Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article OVEC July 30, 2020
Drinking Water Dilemma: Barging Oil and Gas Waste on the Ohio River
Three barge docks are proposed to be built along the river to transport oil and gas waste from horizontal and vertical fracking operations. The projects, if approved, could result in the first barges carrying briny fracking wastes on the Ohio River. More
Issues: FrackingHealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article  July 30, 2020
Pickin’ on Rockwool
Sunday, August 9, 2020, 4-8 PM More
Issues: HealthPollution
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition July 30, 2020
Victory for West Virginia’s Public Lands and Waters
On July 22, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted in favor of the Great American Outdoors Act on a 310-to-107 margin. Not only will our public lands and waters get the funding they deserve, the Great American Outdoors Act demonstrates the power of our wild places in bringing our nation together. More
Issues: State parks
Newsletter article  July 30, 2020
Is the EPA turning a blind eye to WVDEP? 
Watershed protection organizations from three states plead with the EPA to make West Virginia follow the Clean Water Act. This article is a news release sent out on July 21, 2020, an effort led by the Jefferson County Foundation. It was picked up by Bloomberg News on July 22.  More
Issues: DEPPollutionWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors July 30, 2020
Host a Virtual Solar Open House
During the annual National Solar Tour, Solar United Neighbors, the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), and Generation 180 partner with thousands of solar homeowners, businesses, and organizations around the country to help spread the word about solar energy. In light of the current health crisis, the 2020 National Solar Tour will be entirely virtual. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections July 10, 2020
Moving to Action on Our Democracy Agenda and More
In July, WV Citizens for Clean Elections held our first virtual meeting on Zoom to debrief the primary election and re-engage folks around the work and projects we have planned for the remainder of 2020. It was great to see familiar faces and to have so many new folks join us for the discussion. If you couldn't be with us, here are a few highlights and ways you can get involved in our pro-democracy and fair courts work, as well as important work of partners and allies More
Issues: Clean elections
Newsletter article OVEC July 10, 2020
Petrochemical Expansion is Failing Economics
The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC) is organizing around an urgent issue in Appalachia: the proposed Appalachian Storage Hub (ASH), a regional petrochemical processing, storage and trading industrial mega-complex that would produce the source material for single-use plastics. More
Newsletter article  July 10, 2020
New Sierra Club Rep Works on  Energy & Environmental Justice
Karan Ireland is the new Sierra Club Senior Campaign Representative for Central Appalachia. In this capacity, she will be working on the Beyond Coal and Beyond Dirty Fuels campaigns, as well as working to further a plan for economic diversification and a just transition to a sustainable future.  More
Issues: EnergySocial justice
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors July 10, 2020
Upcoming Events from Solar United Neighbors
July Volunteer Action and Training, July Reading for Solar Articles Club, National Solar Tour Committee Meeting  More
Newsletter article  July 10, 2020
Webinar Announcement – “Who Speaks for the Trees?”
The world's oldest and most diverse forests -- in the USA, and around the world -- are being cut down faster every year. We are losing our planet's most valuable natural protection against runaway global warming -- and at an alarming rate! We must protect and preserve the forest ecosystems that keep our planet and atmosphere in balance. More
Issues: Climate change
Newsletter article  July 10, 2020
Thinking about the Economics of Petrochemicals
One of the clichés of our public policy has long been that we have to “balance” the environmental and social costs of coal, oil, and gas extraction with the benefits to our economy.  For pretty much forever, our public policy has assumed that coal is so important to our economy that we should put up with a great deal of environmental and social cost in order to assure that the industry prospers. More
Issues: Oil and gasRenewable energy
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition July 10, 2020
Climate, Water, and Justice with Marshall University’s Dr. Logan
No one can escape the effects of climate change, but some communities are more vulnerable to the risks of the climate crisis. This is especially true for minority communities in West Virginia. More
Issues: Climate changeSocial justiceWater
Newsletter article OVEC July 10, 2020
OVEC is Hiring
Over the years, we've asked for your help with many different calls to action. But, today, we have a unique request: to join our growing organization. We are currently hiring two full-time positions at OVEC. Interested in becoming part of our team? Keep reading to learn more about the positions and find out how to apply. More
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition June 1, 2020
Climate Lunch and Learn Series
West Virginians are seeing the effects of the changing climate and researchers across the state are studying what it means for West Virginia. WV Rivers is highlighting these scientists and their research through our virtual Climate and Water Lunch & Learn Series. During the live webinars, you’ll learn first-hand from the researchers on the front line of the climate crisis. More
Issues: Climate changeWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors June 1, 2020
Federal Threat to Net Metering & States’ Rights
A secretive group of special interests are trying to strip away solar rights. If they succeed, families and businesses won't be fairly credited for the valuable solar energy they produce.   More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article Friends of the Cheat June 1, 2020
Cheat Fest From Home – The First Virtual Cheat River Festival was a Surprising Success!
The Cheat River Festival, Friends of the Cheat’s annual kick-off to summer, was started by paddlers and river stewards to raise money to restore the Cheat River’s waters polluted from a century of coal mining. It’s now a celebration of two and a half decades of successful clean up efforts, essentially a family reunion, and importantly, a fundraiser supporting continued stewardship.  More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article Sarah Carballo June 1, 2020
People Over Petro
When combating a major threat like a massive petrochemical build-up in the Ohio River Valley, there is strength in numbers. One way to build that strength is by working in a coalition—which is why OVEC joined the People Over Petro Coalition (POPCO). More
Issues: Oil and gasPollution
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections June 1, 2020
Your Vote is Your Voice
With the primary election just around the corner, we wanted to remind you of some important resources to help you vote safely and exercise your right to vote effectively. More
Issues: Clean electionsDemocracy
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors April 30, 2020
West Virginia fails to legalize Power Purchase Agreements
The 2020 regular session of the West Virginia Legislature is drawing to a close without action on solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). After several false starts in the state Senate and House of Delegates, legislation supporting PPAs failed to materialize this year. More
Issues: Power purchase agreementsRenewable energy
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections April 29, 2020
This Election is Vital! #GoVoteWV
During the 2020 Legislative Session, E-Council lobbyists helped Julie monitor bills relevant to WVCCE’s work to protect and improve democracy, fair courts, and judicial independence in West Virginia. Right now WVCCE is focused on making sure people are ready to vote in the June 9 primary. If you aren’t already registered to vote, you have until May 19 to do that for this upcoming election. More
Issues: Clean elections
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