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Legislative Updates WVEC March 18, 2022GREEN, Volume 32 Issue 9What a wild ride the last 60 days have been! We’ve spent the last two months at the WV State Capitol working hard to help stop the bad environmental bills and help advance the good ones forward. We were successful in defeating several harmful bills and fortunate to see a few good ones cross the finish line before Sine Die. A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to read our updates, share our posts on social media, and participate in our action alerts. Your efforts were imperative in helping us accomplish our goals. We couldn’t have done it without your support! MoreIssues: Energy, Legislation, Opportunity Legislative Updates WVEC February 25, 2022GREEN, Volume 32 Issue 7Just two more weeks to go in the legislative session!
A few of the bills we are following hit committee agendas and were voted on in both chambers this week. Monday was the last day to introduce bills in the Senate. Wednesday, March 2, is Crossover Day, the last day to consider bills on 3rd reading in their house of origin. March 12 is the last day of the session. MoreIssues: Clean elections, State parks Legislative Updates WVEC February 18, 2022GREEN, Volume 32 Issue 6We just completed week six of the Legislature! Tuesday was the last day to introduce bills in the House and this Monday, February 21, will be the last day to do so in the Senate. We have compiled a list of bills we are watching, both good and bad, and will continue to update this list as we go. We also hosted our virtual E-Day event on Wednesday, and you can find the link to our livestream in the article below. Check out the other articles to see what's happening! MoreIssues: Eday, Legislation Legislative Updates WVEC February 11, 2022GREEN, Volume 32 Issue 5It’s week five of the Legislature! We’re continuing to update the list of bills we’re tracking—both good and bad—as the session progresses. Take a look at the Legislative Update article below to see what's happening! Click here for links to committees and more information on how to contact your legislators.
MoreIssues: Eday, Legislation
GREEN Legislative Updates from 2012 and earlier are available below. [Get a PDF viewer here]