Tag: Anti-protest

3 posts found

Newsletter article WVEC March 13, 2020
Action Needed – Tell Governor Justice to VETO HB4615
House Bill 4615, the anti-protest bill being touted as “criminal infrastructure protection,” is intended to intimidate and silence environmentalists. It hands industry even more power, with no regard for our people. Further criminalizing actions that are already illegal is unnecessary and will further crowd our jails and prisons. More
Issues: Anti-protest
Action Alerts WVEC March 5, 2020
HB4615: An Update + Action Needed
On Wednesday, HB4615, the anti-protest bill targeting the little guy standing up for their rights, was heard in Senate Judiciary after passing the House a few weeks ago. The bill was amended in the committee, lessening penalties, and making limited exceptions, but we still OPPOSE THIS BILL. More
Issues: Anti-protest
Newsletter article WVEC February 14, 2020
HB4615 – ALEC Funded Anti-Protest Bill Passes House
Yesterday, February 13th, after an hour long debate, the House of Delegates passed HB4615, the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, 60-35 with five members absent. The bill aims to raise criminal and civil penalties for trespassing, damage and tampering, and conspiring to peacefully protest near critical infrastructure. More
Issues: Anti-protest