Help Protect and Expand Solar in WV

West Virginia stands at a crossroads between its energy past and future. We have the opportunity to embrace clean, renewable energy solutions that can benefit our environment, economy, and communities. However, West Virginians need state legislators to pass bills to enable community solar.

Community Solar

Community solar, a low-cost energy source, is currently available in 22 states but not in West Virginia. Community solar offers solar power to those who can not install solar panels at their homes or businesses. Benefits include: 

  • Lowering Energy Costs: Community solar provides a local and affordable energy source that can alleviate the financial burden on West Virginians.
  • Creating Local Jobs: Implementing community solar programs can generate thousands of jobs right here at home.
  • Providing Energy Freedom: It’s about giving power back to the people by making clean energy accessible to all, including renters, condo and apartment dwellers, and low- and moderate-income households.
  • Learn more: WVEC and Solar United Neighbors hosted their first Community Solar 101 webinar in July. If you are still getting familiar with community solar, please watch the webinar and see our factsheet below. 

Call to Action

By supporting net metering and community solar programs, we can safeguard our energy freedom. There are several quick actions you can take to help us:

  1. Tell a friend or family member about community solar! Solar United Neighbors website is a great solar resource to read and share. 
  2. Sign up for our Action Alerts here
  3. Fill out our Volunteer Survey here to let us know how you want to get involved.

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