Category: Newsletter article

Individual articles for various ‘issues’ of newsletters (i.e., articles for a GREEN Newsletter or Legislative Update).

531 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article WVEC February 19, 2021
Member Spotlight: Solar United Neighbors of West Virginia
Solar United Neighbors (SUN) of West Virginia is a nonprofit helping people go solar, join together, and fight for their energy rights with a goal of making rooftop solar the cornerstone of a modern, clean energy system. SUN's West Virginia program is one of 12 state field programs operated by this national organization. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article WVEC February 12, 2021
Member Spotlight: West Virginia Rivers Coalition
Each week during the Legislative Session, we will feature one of our member organizations. These groups from across the state support the WVEC by having a seat on our board and contributing financially so we can fund our lobby team each session. We could not do our important work without their support! More
Issues: Water
Newsletter article WVEC February 12, 2021
ICYMI: We Recommend You Give This a Listen
Last month, WVEC board and lobby team folks attended this event sponsored by the West Virginia Center on Climate Change, Friends of Blackwater, and the WVU College of Law  and we recommend checking it out!  More
Issues: Climate change
Newsletter article  February 12, 2021
The Mapping Inequality Project
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching the Environmental Justice (EJ) and Systemic Racism Speaker Series by featuring The Mapping Inequality Project on March 4, 2021 at 1:00-2:00 pm EST. This unique collaboration created a foundational resource for unprecedented research, education, organizing, and policy advocacy on redlining and current environmental challenges. More
Issues: Social justice
Newsletter article Hannah King February 12, 2021
Happy Session, Everyone!
The 1st session of the 85th Legislature began on Wednesday, February 10th. Since then, we have seen more than a dozen environmental bills introduced, some good, some not so good. Rob and I are keeping a close eye on everything, but we will need your help the next two months. More
Issues: HealthLegislationPollutionSolid wasteWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors February 12, 2021
Join the fight for energy freedom: Contact your lawmakers today!
The West Virginia Legislature gaveled into session on Wednesday, and Senate Bill 30, a bill to legalize on-site Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), was introduced on opening day. Let your legislators know that you support SB 30 and want them to legalize on-site PPAs in 2021! More
Issues: Power purchase agreementsRenewable energy
Newsletter article Hannah King February 12, 2021
Meet the Lobby Team
Beginning his 31st year in the legislative process, Rob Casto joins the West Virginia Environmental Council lobby team for the 2021 Legislative Session. Rob brings to the job a considerable background in public affairs as a former senior staffer at the West Virginia Legislature and longtime government relations professional.  More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections January 22, 2021
Demand Democracy: Help Pass the For the People Act
As we begin a new year with a new president, we are at a critical juncture that presents both challenges and opportunities in regards to reforms that strengthen our democracy, and protect judicial independence. More
Issues: Clean elections
WV/ALEC Capitol
Newsletter article WVEC January 22, 2021
2021 Legislative Session Just Around the Corner
Happy New Year, everyone! We are glad to finally put 2020 in the past and hopefully the new administration will strengthen federal environmental protections & continue to put forth progressive and sustainable changes. More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article OVEC January 22, 2021
OVEC ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
OVEC and our coalitions have been busy the last month, and, rather than regale you with our stories, we wanted to give you a chance to see them yourselves. So pop some popcorn and put on your cozies, it’s time to binge watch some environmental justice work! More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeWater
Newsletter article WV Center on Climate Change January 21, 2021
Climate Solutions in 2021
The West Virginia Center on Climate Change will host a free webinar on Monday, January 25, 2021, from 7:00-8:30 PM called “What Now? — Climate Solutions in 2021, and Securing a Just Transition for West Virginia.” More
Issues: Climate change
Newsletter article WV Citizen Action Group January 21, 2021
Virtual Citizen Civic Engagement Training – February 4, 5-7PM
Virtual Citizen Civic Engagement Training - February 4, 5-7PM. Talking to your representative might sound intimidating if you’ve never done it, but they’re just people who work for YOU. You can do this. You can help make important changes in our state. More
Issues: HealthLegislation
Newsletter article WVEC January 21, 2021
Fighting for Our Energy Freedom
WV Environmental Council is a member of West Virginians for Energy Freedom, a coalition once again leading the charge to legalize on-site Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in our state. Legislation to allow PPAs was introduced with bipartisan support in 2019 and 2020. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article West Virginia Highlands Conservancy January 21, 2021
A New Role for the New River
The New River Gorge will have a new designation and a slightly different role thanks to Congressional action on the bill that included the Covid19 relief. It will change from being a National River, as it has been since 1978, to being a National Park and Preserve. More
Issues: State parksWater
Newsletter article Friends of Blackwater January 21, 2021
Lawsuit Aimed at Protecting National Forest Announced
A lawsuit filed by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) on January 8th seeks to reverse the Trump administration’s elimination of critical safeguards that have protected national forests from unneeded, ill-conceived and destructive logging, road building, and utility right-of-way projects. More
Issues: LoggingWater
Newsletter article OVEC December 13, 2020
A History of Resistance
The fight for justice has never been won at the ballot box alone. Resistance against the status quo is not uncommon in Appalachia; from the Mine Wars to the Red for Ed strikes, West Virginia has been center stage in pivotal regional events. Bleak and seemingly-unwinnable battles are not unique to this state or its history. Rather, they are the norm. Resistance moving forward means learning from our collective past. More
Issues: Climate changeHealthLegislationPollutionSocial justice
Newsletter article  December 13, 2020
Keeping the DEP Accountable in the Eastern Panhandle
The book released earlier this year by West Virginia University Press, I’m Afraid of That Water: A Collaborative Ethnography of a West Virginia Water Crisis, was profiled in the October edition of GREEN. This collection of stories from the 2014 Elk River chemical spill and ensuing water crisis highlight the importance of protecting the quality of the water supply. More
Issues: Water
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections December 13, 2020
Let’s Make It Permanent 
We saw the impact that increased access to the ballot box had on voter participation, and we cannot allow that to be taken away. Thanks to your support, we were able to accomplish a lot this year, despite the obstacles that came about due to COVID-19. Here is a quick recap: More
Issues: Clean elections
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition December 11, 2020
Legislative Rulemaking Committee Votes to Weaken Water Quality Standards
On Wednesday, the Joint Legislative Rulemaking Review Committee met to debate updates to the human health criteria in our water quality standards. This committee meets before the regular session to review, amend and vote on recommended rules for the full Legislature’s consideration. More
Issues: LegislationWater
Newsletter article  December 11, 2020
Building a Resilient Food and Agriculture System in the Mountain State
Do you know where your food comes from? Do you know who grew it? How many fossil fuels were consumed to produce, process, transport, and store the food that sits on your shelf? At the center of these questions lies irreversible impacts to our environment, and at the same time, changing the answer to these questions personally does not solve the issue. More
Issues: Climate change
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