Tag: Pollution

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Blog WV Rivers Coalition May 16, 2020
WV Rivers to Host Climate and Water Webinar Series
West Virginians are seeing the effects of the changing climate and researchers across the state are studying what it means for West Virginia. Over the next few weeks, WV Rivers will be highlighting these scientists and their research through our virtual Climate and Water Lunch & Learn Series. During the live webinars, you’ll learn first-hand from the researchers on the front line of the climate crisis. More
Issues: Climate changePollutionWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition May 7, 2020
Enough is Enough! Tell WVDEP: Don’t Allow More Toxins in WV’s Water
Right now, in the midst of a public health crisis, the WVDEP is proposing to allow even more dangerous toxins in our water. Act Now! Tell WVDEP to respect your water and your health, don’t allow more toxins in West Virginia’s water! More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article WVEC April 27, 2020
Let’s Kick ASH
During the Legislative Session, E-Council lobbyists and member groups were keeping an eye on legislation that would support a proposed regional build-out of a colossal petrochemical complex in the Ohio River Valley region. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubHealthPollutionWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition April 17, 2020
Biological Assessment Rule: Facebook Live Q & A with WV Rivers, Virtual Public Hearing and Easy Commenting
Some of you might remember commenting on the biological assessment rule last spring when WVDEP initially released the rule change. But after the comment period, WVDEP missed the deadline to file the rule with the Secretary of State, so now WVDEP is collecting public comments on the rule again through April 20. We've made it easy for you to submit comments on the biological assessment rule. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC March 6, 2020
Ask Delegates to Vote YES on SCR 46 the PFAS Study Bill
The West Virginia Senate has taken a step towards safer drinking water with the passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution 46. This Resolution requires the WVDEP and WVDHHR to identify the presence of PFAS in drinking water supplies. Now, the Resolution is headed to the House floor for consideration. More
Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 10, 2020
Protect our Drinking Water!
We are excited to share that the Clean Drinking Water Act of 2020 was introduced recently in the House by Delegate Hansen as HB4542 and it’s counterpart in the Senate was introduced by Senator Ihlenfeld as SB679. More
Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 7, 2020
Clean Drinking Water Act of 2020 Press Conference
Yesterday Delegate Evan Hansen and Senator William Ihlenfeld held a press conference on the introduction of the Clean Drinking Water Act of 2020! See House bill 4542 here and Senate Bill 679 here. We were joined by a packed room of Legislators, press, and citizens. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Legislative Updates WVEC February 7, 2020
GREEN, Volume 30 Issue 5
Yesterday Delegate Evan Hansen and Senator William Ihlenfeld held a press conference on the introduction of the Clean Drinking Water Act of 2020! See House bill 4542 here and Senate Bill 679 here. We were joined by a packed room of Legislators, press, and citizens. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksEventOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article WV Rivers Coalition January 24, 2020
Clean Drinking Water Act of 2020 Introduced, Contact Your Delegates

A new bill led by Delegate Hansen (D-Monongalia), called the West Virginia Clean Drinking Water Act of 2020, was introduced in the House as HB4542.


Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Legislative Updates WVEC January 24, 2020
GREEN, Volume 30 Issue 3
A new bill led by Delegate Hansen (D-Monongalia), called the West Virginia Clean Drinking Water Act of 2020, was introduced in the House as HB4542. WV Rivers and the West Virginia Environmental Council endorse this bill which aims to identify and reduce exposure to class of chemical toxins known as polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksClean electionsHealthPollutionRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article WVEC January 17, 2020
HB 4079 Removes Tanks from Regulations Near Drinking Water Intakes
Every year, we see rollback after rollback of regulations meant to protect our most precious resources and so it’s no surprise to see it again this year. However, frankly, even the most cynical lobbyists and legislators were shocked to see how brazen HB 4079 is. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksHealthLegislationPollution
Newsletter article Karan Ireland January 10, 2020
2020 WVEC Legislative Priorities: An Overview
Kayla and I are happy to be back again representing you this year at the Capitol. We intend to build on the relationships we made with our representatives last year. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionRenewable energyWater
Action Alerts WVEC October 31, 2019
Request for Proposals for Legislative Lobbyists and More
The WVEC Board of Directors invites you to apply for our 2020 lobby team. We are looking for motivated and qualified lobbyists as well as a lobby team coordinator to represent our members at the State Capitol during the 2020 Legislative Session. The deadline to apply is November 17, 2019. More
Issues: LegislationPollution
Action Alerts WVEC February 20, 2019
Take Action to Update Human Health Protection in WV’s Water Quality Standards – SB 163
Water quality and the rules that govern it have become a focus of the 2019 legislative session. One of the most controversial and contentious bills this session deals with outdated human health protections in West Virginia’s water quality standards. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 15, 2019
Help Prevent One of the Most (If Not the Most) Widespread Environmental & Property Rights Disasters in WV
One of, if not the most, widespread environmental and property rights disasters ever is now unfolding in West Virginia! WV-SORO needs your help to hold drillers responsible and keep this from happening. More
Issues: Oil and gasOrphaned wellsPollution
Action Alerts WVEC February 14, 2019
Water Policy News: Water Protection Bill Sent to House, Tracking Water Policy
Last week the West Virginia Senate voted to pass the water quality standards rule (SB 163) without updated protections for drinking water. The 20-12 vote advances the rule to the House. Thank you to the 12 Senators that voted no on the bill. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article Karan Ireland February 9, 2019
Legislative Updates & How You Can Get Involved!
We are following so many bills, it would be hard to list them all here. However, here is a list that gives you an idea of the issues we are focused on and some actions you can take if you want to join us at the Capitol, or want to make a few calls from home. More
Issues: Clean electionsOil and gasPollutionRenewable energySocial justiceWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 9, 2019
Senate Votes on Water Bill – No Updated Health Protections
The West Virginia Senate voted Thursday to pass the water quality standards rule (SB 163) without updated protections for drinking water. The 20-12 vote advances the rule to the House. Read this article by the Charleston Gazette-Mail to learn more about the bill and its controversial passage through Senate Judiciary. More
Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Legislative Updates WVEC February 9, 2019
GREEN, Volume 29 Issue 5
We are following so many bills, it would be hard to list them all here. However, here is a list that gives you an idea of the issues we are focused on and some actions you can take if you want to join us at the Capitol, or want to make a few calls from home. More
Issues: Clean electionsEnergy efficiencyOil and gasPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC January 29, 2019
Tell Senate Judiciary to Keep Human Health Protection Updates
This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to could vote on updates to West Virginia's water quality standards (SB 167) -- the rules that protect our water. More
Issues: DEPPollutionWater
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