Tag: Legislation

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Newsletters WVEC August 20, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 12
Despite summer slowly coming to an end, there are many exciting events to look forward to. WV Environmental Council, WV Citizen Action Group, WV Climate Alliance and WV Highlands Conservancy are hosting events soon that will allow you to get involved and learn about our environment and how to protect it. Find more details in the articles below! More
Issues: EventJust transitionLegislationState parks
Newsletter article WV Citizen Action Group June 11, 2021
We Need Your Voice and Your Support – Demand Democracy: Help Pass the For the People Act
To advance bold change in our democracy, we need bold solutions. The For the People Act (HR1/S1) is a once-in-a-generation democracy reform package to clean up our political system, expand and protect voting rights, end gerrymandering, and counter the power of big money in politics. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act (HR4) would restore and update the full protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 — the most effective civil rights legislation in the history of the United States. More
Issues: Clean electionsDemocracyLegislation
Newsletter article WVEC April 16, 2021
Recap of the 2021 Legislative Session
The 2021 Legislative Session has come to a close, and we worked hard throughout the last 60 days to stop the bad bills and help get the good ones through. We had some great wins, and some not-so-great losses.  More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalLegislationOil and gasRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article WVEC April 16, 2021
Budget Bill $$ for Environmental Programs
Going into this year’s session there were a lot of concerns regarding budget cuts to various agencies and programs for Fiscal Year 2022. While we all seem to focus our attention on legislative issues, the budget process plays a significant role in our ability to achieve our priorities. More
Issues: Legislation
Legislative Updates WVEC April 16, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 10
Welcome to our recap of the 2021 Legislative Session! The 60 days of the session were a whirlwind! We have a lot to report to you. More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalLegislationOil and gasRenewable energyWater
Legislative Updates WVEC April 2, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 9
Welcome to the last newsletter of the 2021 Legislative Session. We are not done yet as the final 8 days of the session promise to be critical. (The session ends at midnight on Saturday, April 10).  More
Issues: Aboveground tanksEventLegislationOpportunityWater
Newsletter article WVEC April 2, 2021
Second to Last Week at the WV Legislature
Next Saturday, April 10, is the last day of the WV Legislative Session. We are still watching quite a few bills and there are still important actions to take! Click on article to read more. More
Issues: Legislation
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections April 2, 2021
Voting Access Under Attack
A bill (SB 565) that would limit access to early voting, gut automatic voter registration, and make it easier to remove voters from the registration rolls is picking up steam in the WV Legislature. The bill has already passed the Senate and is now before the House Judiciary Committee. More
Issues: Clean electionsLegislation
Legislative Updates WVEC March 26, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 8
It’s been a crucial week at the WV Legislature and we hope you can take action on some of these important bills tomorrow or Monday (legislators will be working tomorrow). Several of them are currently before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Bills are also originating in committee so there is a lot to watch. Please keep making your calls and sending emails - thank you! More
Issues: Aboveground tanksLegislationPower purchase agreementsWater
Newsletter article WVEC March 26, 2021
Member Spotlight: Conservation West Virginia
Conservation West Virginia is one of our newest member groups! The mission statement of Conservation West Virginia is: "Our families, our communities and our economy are all stronger when we take care of our natural heritage. More
Issues: Legislation
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 22, 2021
No More Toxins in Our Water! Act Now!
The Water Quality Standards rule is on the Senate Judiciary Committee's agenda TODAY at 3pm. The House of Delegates has already passed the bill, we urgently need you to contact members of the Senate on the dangers of weakening water quality standards. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Action Alerts Solar United Neighbors March 21, 2021
URGENT: Don’t let a handout to utilities raise your electric bill
House Bill 2959, which is expected to be considered on the House floor Monday and Tuesday, would make it easier for monopoly utilities to raise our electric rates without due process or oversight. These wealthy, out-of-state corporations want to put West Virginians on the hook for expensive energy generation that only the companies can own. Tell your legislators you don’t want higher electric bills and that West Virginians deserve energy freedom. More
Issues: EnergyLegislation
Kanawha River and WV Coal Legislature
Legislative Updates WVEC March 20, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 7
We just concluded week 6 at the legislature and not many bills we are watching moved this week. However, as we are well into the session, some important deadlines are coming up. Tuesday, March 16, is the last day for bills to be introduced in the House and March 22 is the last day for bills to be introduced in the Senate. March 28 is the last day for bills to be reported out of committees and March 31 is crossover day. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksLegislationPower purchase agreementsWater
Newsletter article  March 19, 2021
Member Group Spotlight: Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition
The Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition is a non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization whose mission is to preserve and protect the quality of life for all residents of the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia through community education on environmental and political issues; scientific policy research and advocacy; grassroots organizing and coalition building; leadership development; direct citizen action; and media outreach.  More
Issues: LegislationSocial justice
Newsletter article WVEC March 12, 2021
Legislative Updates, Week 5
SB404, which would modify well work permits issued by the WV Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Oil and Gas was passed out of the House Energy Committee today and read for the first time on the floor. As mentioned earlier, the additional funds generated by this bill may be used to hire and retain additional inspectors. WVEC supports this bill and we hope to see it pass on Tuesday of next week and head to Governor Justice’s desk.  More
Issues: Legislation
Legislative Updates WVEC March 12, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 6
Hi, everyone! We have concluded week 5 at the legislature, and are now past the half-way mark. Next week is the last week that bills can be introduced in the House and Senate. We are keeping a close eye on about 45 bills, many of which have not even made it to committee agendas, which is both good and bad. We saw two very bad bills pass the House this week, but one good bill, SB 404, made it through both chambers and is set to hit the Governor’s desk. More
Issues: EdayLegislationWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 2, 2021
Act Now: Let Legislators Know You Oppose More Toxins in WV’s Water
Legislators will soon be voting on a proposal submitted by WVDEP related to a critical portion of West Virginia’s water quality standards called human health criteria. Human health criteria determines how much of a toxin can be in our water before it harms our health. Watch a video explaining how the rule weakens our water quality standards. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 26, 2021
Just Announced: Virtual Public Hearing on Water Quality Standards Rule/Must Call Between 3:00 and 4:00 PM Today to Register
Just Announced: Virtual Public Hearing on Water Quality Standards Rule/Must Call Between 3:00 and 4:00 PM Today to Register More
Issues: LegislationWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 26, 2021
Reimagine Appalachia Releases Jobs Report
This week, ReImagine Appalachia released a study that finds that West Virginia will gain 41,100 new family-wage jobs if the federal government makes the smart, efficient investments needed to bring our nation’s infrastructure into the 21st Century. More
Issues: InfrastructureJobsLegislation
Newsletter article WVEC February 19, 2021
Important information on the water quality standards rule
Fill out the action alert here to tell your House Judiciary Committee members that you oppose the weakening of our water quality standards. More
Issues: LegislationWater
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