Tag: Voting Rights

4 posts found

Newsletter article WVEC May 10, 2024
Honoring High Schools for Empowering Young Voters
In West Virginia, significant initiatives are in place to inspire and empower young people to register to vote and actively participate in the democratic process. The Jennings Randolph Award, named after the late U.S. Senator from Harrison County, West Virginia, and the Honorary Secretary of State (HSOS) program are not just beacons of hope, but transformative forces for high schools.  The programs celebrate those who go above and beyond in promoting youth voter registration, inspiring others to follow suit. More
Issues: LegislationVoting Rights
Newsletter article WVEC May 10, 2024
Join West Virginians Who Care About Clean Air, Land, and Water: Vote in the Primary Election!
One of the biggest environmental and climate movement challenges is that we don't have enough voting power.  According to the nonprofit, nonpartisan Environmental Voter Project (EVP), one reason is the high number of people who identify climate and the environment as their Number One priority but are unlikely to vote. More
Issues: Clean electionsPollutionVoting RightsWater
Newsletters WVEC May 10, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 10
As the May 14th primary election approaches, we urge you to engage with candidates and vote. Your voice is crucial in shaping West Virginia's environmental future. Get inspired to head to the polls by reading WVEC President Sandra Fallon's article below on the importance of joining environmental voters in  growing the environmental movement’s influence.  More
Issues: EventLegislationPollutionVoting RightsWater
Newsletter article WV Citizens for Clean Elections February 25, 2022
Take Action for Voting Rights
End Voter Disenfranchisement. SB 488, which would restore voting rights to thousands of West Virginians on probation and parole, was to be voted on in the Senate this past Tuesday but was put into the Rules Committee.  The bill has tremendous bi-partisan support in the Senate but we need your help to ensure it gets to the floor for a vote. More
Issues: Clean electionsVoting Rights