Tag: Event

168 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alerts WVEC April 22, 2018
WV Environmental Council needs YOU on Earth Day!
“Think Globally, Act Locally” was the theme of the first Earth Day in 1970. This is still a true guide to Greening our world. Of course, now that Climate Change has been identified as an extreme global crisis, our situation is even more critical than the polluted air, rivers and toxic dumps that spurred the 1970’s movement. More
Issues: Event
Blog WVEC March 4, 2018
E-day Info
E-day tabling cancelled - click article for details. E-day! is Environmental Day at the Capitol is a WV Environmental Council tradition. This is our day to occupy, table, educate, stimulate, lobby and join folks from all over the state in the main hall of the Capitol. Don’t let this opportunity slip away. It’s time to make this legislature know what we are after. More
Issues: Event
Legislative Updates WVEC March 3, 2018
GREEN, Volume 28 Issue 8
In a dramatic turn of events, SB 600 which would have allowed discounted utility rates for large industrial energy users, but would have raised residential rates, was defeated on the Senate floor on crossover. SB270 is also dead. More
Issues: EnergyEventLegislationLogging
Newsletter article WVEC February 24, 2018
WVEC’s Winter 2018 Full Fundraising Letter
’Tis the late winter season, the season to be wary- wary of the West Virginia Legislature, that is. The 2018 regular legislative session began on January 10th. As we write this, it’s the mid-session, 5th week of activity. So this is our annual request for your financial contributions to help support the WV Environmental Council lobby team. More
Issues: EventLegislation
Action Alerts Laura Davidson March 31, 2017
Let’s keep the momentum going!
There will be a Public Hearing on SB 687 at 8:00am on Monday, April 3, 2017 in the House Chamber. SB 687 would make our narrative water quality the weakest in the nation, and make it easier for the coal industry to get away with poisoning our streams. More
Issues: CoalEventLegislationPollutionSocial justiceWater
Kanawha River and WV Coal Legislature
Action Alerts Laura Davidson March 10, 2017
Calling all Water Warriors: Resist!
Join us Monday, March 13, 2017 at 8:00am for the Public Hearing on HB 2811 in the WV House Chamber. Rise up with us, and resist these attempts to endanger our clean water supply! More
Issues: Aboveground tanksEventLegislationNatural gasOil and gasPollutionRegulationSocial justiceWater
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson March 1, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 4
What an incredible week it has been! The week's not over, but WVEC staff, board, and supporters have covered a lot of ground. More
Issues: CoalDEPEventFrackingWater
Action Alerts Laura Davidson February 28, 2017
Get up, stand up; don’t give up the fight!
Thank you to everyone who showed up and spoke out yesterday for the Public Hearing and E-day and to everyone who has been making calls and writing letters to stop HB 2506 from moving forward! We need your help to keep the momentum growing! Send a letter to your Delegate, and urge them to vote no on this bill. More
Issues: EventLegislationSocial justiceWater
Action Alerts Laura Davidson February 26, 2017
URGENT ACTION: Public hearing tomorrow on the “cancer creek bill”!
A public hearing on HB 2506 is happening tomorrow at 8:30 am. If passed, HB 2506 would allow more cancer causing toxins to be dumped into our water supply. We need to stand together in force and make our opposition heard! More
Issues: EdayEventLegislationWater
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson February 23, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 3
During week two of the West Virginia Legislature, we faced the House Judiciary Committee where HB 2506, a bill that would further endanger our already fragile drinking water supply, was railroaded through. We called and you answered! The fight is far from over. A Public Hearing on HB 2506 is scheduled for 8:30am on Monday, February 27, 2017, which is also E-Day! We need you again to show up and speak out! More
Issues: EdayEnergyEventLegislationNatural gasOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
Legislative Updates Ciera Pennington February 15, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 1
Our dedicated Lobby Team is fired up and ready to face these threats head on! Stay tuned every Wednesday throughout session for a weekly update (like this one!) outlining what our team is up to and how you can take action. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksDEPEdayEventLegislationWater
Action Alerts Ciera Pennington October 10, 2016
Registration deadline extended!
We get it. We all procrastinate sometimes. So we're giving you one last chance to register for the fall conference! Please don't wait. Registration will close at 5 pm this Thursday, October 13th...and unfortunately, we won't be able to extend the deadline again. More
Issues: Event
Action Alerts Ciera Pennington October 7, 2016
Time is running out!
We're now just TWO WEEKS away from our annual fall conference! We've given you our top 10 reasons you should attend the conference. We've shared the conference schedule with you. And now, unfortunately, we have to give you a THREE DAY warning to get registered. More
Issues: Event
Action Alerts Ciera Pennington September 28, 2016
WVEC/WVHC 2016 Fall Conference Schedule & Registration
Fall is finally here, which can only mean one thing – our annual Fall Conference is right around the corner! We’re excited to be teaming up with our friends and partners at the WV Highlands Conservancy to co-host the conference this year. More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeEnergyEventFrackingPollutionRenewable energySocial justice
Action Alerts Ciera Pennington September 2, 2016
Register today for the Fall Conference!
Summer's coming to an end, which can only mean one thing - our annual Fall Conference is right around the corner! We're excited to be teaming up with our friends and partners at the WV Highlands Conservancy to co-host the conference this year. More
Issues: Event
Blog Karen Yarnell August 9, 2016
WVEC and WVHC Biennial Joint Fall Conference 2016
Please register by October 10 so we can have a meal count for the camp. (Reservations will be accepted at the conference for registration and lodging only. Late lodging is based on availability. Meals must be booked in advance.) More
Issues: Event
Blog WVEC May 27, 2016
Join WV Rivers July 9-10 in Slatyfork, WV
Join WV Rivers staff, board and fellow river stewards at the Elk River Inn and Restaurant, July 9-10 in beautiful Slatyfork, WV for the Best of Birthplace of Rivers Weekend! More
Issues: EventWater
Newsletter article Elizabeth Cruikshank March 11, 2016
WVEC awards dinner
Last night we from all over the state gathered together in fellowship at the Woman’s Club to celebrate our friends’ courageous acts, our friendships and our wins in the legislature! We were treated to a wonderful dinner prepared by Greg and Karen that consisted of vegetarian lasagna, pork loin, salad, vegetables, bread, and dessert. More
Issues: Event
Action Alerts WVEC February 23, 2016
WVEC Awards Dinner
Come out for the WV Environmental Council Annual Awards Dinner and have a great time while you support environmental lobbying! The dinner will be held Thursday, March 10 at the Charleston Woman’s Club from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. More
Issues: Event
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