Tag: Renewable energy

86 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors March 4, 2022
Roof not good for solar? There’s another way…
Community solar is a great option for people who don’t have the ability to put solar on their own rooftop. Our experts will explain the practical ins and outs of community solar. Whether you’re a current solar owner who wants to expand access to community solar for others, or are someone who could directly benefit from community solar we hope you’ll join us to learn more! More
Issues: Renewable energy
Action Alerts WVEC September 24, 2021
Crunch Time Quick Action: Urge Senator Manchin To Include Climate Action in the Reconciliation Package
House and Senate Democrats have come to agreement on most aspects of the reconciliation package with one exception: climate change.  Hanging in the balance is Senator Joe Manchin's opposition to the Clean Electricity Performance Program, which will pay electric utility companies for adopting clean energy sources and penalize ones that don't adopt clean energy by at least 4 percent a year. More
Issues: Climate changeRenewable energy
Newsletter article WVEC April 16, 2021
Recap of the 2021 Legislative Session
The 2021 Legislative Session has come to a close, and we worked hard throughout the last 60 days to stop the bad bills and help get the good ones through. We had some great wins, and some not-so-great losses.  More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalLegislationOil and gasRenewable energyWater
Legislative Updates WVEC April 16, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 10
Welcome to our recap of the 2021 Legislative Session! The 60 days of the session were a whirlwind! We have a lot to report to you. More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalLegislationOil and gasRenewable energyWater
Action Alerts WVEC April 8, 2021
Please Call Delegates and Ask Them to Vote NO on Solar Bonding Bill
SB 492, the solar bonding bill, is on second reading today in the House. The bill would establish a program for bonding to reclaim abandoned wind and solar generation facilities. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors March 26, 2021
Learn How to Hold Electric Utilities Accountable
There’s still time to register for our upcoming webinar about West Virginia’s monopoly utilities. Join us to learn how solar supporters across the state are joining together and standing up for our rights. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors March 20, 2021
Ask House leadership to support HB 3162 and legalize on-site PPAs in WV
On March 15, the WV House of Delegates passed — without objection — House Resolution 14 recognizing clean energy’s importance to West Virginia’s future. Legalizing on-site Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), a popular energy financing tool, would be a great first step to meet the goals outlined in House Resolution 14. West Virginia's legislative session hit the half-way mark this past week. More
Issues: Power purchase agreementsRenewable energy
Newsletter article WVEC February 26, 2021
Two Bills to Support This Week
HB2667, introduced by Delegate Clay Riley, is intended to promote cost savings for state taxpayers by implementing: an energy savings program for assessment and implementation of energy savings goals for state buildings and provide for prequalification of energy savings performance contractors; auditing energy metering devices installed at state buildings; and establishing benchmarking and energy efficiency goals for state buildings. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyPower purchase agreementsRenewable energy
Newsletter article WVEC February 19, 2021
Member Spotlight: Solar United Neighbors of West Virginia
Solar United Neighbors (SUN) of West Virginia is a nonprofit helping people go solar, join together, and fight for their energy rights with a goal of making rooftop solar the cornerstone of a modern, clean energy system. SUN's West Virginia program is one of 12 state field programs operated by this national organization. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Legislative Updates WVEC February 19, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 3
Complete our action alert and call House Energy Committee members to let them know you oppose HB 2598, the Aboveground Storage Tank Act bill. This bill will be on the House Energy agenda on Tuesday, February 23. Read below to find more information on this legislation. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksPollutionRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors February 12, 2021
Join the fight for energy freedom: Contact your lawmakers today!
The West Virginia Legislature gaveled into session on Wednesday, and Senate Bill 30, a bill to legalize on-site Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), was introduced on opening day. Let your legislators know that you support SB 30 and want them to legalize on-site PPAs in 2021! More
Issues: Power purchase agreementsRenewable energy
Newsletter article WVEC January 21, 2021
Fighting for Our Energy Freedom
WV Environmental Council is a member of West Virginians for Energy Freedom, a coalition once again leading the charge to legalize on-site Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in our state. Legislation to allow PPAs was introduced with bipartisan support in 2019 and 2020. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletters WVEC December 13, 2020
GREEN, Volume 30 Issue 17
Thank you for being a GREEN reader and for joining us on this wild journey that was 2020. As we gear up for 2021, and the legislative session that is right around the corner, we hope that you will consider a year-end gift to help fund our lobbying efforts next year. More
Issues: Climate changePipelinesRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors December 10, 2020
Shining a Light on Solar
As a new year approaches, it is important to know that 2021 may be the last year for homeowners to take advantage of the federal Energy Investment Tax Credit (EITC) for solar installations. The tax credit is stepping down -- from 30% in 2019, to 26% in 2020, to 22% in 2021. Unless Congress takes action to extend the EITC, it will expire altogether for residential solar installations in 2022. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors October 5, 2020
Southeast West Virginia Solar Co-op Launches
Nonprofit group Solar United Neighbors (SUN) is excited to announce the launch of the new Southeast West Virginia Solar Co-op to help area residents go solar. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors September 2, 2020
SUNtober Right Around the Corner
Solar can be a complex topic. But not during SUNtober! Solar United Neighbors is shedding light on how to go solar and how to advocate for more solar in your local community and across the nation! More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors July 30, 2020
Host a Virtual Solar Open House
During the annual National Solar Tour, Solar United Neighbors, the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), and Generation 180 partner with thousands of solar homeowners, businesses, and organizations around the country to help spread the word about solar energy. In light of the current health crisis, the 2020 National Solar Tour will be entirely virtual. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletter article  July 10, 2020
Thinking about the Economics of Petrochemicals
One of the clichés of our public policy has long been that we have to “balance” the environmental and social costs of coal, oil, and gas extraction with the benefits to our economy.  For pretty much forever, our public policy has assumed that coal is so important to our economy that we should put up with a great deal of environmental and social cost in order to assure that the industry prospers. More
Issues: Oil and gasRenewable energy
Newsletter article Solar United Neighbors June 1, 2020
Federal Threat to Net Metering & States’ Rights
A secretive group of special interests are trying to strip away solar rights. If they succeed, families and businesses won't be fairly credited for the valuable solar energy they produce.   More
Issues: Renewable energy
Newsletters WVEC June 1, 2020
GREEN, Volume 30 Issue 11
Welcome to the June issue of GREEN. As our latest newsletter goes live, our world is in turmoil from two diseases. One, COVID-19, is new and causing a global pandemic. The other has been with us far too long: Systemic racism, which has most-recently manifested itself in white vigilantes taking the life of a jogging black man, a woman in Central Park weaponizing her whiteness against a black bird-watcher, and police violence taking the lives of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, and the resulting protests and rage in the streets.  More
Issues: Clean electionsOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
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