOil and gasRenewable energyState parksWater
Coal sunset
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 10, 2018
Originating Bills in EIM
On the same agenda in Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining, we were alarmed to see two originating bills with no other descriptions. These bills have not been assigned numbers or titles at this time. More
Issues: CoalPollutionRenewable energy
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson February 23, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 3
During week two of the West Virginia Legislature, we faced the House Judiciary Committee where HB 2506, a bill that would further endanger our already fragile drinking water supply, was railroaded through. We called and you answered! The fight is far from over. A Public Hearing on HB 2506 is scheduled for 8:30am on Monday, February 27, 2017, which is also E-Day! We need you again to show up and speak out! More
Issues: EdayEnergyEventLegislationNatural gasOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
Action Alerts Ciera Pennington September 28, 2016
WVEC/WVHC 2016 Fall Conference Schedule & Registration
Fall is finally here, which can only mean one thing – our annual Fall Conference is right around the corner! We’re excited to be teaming up with our friends and partners at the WV Highlands Conservancy to co-host the conference this year. More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeEnergyEventFrackingPollutionRenewable energySocial justice
Power plant
Newsletter article Bill Price February 12, 2016
The Supreme Spin!!
I would imagine, unless you’ve been incapacitated by the latest flu bug, that you have heard about the Supreme Court decision of last Tuesday night regarding the Clean Power Plan (CPP). More
Issues: EnergyEnergy efficiencyRenewable energy
BlogGallery Don Alexander October 7, 2015
Solar Open House
On Saturday and Sunday, October 3rd and 4th, a Solar Open House was held at our land trust on a ridge outside Spencer. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyRenewable energy
Extreme Energy Makeover
Legislative Updates WVEC March 19, 2015
GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 9
Forward, We live to fight another day as the 2015 Legislative Session Wraps Up,There’s even more to be concerned about, ASTA Rollback: The Final Chapter, Spring Reflections, For the Environment: What was gained, what was lost this session, More to read More
Issues: Aboveground tanksCategory ACoalMountaintop removalNet meteringPollutionRenewable energyWater
Net metering
Newsletter article John Christensen February 7, 2015
Net Metering Bills take on new meaning this week
We had some good news as well as some bad news this week on the Net Metering protection front. First the good news, HB 2001, the companion bill to SB 1, the first two bills introduced in the 2015 WV Legislative session, passed out of both bodies, clean and untouched except for the addition of the section on Net Metering as found in the AREPS law (that was 99% repealed), and was signed by the governor to be one of the first completed pieces of legislation. We were hoping that would be the end of the story. Not so fast. There are still two Net Metering (as amended) bills out there to watch (SB 1 and HB 2201) and negotiate and repair or kill. More
Issues: Net meteringRenewable energy
Action Alerts Rob Goodwin January 28, 2015
Act Now! Let West Virginia Plan for a Clean Energy Future.
Republican obstructionists at the capitol in Charleston are defending the statues quo and obstructing a cleaner and brighter future for West Virginia. The House Judiciary committee has denied a public hearing request on a bill that will in effect cause the federal government to make a clean power plan for West Virginia. HB 2004 will prohibit the state from creating new programs in energy efficiency that will lower electric bills and save West Virginian's money. More
Issues: EnergyRenewable energy
Legislative Updates WVEC January 25, 2015
GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 2
Dismantling Silos | Can Young Innovation and Entrepreneurship Change the Course of the 2015 Regressive Legislature? | Repeal of the Alternative and Renewable Portfolio Standards Act Passes both Houses | Debate highlights W.Va.’s inaction on energy diversity, efficiency | Here’s a Great Idea–Let’s Shoot Ourselves in Both Feet! | Important Dates ‘n Other Stuff | Bills We Are Tracking More
Issues: DEPEnergyEnergy efficiencyRenewable energyWater
Net metering
Newsletter article Rob Goodwin January 25, 2015
Can Young Innovation and Entrepreneurship Change the Course of the 2015 Regressive Legislature?
There is one thing that repealing the WV Alternative Energy and Renewal Portfolio Standard (SB1), legislation limiting flexibility in the creation of a State Clean Power Plan HB2004 / SB4, and mandating state DHHR, DNR, DEP rules are no more stringent than federal rules (HB2269) have in common. They are priority bills at the top of the 2015 Legislature’s agenda closing doors for opportunities in innovation and entrepreneurship. More
Issues: DEPEnergyEnergy efficiencyRenewable energy
Solar energy
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe January 25, 2015
Repeal of the Alternative and Renewable Portfolio Standards Act Passes both Houses
In last week’s “Update,” we told you that both legislative chambers had produced committee substitutes for S.B. 1 and its companion bill H.B. 2001; these are bills that propose to repeal West Virginia’s Alternative and Renewable Portfolio Standard (AREPS). Both committee substitutes retain the net metering provision of the AREPS. More
Issues: Renewable energy
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