Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article WVEC December 17, 2021
Remembering Frank Young
The environmental community in West Virginia lost a great advocate, friend, and fighter two weeks ago on December 2, 2021. Frank Young was a founding member of the West Virginia Environmental Council, which was created to advocate for strong environmental policies at the Legislature. His journey as an environmental advocate began at a young age when he saw what the coal companies were doing to the area where he grew up. He was committed to protecting and preserving the environment and fought hard to help progressive legislation pass at the Legislature.  More
Newsletter article Hannah King December 17, 2021
Recap of Interims & Expectations for the Legislative Session
After following interim sessions throughout the year, we got a preview of the environmental bills we are likely to see during the legislative session. We will be closely watching the idea of extracting rare earth minerals/elements from treating acid mine drainage, which is beneficial for our rivers and streams and will be profitable for those who take on the task of cleaning up the AMD. While there are many things that we will potentially support, we are gearing up for harmful bills that may threaten the safety of our water, air, public lands and more.  More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article  December 17, 2021
Solutions for West Virginia Outside of Infrastructure Deals
Thanks to President Biden, West Virginia will receive billions of dollars in infrastructure funds.  However, if the state’s track record holds true, much of the money will be squandered on projects of little lasting benefit to those in most need of help.  More
Issues: CoalDEPOil and gasWater
Newsletter article Jim Kotcon December 17, 2021
Gearing Up for the WV 2022 Legislative Session
Legislative issues will soon be dominating headlines. Some key issues will carry over from previous years, including efforts to help transition coal communities affected by the decline in the coal industry. The WV Legislature has been conducting listening sessions in coal communities to seek suggestions on how to help those communities thrive as they transition to a new economy. More
Issues: LegislationOil and gasWater
Newsletter article Hannah King December 17, 2021
Join the 2022 WVEC Lobby Team!
The West Virginia Environmental Council (WVEC) is hiring its 2022 lobby team to provide contracted services between January 12, 2022 – March 12, 2022. Team roles will include a communications coordinator and up to two lobbyists. All positions are temporary, however, the WVEC is seeking a year-round, part-time communications and outreach coordinator and any of these positions could transition into that role for the right candidate. More
Issues: Opportunity
Newsletter article WVEC October 15, 2021
Climate Rally: October 30
Please save the date for an in-person Climate Rally in Charleston on Saturday, October 30. The rally will be held early afternoon and we will get the exact time to you as soon as possible. Costumes welcome but not required! Join us to urge Senators Manchin and Capito to include crucial climate action legislation in the infrastructure bill currently being debated in the U.S. Senate! More
Issues: Climate changeEvent
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition October 15, 2021
Two Virtual Public Hearings on Mountain Valley Pipeline: November 1 & November 4
The Army Corps of Engineers will be holding virtual public hearings on the Mountain Valley Pipeline for residents in West Virginia and Virginia. These hearings are on the pipeline’s request to cross streams and wetlands. More
Issues: Pipelines
Newsletter article WVEC October 15, 2021
Ethylene Oxide: What’s Happened and What’s Next
If you aren't familiar with this issue, according to an air toxins report released by the EPA (NATA), 6 of the 90 census tracts for the highest cancer risks were in the Kanawha Valley. Two plants, located in South Charleston and in Institute, are the big emitters that have contributed to ranking Kanawha County 10th for highest cancer risks in the United States.  More
Issues: HealthPollution
Newsletter article West Virginia Highlands Conservancy October 15, 2021
WV Highlands Conservancy Fall Review
The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy is hosting their Fall Review on October 30 from 1-8 p.m. via Zoom. This fun event is full of great presenters and wonderful environmental topics across the board, with Keynote Speaker and author Katie Fallon presenting at 7 p.m. More
Issues: Climate changeEvent
Newsletter article Hannah King October 15, 2021
Coal Community Workgroup Listening Sessions Starting Very Soon!
The West Virginia House of Delegates has created a Coal Community Workgroup to focus on the revitalization and needs of West Virginia’s coal communities. The workgroup will be conducting listening sessions starting next week in 4 counties, including Marshall, Monongalia, Logan, and Raleigh Counties. More
Issues: CoalEvent
Newsletter article WVEC October 15, 2021
Recap of Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting happened last Thursday evening and was filled with lots of great conversation, an update on our legislative priorities, and a great discussion of important topics from our wonderful panelists. More
Issues: Event
Newsletter article WV Citizen Action Group August 20, 2021
WV CAG 2021 Awards Picnic – August 26
Join WV Citizen Action Group for their 2021 Awards Picnic. Please order your tickets here (donate what you can, although the suggested amount would be greatly appreciated). The event starts at 5PM with live music, drinks and mingling, and food being served at 5:45 PM and awards ceremony starting at 6:30PM! Please follow masking and social distancing guidelines. More
Issues: Event
Newsletter article West Virginia Highlands Conservancy August 20, 2021
About the Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards Program
The Dolly Sods Wilderness and adjacent public lands have seen rapid and steady increases in visitation over the last several years, and this has been accelerated during the pandemic. More visitation inevitably leads to more impact, both to the natural lands and processes, and to the experience of wilderness. More
Issues: State parks
Newsletter article WVEC August 20, 2021
Climate, Jobs & Justice: A Public Forum on West Virginia’s Future
WV Climate Alliance is hosting ‘Climate, Jobs & Justice: A Public Forum on West Virginia’s Future’ on August 24 at 7-8:30 p.m. This is an opportunity to learn what Congress is considering for climate solutions, how climate policy can benefit West Virginia and the devastating impacts of the climate crisis.  More
Issues: Climate changeEventJust transition
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition August 20, 2021
WV Rivers Hiring Two Full-Time Positions
Our partner, West Virginia Rivers Coalition, is hiring two full-time campaign coordination positions: A Public Lands Campaign Coordinator and Climate Campaign Coordinator.  Both coordinator positions have a combination of coordination, outreach and administrative responsibilities. More
Issues: Opportunity
Newsletter article WVEC August 20, 2021
WVDEP’s Environmental Advocate’s Office Town Hall
Another important event we’re hosting is coming up on September 16. Please register now for our second town hall with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Environmental Advocate’s Office. This meeting is an opportunity for the public to ask questions directly to DEP representatives or relay any issues or concerns happening in the state. We ask that you register in advance, and come prepared with any question you may want to ask. If there are any questions the DEP cannot answer during the meeting, one of us will follow up with you after the meeting. More
Issues: Event
Newsletter article WVEC August 20, 2021
WVEC Annual Meeting October 7 via Zoom
We have changed the date and format of our annual meeting, which is now happening on October 7th from 6-8pm. Due to the rise in COVID cases in all counties, we find it safest to hold a virtual event instead of our originally planned in-person hybrid event.  More
Issues: EventLegislation
Newsletter article WV Citizen Action Group June 11, 2021
We Need Your Voice and Your Support – Demand Democracy: Help Pass the For the People Act
To advance bold change in our democracy, we need bold solutions. The For the People Act (HR1/S1) is a once-in-a-generation democracy reform package to clean up our political system, expand and protect voting rights, end gerrymandering, and counter the power of big money in politics. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act (HR4) would restore and update the full protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 — the most effective civil rights legislation in the history of the United States. More
Issues: Clean electionsDemocracyLegislation
Newsletter article WV Center on Climate Change June 11, 2021
Summer 2021 Fair Transition Webinar Series: “Putting Together the Pieces of a Fair Energy Transition – Leaving No One Behind.”
In West Virginia and around the world, global warming and the climate crisis are driving a rapid transition to low-carbon-emission energy sources.  How can we secure a fair energy transition that provides effective climate solutions? More
Issues: Climate change
Newsletter article OVEC June 11, 2021
Chemical Plants and Protecting Your Community: Speak Up to EPA
The EPA wants to hear from you as it revises the Clean Air Act’s Risk Management Program (RMP) rule. This rule is supposed to help community members and first responders understand and be better prepared to reduce risks from nearby chemical plants. More
Issues: HealthPollution
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