Climate, Jobs & Justice: A Public Forum on West Virginia’s Future

WV Climate Alliance is hosting ‘Climate, Jobs & Justice: A Public Forum on West Virginia’s Future’ on August 24 at 7-8:30 p.m. This is an opportunity to learn what Congress is considering for climate solutions, how climate policy can benefit West Virginia and the devastating impacts of the climate crisis. 

The agenda is as follows:

7 to 7:10 PM: Welcome by Angie Rosser, Executive Director of West Virginia Rivers Coalition; opening video on the Three Pillars of Reform; and introduction of the presenters

7:10 to 7:20: Health and environmental Justice — Pam Nixon, West Virginia NAACP

7:20 to 7:30: A True Transition for Coal Miners and Coal Communities — Jeremy Richardson, Union of Concerned Scientist

7:30 to 7:40: Job Creation in a Clean Economy — Sean O’Leary, Ohio River Valley Institute

7:40 to 7:55: Policy Landscape & Call to Action — Collin O’Mara, President and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation

8 to 8:20: Questions & Answers

8:20 to  8:30: Closing & Action

Register now to hear from our great panelists and learn how you can encourage Congress to pass solid climate solutions.

*WV Environmental Council, WV Rivers Coalition, and many other WV based groups are proud co-sponsors of this event. 

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