Tag: Water

298 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alerts Laura Davidson March 31, 2017
Let’s keep the momentum going!
There will be a Public Hearing on SB 687 at 8:00am on Monday, April 3, 2017 in the House Chamber. SB 687 would make our narrative water quality the weakest in the nation, and make it easier for the coal industry to get away with poisoning our streams. More
Issues: CoalEventLegislationPollutionSocial justiceWater
Kanawha River and WV Coal Legislature
Action Alerts Laura Davidson March 10, 2017
Calling all Water Warriors: Resist!
Join us Monday, March 13, 2017 at 8:00am for the Public Hearing on HB 2811 in the WV House Chamber. Rise up with us, and resist these attempts to endanger our clean water supply! More
Issues: Aboveground tanksEventLegislationNatural gasOil and gasPollutionRegulationSocial justiceWater
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson March 9, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 5
Water safety is one of our top priorities during the 2017 WV Legislative Session. In case you missed it, another water bill, HB 2811 was introduced on Tuesday. HB 2811 would add exemptions to the Aboveground Storage Tank Act, passed after the 2014 chemical spill by Freedom Industries into the Elk River that contaminated water for 300,000 in the Kanawha Valley. Stay tuned for more information on actions as we track this bill. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyLegislationOil and gasPollutionWater
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson March 1, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 4
What an incredible week it has been! The week's not over, but WVEC staff, board, and supporters have covered a lot of ground. More
Issues: CoalDEPEventFrackingWater
Action Alerts Laura Davidson February 28, 2017
Get up, stand up; don’t give up the fight!
Thank you to everyone who showed up and spoke out yesterday for the Public Hearing and E-day and to everyone who has been making calls and writing letters to stop HB 2506 from moving forward! We need your help to keep the momentum growing! Send a letter to your Delegate, and urge them to vote no on this bill. More
Issues: EventLegislationSocial justiceWater
Action Alerts Laura Davidson February 26, 2017
URGENT ACTION: Public hearing tomorrow on the “cancer creek bill”!
A public hearing on HB 2506 is happening tomorrow at 8:30 am. If passed, HB 2506 would allow more cancer causing toxins to be dumped into our water supply. We need to stand together in force and make our opposition heard! More
Issues: EdayEventLegislationWater
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson February 23, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 3
During week two of the West Virginia Legislature, we faced the House Judiciary Committee where HB 2506, a bill that would further endanger our already fragile drinking water supply, was railroaded through. We called and you answered! The fight is far from over. A Public Hearing on HB 2506 is scheduled for 8:30am on Monday, February 27, 2017, which is also E-Day! We need you again to show up and speak out! More
Issues: EdayEnergyEventLegislationNatural gasOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
Action Alerts Laura Davidson February 21, 2017
Tomorrow: Show up and speak out!
We need your help! WV House Judiciary Committee is meeting tomorrow at 9:30 am on HB 2506, a bill that would further endanger our already fragile drinking water supply. HB 2506 is fast tracked, and we need you to show up and speak out to stop it. More
Issues: LegislationWater
Legislative Updates Ciera Pennington February 15, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 1
Our dedicated Lobby Team is fired up and ready to face these threats head on! Stay tuned every Wednesday throughout session for a weekly update (like this one!) outlining what our team is up to and how you can take action. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksDEPEdayEventLegislationWater
Action Alerts Paul Dalzell August 5, 2016
Submit Your Comments on WV’s Water Quality Standards
Water Quality Standards are the legal basis for controlling the amount of pollution entering our waters. They are designed to protect and maintain water quality for safe use and enjoyment. Through August 9, you have the chance to provide input during the public comment process. More
Issues: Water
Blog Paul Dalzell August 3, 2016
Calling Aspiring Communications or Environmental Professionals!
OneWatershed is a FREE weekend training program for college students and junior and high-school seniors, September 9–11 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV. West Virginia Rivers’ OneWatershed brings together watershed groups and students interested in communications and the environment. Students receive training as communications and public relations professionals — and help watershed groups use digital media to attract new volunteers... More
Issues: Water
Action Alerts WVEC June 9, 2016
Stand up for Fayette County’s frack waste ban!
This Friday, June 10th at 2pm, the Fayette County Commission's historic ban on oil and gas waste disposal is being challenged by EQT Corporation. More
Issues: FrackingPollutionWater
Blog WVEC May 27, 2016
Join WV Rivers July 9-10 in Slatyfork, WV
Join WV Rivers staff, board and fellow river stewards at the Elk River Inn and Restaurant, July 9-10 in beautiful Slatyfork, WV for the Best of Birthplace of Rivers Weekend! More
Issues: EventWater
Action Alerts WVEC April 18, 2016
It’s Time to Designate Birthplace of Rivers National Monument
Earth Day is this Friday, April 22, and there is no better time to voice your support for the Birthplace of Rivers National Monument! The Birthplace of Rivers National Monument would protect and celebrate an area renowned for its wilderness and recreation; it’s the headwaters of six iconic West Virginia rivers: the Elk, Gauley, Williams, Greenbrier, Cherry, and Cranberry. More
Issues: LegislationWater
Legislative Updates WVEC March 11, 2016
GREEN Vol. 26 Issue 9
What Roger Sherman Learned, Day 59: where things stand, WVEC awards dinner, More from the Charleston Gazette-Mail More
Issues: Aboveground tanksClimate changeCoalSolid wasteWater
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe March 10, 2016
Day 59: where things stand
Remember that S.B. 625 provides that, when public water utilities involve the public in developing their source water protection plans, they are allowed to share information that is already in the public domain. It passed the House on Thursday and is headed to the Governor; you can read more in a Gazette-Mail report here. And more. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksSolid wasteWater
Action Alerts Vickie Wolfe March 7, 2016
Down the home stretch: please help us get across the finish line!
H.B. 4435 is on the agenda of the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday). This bill would allow utilities to obtain "expedited rate recovery" for upgrades to boilers (the normal practice is that such upgrades must be "used and useful" before the costs can be incorporated into electric rates paid by consumers). ... We oppose the bill because it is just another excuse by out-of-state corporations to gouge local ratepayers. Please contact committee members and tell them to VOTE NO! More
Issues: DrillingSolid wasteWater
Legislative Updates WVEC March 4, 2016
GREEN Vol. 26 Issue 8
Shall we LEEP into the future?, Misuse of terms, Bills still standing, Severance taxes, “Not so fast,” says the EPA, Bills We Are Tracking, WV Environmental Council Annual Awards Dinner More
Issues: CoalEnergy efficiencyFrackingOil and gasWater
Action Alerts Elizabeth Cruikshank March 4, 2016
Keep Public Access to Water Supply Information!
Your Made a Difference in the Senate - Keep it Going in the House! You sent 890 letters to members of the Senate convincing them to pass SB 625, a good bill for our water! More
Issues: Water
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