Tag: Pollution

161 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article Kayla Young January 25, 2019
Senate EIM Chairman Randy Smith, R-Tucker, says including 60 DEP updates to Water Quality Standards was the “right thing to do.”
The Water Quality Standards Rule (SB167) moves onward to Senate Judiciary! After being pulled from the agenda to allow for a DEP Public Hearing on Water & Human Health, the senate EIM committee reconvened twice on Tuesday to debate and question the rule and its implications. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC January 23, 2019
Good Day For Water at the WV Legislature
It was a tension-filled day at the Capitol when the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee met on Tuesday to take up SB 167, revisions to West Virginia's Water Quality Standards. At stake were updated protections for toxins harmful to human health. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 18, 2019
Manufacturers Serve Nothing Sandwich at DEP Session on Water Quality Standards
We continue to work hard to ensure that the DEP rule on water quality standards is as protective of human health as possible. The DEP meeting was held yesterday, Thursday, January 17, at its headquarters in Kanawha City at 2:00 pm. Dozens of citizens concerned about their health and the safety of their water took time out of their days to attend the meeting More
Issues: DEPPollutionWater
Legislative Updates WVEC January 18, 2019
GREEN, Volume 29 Issue 2
We continue to work hard to ensure that the DEP rule on water quality standards is as protective of human health as possible. More
Issues: Clean electionsOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
Action Alerts WVEC January 17, 2019
WV DEP To Hold Water Quality Standards Human Health Criteria Meeting
Every three years the state DEP reviews rules surrounding the toxins in our drinking water. This last year, they recommended 56 updates, compared to the federal EPA’s recommended 94 updates. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Blog WVEC December 11, 2018
Blackwater Canyon Threatened by Huge Energy Storage Facility
A huge, industrial “pumped storage” proposal has raised its head again in Tucker County – this time not in Canaan Valley, but impacting the iconic Blackwater Canyon. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC December 11, 2018
ASH Belongs on the Ash Heap of Bad Ideas
The news about climate change keeps coming in, and it is dire. Meanwhile, West Virginia and federal officials are falling over themselves to promote a massive petrochemical build-out for our region. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubPollutionWater
Blog WVEC November 16, 2018
Movie and Discussion: ‘What Lies Upstream’
Saturday, November 17, 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Moundsville More
Issues: HealthOil and gasPollution
Action Alerts WVEC July 7, 2018
Keep WV’s Water Safe – Act by July 10
WVDEP Needs to Hear from You on Water Protections. West Virginia’s Water Quality Standards are supposed to keep our water safe. Every three years the rules that govern what’s in West Virginia’s water undergo a revision process called the Triennial Review. West Virginia is in the midst of this process and WVDEP has released their proposed changes for public comment. More
Issues: DEPHealthPollutionWater
Blog WVEC June 21, 2018
Appalachia’s $84 Billion Secret: China and the U.S. are planning a massive petrochemical hub in West Virginia.
The biggest energy project you’ve never heard of commonly goes by the acronym ASTH—the Appalachian Storage and Trading Hub. This massive petrochemical hub in West Virginia and Pennsylvania would be the largest infrastructure in the region’s history, consisting of hundreds of miles of pipelines, fracked gas processing facilities, and underground storage of petrochemicals and fracked gas liquids. More
Issues: FrackingHealthOil and gasPipelinesPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 26, 2018
Senate President Carmichael and House Speaker Armstead: Consider Recommendations to Protect Public Drinking Water
In January, West Virginia Rivers and partners delivered a letter to Senate President Carmichael and House Speaker Armstead requesting that the 2017 recommendations of the Public Water System Supply Study Commission (PWSSSC) be considered by members of the Legislature. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 10, 2018
Environmental Stakeholders Improve Bad Water Bill
SB 290, which allows changes to water quality standards and pollution limits passed out of Senate Judiciary earlier in the week. Though we think this bill is bad and unnecessary, WVEC was part of the stakeholder process that ultimately improved the language in the bill, so we will celebrate where we can. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Coal sunset
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 10, 2018
Originating Bills in EIM
On the same agenda in Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining, we were alarmed to see two originating bills with no other descriptions. These bills have not been assigned numbers or titles at this time. More
Issues: CoalPollutionRenewable energy
Newsletter article Crystal Good January 12, 2018
The Poet in the Lobby
Howdy! I’m Crystal Good one of your 2018 E-council Lobbyist. I’m also an entrepreneur, a Mom, an avid hula hooper and a poet. Some of you my might know me from a poem I wrote Boom Boom - about a stripper and a strip mine. More
Issues: LegislationMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justice
Action Alerts Laura Davidson March 31, 2017
Let’s keep the momentum going!
There will be a Public Hearing on SB 687 at 8:00am on Monday, April 3, 2017 in the House Chamber. SB 687 would make our narrative water quality the weakest in the nation, and make it easier for the coal industry to get away with poisoning our streams. More
Issues: CoalEventLegislationPollutionSocial justiceWater
Kanawha River and WV Coal Legislature
Action Alerts Laura Davidson March 10, 2017
Calling all Water Warriors: Resist!
Join us Monday, March 13, 2017 at 8:00am for the Public Hearing on HB 2811 in the WV House Chamber. Rise up with us, and resist these attempts to endanger our clean water supply! More
Issues: Aboveground tanksEventLegislationNatural gasOil and gasPollutionRegulationSocial justiceWater
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson March 9, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 5
Water safety is one of our top priorities during the 2017 WV Legislative Session. In case you missed it, another water bill, HB 2811 was introduced on Tuesday. HB 2811 would add exemptions to the Aboveground Storage Tank Act, passed after the 2014 chemical spill by Freedom Industries into the Elk River that contaminated water for 300,000 in the Kanawha Valley. Stay tuned for more information on actions as we track this bill. More
Issues: Energy efficiencyLegislationOil and gasPollutionWater
Legislative Updates Laura Davidson February 23, 2017
GREEN Vol. 27 Issue 3
During week two of the West Virginia Legislature, we faced the House Judiciary Committee where HB 2506, a bill that would further endanger our already fragile drinking water supply, was railroaded through. We called and you answered! The fight is far from over. A Public Hearing on HB 2506 is scheduled for 8:30am on Monday, February 27, 2017, which is also E-Day! We need you again to show up and speak out! More
Issues: EdayEnergyEventLegislationNatural gasOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
Action Alerts Ciera Pennington September 28, 2016
WVEC/WVHC 2016 Fall Conference Schedule & Registration
Fall is finally here, which can only mean one thing – our annual Fall Conference is right around the corner! We’re excited to be teaming up with our friends and partners at the WV Highlands Conservancy to co-host the conference this year. More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeEnergyEventFrackingPollutionRenewable energySocial justice
Action Alerts WVEC June 9, 2016
Stand up for Fayette County’s frack waste ban!
This Friday, June 10th at 2pm, the Fayette County Commission's historic ban on oil and gas waste disposal is being challenged by EQT Corporation. More
Issues: FrackingPollutionWater
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