Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article West Virginia Highlands Conservancy June 11, 2021
Off-Highway Vehicles: A Threat to Our Public Lands
Efforts have been persistent in promoting off-highway vehicle recreation on our public lands, Federal and state, in West Virginia in the state legislature for the last two years (see story on p. 10). For obvious reasons, the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy strongly opposes allowing this activity on our public lands. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors June 11, 2021
Solar United Neighbors Hiring a West Virginia Program Associate
Solar United Neighbors is seeking a West Virginia Program Associate to lead SUN’s grassroots work and directly carry out SUN’s goals for its West Virginia program. Job duties, as well as additional responsibilities that may arise over the course of the year and in coordination with the Regional Director, can be found here. More
Issues: Opportunity
Newsletter article WVEC April 16, 2021
Recap of the 2021 Legislative Session
The 2021 Legislative Session has come to a close, and we worked hard throughout the last 60 days to stop the bad bills and help get the good ones through. We had some great wins, and some not-so-great losses.  More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalLegislationOil and gasRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article WVEC April 16, 2021
Budget Bill $$ for Environmental Programs
Going into this year’s session there were a lot of concerns regarding budget cuts to various agencies and programs for Fiscal Year 2022. While we all seem to focus our attention on legislative issues, the budget process plays a significant role in our ability to achieve our priorities. More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article WVEC April 2, 2021
Facts Behind HB 2598 and Number of Exempt Tanks by Affected County
Please call your Senate Judiciary Committee members on Monday and encourage them to vote NO on HB 2598. Read below for talking points and a list of oil and gas tanks by West Virginia county that would be exempted. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksPollutionWater
Newsletter article WVEC April 2, 2021
Second to Last Week at the WV Legislature
Next Saturday, April 10, is the last day of the WV Legislative Session. We are still watching quite a few bills and there are still important actions to take! Click on article to read more. More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article  April 2, 2021
ALERT! Tell Legislators Not to Cut the Budget for WV DEP Oil and Gas Well Inspectors
The staffing level of the DEP Office of Oil and Gas was cut from 40 to 25 positions last year due to a budget deficit. There is now only 1 oil and gas inspector for every 7000 oil or gas wells and their associated tanks in West Virginia.  On top of that, the House of Delegates passed, and the Senate is considering, H.B. 2598 that will drop inspection of 800 oil and gas well tanks by the Division of Water and Waste Management. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksWater
Newsletter article  April 2, 2021
Reimagine Appalachia Workshop – April 7
This engaging webinar will give grassroots community advocates the tools they need to influence their local elected officials and make bold investments in Appalachia possible. More
Issues: Event
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections April 2, 2021
Voting Access Under Attack
A bill (SB 565) that would limit access to early voting, gut automatic voter registration, and make it easier to remove voters from the registration rolls is picking up steam in the WV Legislature. The bill has already passed the Senate and is now before the House Judiciary Committee. More
Issues: Clean electionsLegislation
Newsletter article OVEC April 2, 2021
Power Analysis and Power Mapping Training: April 8
The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC) is hosting a Power Analysis and Power Mapping Training on at 6:30 p.m. on April 8. Register here for the event. More
Issues: Event
Newsletter article WVEC April 2, 2021
Member Spotlight: Sierra Club West Virginia
Their statement of purpose is:  To explore, enjoy and protect the wild places of the Earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of the Earth’s ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives. More
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors April 2, 2021
Solar United Neighbors Seeing an Engagement Specialist
Solar United Neighbors (SUN) is hiring an Engagement Specialist to provide integral support for four of its state programs by coordinating local engagement activities in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. View the job posting here. More
Issues: Opportunity
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors April 2, 2021
Solar United Neighbors Hiring a Campaigns Director
Solar United Neighbors is seeking a Campaigns Director to carry out and support federal- and state-level grassroots organizing campaigns to advance distributed solar power and energy equity and democracy. View the job posting here More
Issues: Opportunity
Newsletter article WVEC March 26, 2021
Busy Week at the WV Legislature: Here’s the Latest
We have compiled a list of bills we are following with updates and recommendations on actions you can take to help us out! More
Issues: Aboveground tanksCoalDEPEnergy efficiencyPower purchase agreementsWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors March 26, 2021
Learn How to Hold Electric Utilities Accountable
There’s still time to register for our upcoming webinar about West Virginia’s monopoly utilities. Join us to learn how solar supporters across the state are joining together and standing up for our rights. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article  March 26, 2021
Guest Column: Saving West Virginia’s Environment Through a Paint-Recycling Program
The Business & Marketing students at Princeton Sr. High School (Mercer County, West Virginia) are currently working on a Business Plan that involves the safe collection of water-based latex paint and containers that could ultimately be recycled for reuse.  More
Issues: Recycling
Newsletter article WVEC March 26, 2021
Member Spotlight: Conservation West Virginia
Conservation West Virginia is one of our newest member groups! The mission statement of Conservation West Virginia is: "Our families, our communities and our economy are all stronger when we take care of our natural heritage. More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article WVEC March 20, 2021
Legislative Update 
The environmental bills we are watching had little activity this week. The Water Quality Standards Rule, HB 2382, was quickly thrown onto the Senate Judiciary Committee agenda for Tuesday earlier this week, but was pulled off the agenda due to time constraints. This bill is now on the Judiciary Committee agenda for Monday, March 22 at 3 pm. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksPollutionWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors March 20, 2021
Ask House leadership to support HB 3162 and legalize on-site PPAs in WV
On March 15, the WV House of Delegates passed — without objection — House Resolution 14 recognizing clean energy’s importance to West Virginia’s future. Legalizing on-site Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), a popular energy financing tool, would be a great first step to meet the goals outlined in House Resolution 14. West Virginia's legislative session hit the half-way mark this past week. More
Issues: Power purchase agreementsRenewable energy
Newsletter article  March 19, 2021
Member Group Spotlight: Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition
The Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition is a non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization whose mission is to preserve and protect the quality of life for all residents of the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia through community education on environmental and political issues; scientific policy research and advocacy; grassroots organizing and coalition building; leadership development; direct citizen action; and media outreach.  More
Issues: LegislationSocial justice
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