Can you please support us with a year-end contribution?

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council

Dec 30, 2019 View / Comment Online



It’s hard to believe the decade is almost over and it’s almost time for the 2020 legislative session to begin.

We have our lobby team in place and are ready to work at the State Capitol to protect the water we drink and the air we breathe. And, as in every year before, we can’t do it without your help.

This year our legislative priorities include:

  • Protecting our water by working for updates to the Clean Water Act’s civil and administrative penalties to conform with federal guidelines. These have not been updated or adjusted to inflation since 2001.
  • Making sure the Safe Drinking Water bill sets a maximum chemical contaminant level.
  •  Fighting to take the money out of our elections and promoting anti-corruption legislation.
  • Promoting an Environmental Rights Amendment resolution.
  • Supporting the Modern Jobs Act and Power Purchase Agreements.

And much more!

Can you please support us with a year-end contribution?

We will also be working hard to defend our air and water from bad policies and legislative rules, protect our public lands, and help citizen lobbyists meet with their legislators during this crucial time.

Please support your West Virginia Environmental Council with a contribution today.

Please join us at our Legislative Kick-Off blast on January 14 and at our annual E-Day on January 28 to speak out for the environment with other citizen lobbyists.

Please donate online or mail a check to PO Box 1007, Charleston, WV 25324

Thank you so much!

Linda Frame, WVEC President

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Updated: January 20, 2020 — 12:11 pm

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