Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition December 10, 2020
Two Virtual December 15 Events from WV Rivers Coalition
“Elections and the Environment” Webinar at 12:00-1:30, West Virginia Rivers Coalition Virtual Holiday Shindig at 7:30pm More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article West Virginia Highlands Conservancy December 10, 2020
Construction Stopped on Mountain Valley Pipeline (at least temporarily)
The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has granted a stay of the actions of the United States Army Corps of Engineers in its approvals of stream and wetland crossings by the Mountain Valley Pipeline.  This means that construction on stream crossings has to stop until the appeal is decided. More
Issues: PipelinesWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors December 10, 2020
Shining a Light on Solar
As a new year approaches, it is important to know that 2021 may be the last year for homeowners to take advantage of the federal Energy Investment Tax Credit (EITC) for solar installations. The tax credit is stepping down -- from 30% in 2019, to 26% in 2020, to 22% in 2021. Unless Congress takes action to extend the EITC, it will expire altogether for residential solar installations in 2022. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article Friends of Blackwater December 10, 2020
What Now?’ — Climate Solutions in 2021, and Securing a Just Transition for West Virginia
Are you trying to learn more about and better understand the climate change options and opportunities that 2021 will present? So are we. More
Issues: Climate change
Newsletter article WVEC October 30, 2020
Join Us Virtually at Our Annual Meeting to Talk About the Future of West Virginia’s Environment
This edition of our newsletter is focused on our annual meeting coming up on Thursday, November 12 from 6:00 -8:00 pm. This will be our first annual meeting that will be held virtually, but we are expecting an engaged audience and a lot of good discussion, like we have had in the past during our in-person meetings. More
Issues: Event
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition October 30, 2020
Register for the Virtual Watershed Symposium, November 5-6
If you are a member of a watershed organization, or are interested in protecting your local watershed, then you won’t want to miss the Virtual Watershed Symposium. More
Issues: Water
Newsletter article  October 5, 2020
Thursday, October 22 “Climate Generations” Webinar — Register Now!
YOU ARE INVITED to attend a free, live, expert-led webinar -- on Thursday, October 22, from 6-8 PM USET – titled "What Do We Tell The Kids -- and What Are They Telling Us? -- Generational Perspectives and the Climate Crisis." More
Issues: Climate change
Newsletter article  October 5, 2020
WVEC Member Group Profile: Mountain Lakes Preservation Alliance (MLPA)
Mountain Lakes Preservation Alliance was started in 2013 to bring the facts to the public, and local governmental bodies. We described the permanent environmental damage that is occurring due to the construction of these unnecessary pipelines being built on the backs of electric utility ratepayers when the majority of the gas will be exported for corporate profit. More
Issues: EnergyOil and gasPipelines
Newsletter article WVEC October 5, 2020
New Member of Our WVEC Team
Hi everyone! My name is Hannah King and I was recently hired as the Outreach Coordinator and Interim Lobbyist for the West Virginia Environmental Council. More
Newsletter article WVEC October 5, 2020
A new book on the 2014 West Virginia drinking water crisis
“I’m Afraid of That Water: A Collaborative Ethnography of a West Virginia Water Crisis” was published this spring by West Virginia University Press.  It’s a collection of oral histories collected in interviews following the 2014 Elk River chemical spill which became a nationally recognized disaster when it polluted the largest public drinking water system in West Virginia. More
Issues: MCHMPollutionWater
Newsletter article  October 5, 2020
DEP Stormwater General Permits – Back Door Back Sliding
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) administers the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program in West Virginia for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In doing so, the DEP writes Stormwater General Permits that provide standards for construction and operation activities across the state that could poison or pollute water resources. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors October 5, 2020
Southeast West Virginia Solar Co-op Launches
Nonprofit group Solar United Neighbors (SUN) is excited to announce the launch of the new Southeast West Virginia Solar Co-op to help area residents go solar. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article WVEC October 5, 2020
A Citizen’s Guide to Climate Change
This week, the newly formed West Virginia Climate Alliance released A Citizen’s Guide to Climate Change. This colorful publication outlines the science of why our planet is warming, the impacts of climate change, and potential solutions for addressing the climate crisis.  More
Issues: Climate change
Newsletter article OVEC October 5, 2020
Affected by Pipeline Development?
OVEC is collaborating with Drs Caretta and Carlson at WVU on the research project titled “Supporting community capacity-building against extractive interests through place-based visual and narrative inquiry.” More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removalOil and gas
Newsletter article OVEC September 2, 2020
Petrochemical Industry Pulls New Recycling Stunt
The petrochemical industry has a new marketing stunt in the works. A process, dubbed chemical plastic recycling, is a new technological innovation in waste management, but it isn’t exactly what most people thought was happening when they put that plastic out on the corner or in that little blue bin. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections September 2, 2020
Planning to Vote by Mail? Here’s What You Need to Know
As you probably know, all West Virginia voters have the option of voting absentee due to concerns about COVID-19. This is the safest option because you can vote from home. However, despite our efforts to make the process consistent with the primary, for the general election registered voters in most counties won’t be mailed an absentee ballot application. More
Issues: Clean elections
Newsletter article WVEC September 2, 2020
Great American Outdoors Act with Land and Water Conservation Fund will benefit West Virginia
The Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA), S. 3422, was signed into law by the president on August 4, 2020.  It contains components from two previously introduced bills, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Restore Our Parks Act.  On June 17, 2020 the GAOA overwhelmingly passed the Senate by a vote of 73-25.  More
Issues: LegislationWater
Newsletter article Friends of Blackwater September 2, 2020
Virtual Public Hearing on Keystone Mining Discharge Permit – September 16
The WV DEP Division of Mining and Reclamation will hold an online Public Hearing for the Keystone mining discharge permit from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 as result of the comments and petition signatures submitted by Friends of Blackwater and you!The WV DEP Division of Mining and Reclamation will hold an online Public Hearing for the Keystone mining discharge permit from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 as result of the comments and petition signatures submitted by Friends of Blackwater and you! More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article WVEC September 2, 2020
It’s Not Too Early to Request Your Absentee Ballot!
Voters will begin receiving their mail-in ballots on September 19. If you are considering using a mail-in ballot, we highly recommend requesting your mail-in ballot as soon as possible, and as soon as you complete it, to mail it in, or deliver it by hand to your county clerk. The last day to request an absentee ballot is October 28. More
Issues: Clean elections
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors September 2, 2020
SUNtober Right Around the Corner
Solar can be a complex topic. But not during SUNtober! Solar United Neighbors is shedding light on how to go solar and how to advocate for more solar in your local community and across the nation! More
Issues: Renewable energy
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