Tag: Pollution
165 posts found, showing 20 per page
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson March 9, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 5
Water safety is one of our top priorities during the 2017 WV Legislative Session. In case you missed it, another water bill, HB 2811 was introduced on Tuesday. HB 2811 would add exemptions to the Aboveground Storage Tank Act, passed after the 2014 chemical spill by Freedom Industries into the Elk River that contaminated water for 300,000 in the Kanawha Valley. Stay tuned for more information on actions as we track this bill. More
Issues: Energy efficiency, Legislation, Oil and gas, Pollution, Water
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 5
Water safety is one of our top priorities during the 2017 WV Legislative Session. In case you missed it, another water bill, HB 2811 was introduced on Tuesday. HB 2811 would add exemptions to the Aboveground Storage Tank Act, passed after the 2014 chemical spill by Freedom Industries into the Elk River that contaminated water for 300,000 in the Kanawha Valley. Stay tuned for more information on actions as we track this bill. More
Issues: Energy efficiency, Legislation, Oil and gas, Pollution, Water
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson February 23, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 3
During week two of the West Virginia Legislature, we faced the House Judiciary Committee where HB 2506, a bill that would further endanger our already fragile drinking water supply, was railroaded through. We called and you answered! The fight is far from over. A Public Hearing on HB 2506 is scheduled for 8:30am on Monday, February 27, 2017, which is also E-Day! We need you again to show up and speak out! More
Issues: Eday, Energy, Event, Legislation, Natural gas, Oil and gas, Pollution, Renewable energy, Water
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 3
During week two of the West Virginia Legislature, we faced the House Judiciary Committee where HB 2506, a bill that would further endanger our already fragile drinking water supply, was railroaded through. We called and you answered! The fight is far from over. A Public Hearing on HB 2506 is scheduled for 8:30am on Monday, February 27, 2017, which is also E-Day! We need you again to show up and speak out! More
Issues: Eday, Energy, Event, Legislation, Natural gas, Oil and gas, Pollution, Renewable energy, Water
Action Alerts Ciera Pennington September 28, 2016
WVEC/WVHC 2016 Fall Conference Schedule & Registration
Fall is finally here, which can only mean one thing – our annual Fall Conference is right around the corner! We’re excited to be teaming up with our friends and partners at the WV Highlands Conservancy to co-host the conference this year. More
Issues: Clean elections, Climate change, Energy, Event, Fracking, Pollution, Renewable energy, Social justice
WVEC/WVHC 2016 Fall Conference Schedule & Registration
Fall is finally here, which can only mean one thing – our annual Fall Conference is right around the corner! We’re excited to be teaming up with our friends and partners at the WV Highlands Conservancy to co-host the conference this year. More
Issues: Clean elections, Climate change, Energy, Event, Fracking, Pollution, Renewable energy, Social justice
Action Alerts WVEC June 9, 2016
Stand up for Fayette County’s frack waste ban!
This Friday, June 10th at 2pm, the Fayette County Commission's historic ban on oil and gas waste disposal is being challenged by EQT Corporation. More
Issues: Fracking, Pollution, Water
Stand up for Fayette County’s frack waste ban!
This Friday, June 10th at 2pm, the Fayette County Commission's historic ban on oil and gas waste disposal is being challenged by EQT Corporation. More
Issues: Fracking, Pollution, Water
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe February 8, 2016
MORE regulatory reform!
Since our last newsletter, the Senate has introduced several bills intended to advance their "regulatory reform" agenda. S.B. 535 is another of those "no more stringent than Federal requirements" bills; this one pertains specifically to water. More
Issues: Legislation, Pollution, Regulation, Water
MORE regulatory reform!
Since our last newsletter, the Senate has introduced several bills intended to advance their "regulatory reform" agenda. S.B. 535 is another of those "no more stringent than Federal requirements" bills; this one pertains specifically to water. More
Issues: Legislation, Pollution, Regulation, Water
Newsletter article Bill Price February 5, 2016
Water, Water, Water…did I say WATER!!
I wish the leaders in our legislature were simply fiddling and passing trivial bills in the middle of the current state of crisis in WV. But what they are actually doing is more than trivial, it’s irresponsible. More
Issues: Aluminum, Pollution, Selenium, Water
Water, Water, Water…did I say WATER!!
I wish the leaders in our legislature were simply fiddling and passing trivial bills in the middle of the current state of crisis in WV. But what they are actually doing is more than trivial, it’s irresponsible. More
Issues: Aluminum, Pollution, Selenium, Water
Legislative Updates WVEC January 16, 2016
GREEN Vol. 26 Issue 1
Natural Gas Companies Challenge “Zones of Critical Concern” for Drinking Water, Elizabeth Cruikshank Joins the WVEC Lobby Team, Bills, Bills, Bills, Follow Us on Twitter!, Worth the Read, Calendar of Events, Bills We Are Tracking More
Issues: Energy efficiency, Fracking, Legislation, Pollution, Water
GREEN Vol. 26 Issue 1
Natural Gas Companies Challenge “Zones of Critical Concern” for Drinking Water, Elizabeth Cruikshank Joins the WVEC Lobby Team, Bills, Bills, Bills, Follow Us on Twitter!, Worth the Read, Calendar of Events, Bills We Are Tracking More
Issues: Energy efficiency, Fracking, Legislation, Pollution, Water
Action Alerts WVEC January 6, 2016
Safe Water Public Forum
On January 9, WV Rivers and local partners are hosting a Safe Water Public Forum at the Culture Center in Charleston in conjunction with the 2 year anniversary of the water crisis. More
Issues: MCHM, Pollution, Water
Safe Water Public Forum
On January 9, WV Rivers and local partners are hosting a Safe Water Public Forum at the Culture Center in Charleston in conjunction with the 2 year anniversary of the water crisis. More
Issues: MCHM, Pollution, Water
Blog Don Alexander September 28, 2015
WVSORO testifies for its members and E-Council for “green completion drilling”
Testimony of David McMahon, J.D., Cofounder of West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization and also appearing for West Virginia Environmental Council before the Environmental Protection Agency Oil and Natural Gas Sector Re: Emission Standards for New and Modified Sources, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0505 More
Issues: Fracking, Pollution
WVSORO testifies for its members and E-Council for “green completion drilling”
Testimony of David McMahon, J.D., Cofounder of West Virginia Surface Owners' Rights Organization and also appearing for West Virginia Environmental Council before the Environmental Protection Agency Oil and Natural Gas Sector Re: Emission Standards for New and Modified Sources, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0505 More
Issues: Fracking, Pollution
Action Alerts Bill Price September 16, 2015
Come to the stream protection hearing September 17
Over the past two weeks, OSM has held hearings in Lexington, Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Denver on the draft stream protection rule that will help protect our most valuable natural resource: water. More
Issues: Pollution, Water
Come to the stream protection hearing September 17
Over the past two weeks, OSM has held hearings in Lexington, Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Denver on the draft stream protection rule that will help protect our most valuable natural resource: water. More
Issues: Pollution, Water
Legislative Updates WVEC March 19, 2015
GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 9
Forward, We live to fight another day as the 2015 Legislative Session Wraps Up,There’s even more to be concerned about, ASTA Rollback: The Final Chapter, Spring Reflections, For the Environment: What was gained, what was lost this session, More to read More
Issues: Aboveground tanks, Category A, Coal, Mountaintop removal, Net metering, Pollution, Renewable energy, Water
GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 9
Forward, We live to fight another day as the 2015 Legislative Session Wraps Up,There’s even more to be concerned about, ASTA Rollback: The Final Chapter, Spring Reflections, For the Environment: What was gained, what was lost this session, More to read More
Issues: Aboveground tanks, Category A, Coal, Mountaintop removal, Net metering, Pollution, Renewable energy, Water
Action Alerts Vickie Wolfe March 10, 2015
URGENT: Last Chance to Improve Tank Bill!
Once again, we really need your help! By a vote of 13-12 late last night, the House Judiciary Committee narrowly rejected amendments that would have improved water protections in S.B. 423, "Amending the Aboveground Storage Tank Act." A last push for amendments on the House floor could make the difference! Please act now! More
Issues: Aboveground tanks, MCHM, Pollution, Regulation, Water
URGENT: Last Chance to Improve Tank Bill!
Once again, we really need your help! By a vote of 13-12 late last night, the House Judiciary Committee narrowly rejected amendments that would have improved water protections in S.B. 423, "Amending the Aboveground Storage Tank Act." A last push for amendments on the House floor could make the difference! Please act now! More
Issues: Aboveground tanks, MCHM, Pollution, Regulation, Water
Newsletter article Bill Price March 7, 2015
Reaction and Action
I went to the labor rally earlier today. Speech after speech was about the need for action. Call your legislators, register to vote, vote, get your friends registered, drive your friends to the polls, get on the street, march, and rally; do anything, but do something. What inspiring words! I was so moved when they asked that people boycott Speedway Stores because workers are on strike at the Marathon facility near Ashland, that I went on to Facebook and sent that out. More
Issues: Coal, Pollution, Water
Reaction and Action
I went to the labor rally earlier today. Speech after speech was about the need for action. Call your legislators, register to vote, vote, get your friends registered, drive your friends to the polls, get on the street, march, and rally; do anything, but do something. What inspiring words! I was so moved when they asked that people boycott Speedway Stores because workers are on strike at the Marathon facility near Ashland, that I went on to Facebook and sent that out. More
Issues: Coal, Pollution, Water
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe March 7, 2015
In the media this week
Charleston Gazette, Monday: Bill would roll back chemical tank oversight, WV Public Broadcasting, Tuesday: Company Proposes Building Two Gas-Fired Power Plants in W.Va., Duke University, Wednesday: New Models Yield Clearer Picture of Emissions' True Costs, Charleston Gazette, Wednesday: ‘Cookie Lobbyist’ tries sweet-tooth approach to sway W.Va. legislators More
Issues: Aboveground tanks, Natural gas, Pollution, Water
In the media this week
Charleston Gazette, Monday: Bill would roll back chemical tank oversight, WV Public Broadcasting, Tuesday: Company Proposes Building Two Gas-Fired Power Plants in W.Va., Duke University, Wednesday: New Models Yield Clearer Picture of Emissions' True Costs, Charleston Gazette, Wednesday: ‘Cookie Lobbyist’ tries sweet-tooth approach to sway W.Va. legislators More
Issues: Aboveground tanks, Natural gas, Pollution, Water
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe February 28, 2015
Roundup of the Week’s Activities
On Wednesday, "Category A" protection for the portion of the Kanawha River that flows through Charleston passed the House 85-13 and is headed to the Senate. Previously, this was S.B. 167, but it's now been bundled with other DEP rules in H.B. 2283. More... More
Issues: Aluminum, Category A, Energy efficiency, Pollution, Recycling, Water
Roundup of the Week’s Activities
On Wednesday, "Category A" protection for the portion of the Kanawha River that flows through Charleston passed the House 85-13 and is headed to the Senate. Previously, this was S.B. 167, but it's now been bundled with other DEP rules in H.B. 2283. More... More
Issues: Aluminum, Category A, Energy efficiency, Pollution, Recycling, Water
Legislative Updates WVEC February 21, 2015
GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 6
Keep it Up!, Angie Rosser: Another water safety lesson learned?, Hoping for a Flying LEEP!, Bi-Partisan Leadership from Kanawha County Delegation Moves Category A Protections Smoothly to House Floor, “Accidental Activists” , In the press recently, Bill We Are Tracking More
Issues: Eday, Energy efficiency, Net metering, Pollution, Water
GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 6
Keep it Up!, Angie Rosser: Another water safety lesson learned?, Hoping for a Flying LEEP!, Bi-Partisan Leadership from Kanawha County Delegation Moves Category A Protections Smoothly to House Floor, “Accidental Activists” , In the press recently, Bill We Are Tracking More
Issues: Eday, Energy efficiency, Net metering, Pollution, Water
Newsletter article Conni Lewis February 21, 2015
But wait! there’s more
While your intrepid lobby team and allied groups have been focused on water issues, there are other environmental concerns as well. Let me mention a few that are not receiving much attention. Sen. Carmichael is the lead sponsor of SB 482, a potentially dangerous bill regarding permits for stationary sources of air pollution, which would be a gift to the oil and gas industries. Among its worst provisions is the requirement to approve an air pollution permit within 45 days of receiving a completed permit application. DEP opposes it and so do we. More
Issues: Pollution, Recycling, Water
But wait! there’s more
While your intrepid lobby team and allied groups have been focused on water issues, there are other environmental concerns as well. Let me mention a few that are not receiving much attention. Sen. Carmichael is the lead sponsor of SB 482, a potentially dangerous bill regarding permits for stationary sources of air pollution, which would be a gift to the oil and gas industries. Among its worst provisions is the requirement to approve an air pollution permit within 45 days of receiving a completed permit application. DEP opposes it and so do we. More
Issues: Pollution, Recycling, Water
Action Alerts Vickie Wolfe February 21, 2015
Action Alert: Threats to both air AND water!
The "Coal Jobs and Safety Act" (H.B. 2566/S.B. 357) is the first item on the agenda of the House Judiciary Committee when they meet at 9:00 a.m. on Monday. This bill would relieve coal companies from meeting water quality standards in their pollution permits and also weaken aluminum criteria for streams. Mine workers oppose it too, because it weakens mine safety. Please contact committee members and tell them to reject this bill! Go ahead and call this weekend, leave a message. More
Issues: Pollution, Water
Action Alert: Threats to both air AND water!
The "Coal Jobs and Safety Act" (H.B. 2566/S.B. 357) is the first item on the agenda of the House Judiciary Committee when they meet at 9:00 a.m. on Monday. This bill would relieve coal companies from meeting water quality standards in their pollution permits and also weaken aluminum criteria for streams. Mine workers oppose it too, because it weakens mine safety. Please contact committee members and tell them to reject this bill! Go ahead and call this weekend, leave a message. More
Issues: Pollution, Water
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe February 14, 2015
Roundup of the week’s activities
There was no movement this week on H.B. 2574/S.B 423, "Gutting the Aboveground Storage Tank Act." But we're expecting S.B. 423 to appear on the agenda of the Senate Judiciary Committee early in the week. Please tell them NOT to gut the water protections we achieved last year in S.B. 373! Tell them to reject this bill! More
Issues: Aboveground tanks, Aluminum, Legislation, Pollution, Regulation, Water
Roundup of the week’s activities
There was no movement this week on H.B. 2574/S.B 423, "Gutting the Aboveground Storage Tank Act." But we're expecting S.B. 423 to appear on the agenda of the Senate Judiciary Committee early in the week. Please tell them NOT to gut the water protections we achieved last year in S.B. 373! Tell them to reject this bill! More
Issues: Aboveground tanks, Aluminum, Legislation, Pollution, Regulation, Water
Newsletter article Bill Price February 7, 2015
How Does the WV Legislature ♥ Dirtier Water? Let Us Count the Ways…
This was certainly the week of water in the WV Legislature. I wish I could say that it was a good thing. But unfortunately, members of the Legislature seem determined to move us backward by leaps and bounds when it comes to ensuring that people in WV have safe, clean water to drink, to make baby formula with, to take medicine with or to brush our teeth with. They seem determined to put the interests of the polluters over the health and well- being of our people. They talk about the costs of strong laws to industry, but ignore the cost of last year’s chemical spill to businesses, particularly small businesses, and the years of disregard for water quality standards in our rural areas where people are dependent on private wells for drinking water. More
Issues: Aluminum, Pollution, Selenium, Water
How Does the WV Legislature ♥ Dirtier Water? Let Us Count the Ways…
This was certainly the week of water in the WV Legislature. I wish I could say that it was a good thing. But unfortunately, members of the Legislature seem determined to move us backward by leaps and bounds when it comes to ensuring that people in WV have safe, clean water to drink, to make baby formula with, to take medicine with or to brush our teeth with. They seem determined to put the interests of the polluters over the health and well- being of our people. They talk about the costs of strong laws to industry, but ignore the cost of last year’s chemical spill to businesses, particularly small businesses, and the years of disregard for water quality standards in our rural areas where people are dependent on private wells for drinking water. More
Issues: Aluminum, Pollution, Selenium, Water