Action Alerts Archive

290 posts found, showing 10 per page

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Action Alerts WVEC June 15, 2021
This Thursday – Town Hall With WV DEP Environmental Advocate – All Welcome
Just two days until our first in a series of town halls with the WV Department of Environmental Protection's Environmental Advocate's Office. Have a concern in your community about clean air or water, oil and gas development, Freedom of Information Act requests and how to file them? Bring your question or concern. Or just listen in to the conversation.  More
Issues: DEPEvent
Action Alerts WVEC April 8, 2021
Please Call Delegates and Ask Them to Vote NO on Solar Bonding Bill
SB 492, the solar bonding bill, is on second reading today in the House. The bill would establish a program for bonding to reclaim abandoned wind and solar generation facilities. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition April 6, 2021
Countdown to End of 2021 Legislative Session: Tank Deregulation Bill an Impending Threat
We're in the final days of the 2021 Legislative Session and HB 2598 still threatens our waters as it is on the continues to pose a threat as it is on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s agenda today (4/6). Contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today, before they vote on the bill. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC March 31, 2021
Today is Crossover Day when bills must pass their house of origin to stay alive
Here’s a quick recap of some bills we are still watching and how you can help. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksEnergy efficiencyPower purchase agreements
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 22, 2021
No More Toxins in Our Water! Act Now!
The Water Quality Standards rule is on the Senate Judiciary Committee's agenda TODAY at 3pm. The House of Delegates has already passed the bill, we urgently need you to contact members of the Senate on the dangers of weakening water quality standards. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Action Alerts Solar United Neighbors March 21, 2021
URGENT: Don’t let a handout to utilities raise your electric bill
House Bill 2959, which is expected to be considered on the House floor Monday and Tuesday, would make it easier for monopoly utilities to raise our electric rates without due process or oversight. These wealthy, out-of-state corporations want to put West Virginians on the hook for expensive energy generation that only the companies can own. Tell your legislators you don’t want higher electric bills and that West Virginians deserve energy freedom. More
Issues: EnergyLegislation
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 16, 2021
URGENT: Senate Judiciary to Vote on Water Quality Standards Today – Act by 3PM
The Water Quality Standards rule was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, and it is on their 3pm agenda TODAY. The House of Delegates has already passed the bill, we urgently need you to contact members of the Senate on the dangers of weakening water quality standards. The proposal before the legislature allows for more chemical toxins in our water.  More
Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC March 9, 2021
2021 Virtual E-Day – Tomorrow Night, March 10!
The WVEC's annual E-Day will take place virtually tomorrow night, Wednesday, March 10, from 6:00 - 7:30 PM. The agenda includes live music, a live auction of this Charly Hamilton print, and live updates from legislators and our lobby team More
Issues: EdayEvent
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 2, 2021
Act Now: Let Legislators Know You Oppose More Toxins in WV’s Water
Legislators will soon be voting on a proposal submitted by WVDEP related to a critical portion of West Virginia’s water quality standards called human health criteria. Human health criteria determines how much of a toxin can be in our water before it harms our health. Watch a video explaining how the rule weakens our water quality standards. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 26, 2021
Just Announced: Virtual Public Hearing on Water Quality Standards Rule/Must Call Between 3:00 and 4:00 PM Today to Register
Just Announced: Virtual Public Hearing on Water Quality Standards Rule/Must Call Between 3:00 and 4:00 PM Today to Register More
Issues: LegislationWater
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Action Alerts from 2001 through 2012 are available in the archive vault (no fluff).