Tag: Pollution

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Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition February 24, 2021
Urgent: Action Needed to Oppose Oil & Gas Storage Tank Deregulation Bill – Hearing on 2/26, 8AM
A dangerous bill that exempts oil and gas tanks from the Aboveground Storage Tank Act is making its way through the House of Delegates. A coalition of advocates, including WV Rivers, requested a public hearing to provide citizens the opportunity to make comments on the bill for the official record. House leadership has rejected our request. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksHealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article Hannah King February 19, 2021
Legislative Update 
Happy Friday! We are 9 days in and already have our hands full. Two bills we are taking swift action on: HB 2389, the water quality standards rule, and HB 2598, the above ground storage tank bill. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksPollutionWater
Legislative Updates WVEC February 19, 2021
GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 3
Complete our action alert and call House Energy Committee members to let them know you oppose HB 2598, the Aboveground Storage Tank Act bill. This bill will be on the House Energy agenda on Tuesday, February 23. Read below to find more information on this legislation. More
Issues: Aboveground tanksPollutionRenewable energyWater
Newsletter article Hannah King February 12, 2021
Happy Session, Everyone!
The 1st session of the 85th Legislature began on Wednesday, February 10th. Since then, we have seen more than a dozen environmental bills introduced, some good, some not so good. Rob and I are keeping a close eye on everything, but we will need your help the next two months. More
Issues: HealthLegislationPollutionSolid wasteWater
Newsletter article OVEC December 13, 2020
A History of Resistance
The fight for justice has never been won at the ballot box alone. Resistance against the status quo is not uncommon in Appalachia; from the Mine Wars to the Red for Ed strikes, West Virginia has been center stage in pivotal regional events. Bleak and seemingly-unwinnable battles are not unique to this state or its history. Rather, they are the norm. Resistance moving forward means learning from our collective past. More
Issues: Climate changeHealthLegislationPollutionSocial justice
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition December 3, 2020
Urgent Action for Water Quality Standards – Act by 12/9
In preparation for the 2021 WV Legislative Session, the Legislative Rule Making Committee will meet on Wednesday, 12/9, and water quality standards are on the agenda. The committee needs to hear from you today about the importance of clean water! More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Newsletter article WVEC October 5, 2020
A new book on the 2014 West Virginia drinking water crisis
“I’m Afraid of That Water: A Collaborative Ethnography of a West Virginia Water Crisis” was published this spring by West Virginia University Press.  It’s a collection of oral histories collected in interviews following the 2014 Elk River chemical spill which became a nationally recognized disaster when it polluted the largest public drinking water system in West Virginia. More
Issues: MCHMPollutionWater
Newsletter article  October 5, 2020
DEP Stormwater General Permits – Back Door Back Sliding
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) administers the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program in West Virginia for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In doing so, the DEP writes Stormwater General Permits that provide standards for construction and operation activities across the state that could poison or pollute water resources. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletters WVEC October 5, 2020
GREEN, Volume 30 Issue 15
We open this month's newsletter with a big welcome to Hannah King, our outreach coordinator and interim lobbyist! Please read Hannah's article on her background and interests and you'll soon see why we are excited to have her on our team. More
Issues: Climate changePipelinesPollutionWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition September 22, 2020
Urgent Action for Water Quality Standards – Act by 9/23
In preparation for the 2021 WV Legislative Session, the Legislative Rule Making Committee will be meeting this Wednesday, 9/23, and water quality standards are on the agenda. The committee needs to hear from you today about the importance of clean water! More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Newsletters WVEC September 3, 2020
GREEN, Volume 30 Issue 14
This month we are happy to welcome the Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition as our newest member group. The Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition is a non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization whose mission is to preserve and protect the quality of life for all residents of the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia through community education on environmental and political issues; scientific policy research and advocacy; grassroots organizing and coalition building; leadership development; direct citizen action; and media outreach. More
Issues: Clean electionsPollutionWater
Newsletter article OVEC September 2, 2020
Petrochemical Industry Pulls New Recycling Stunt
The petrochemical industry has a new marketing stunt in the works. A process, dubbed chemical plastic recycling, is a new technological innovation in waste management, but it isn’t exactly what most people thought was happening when they put that plastic out on the corner or in that little blue bin. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article Friends of Blackwater September 2, 2020
Virtual Public Hearing on Keystone Mining Discharge Permit – September 16
The WV DEP Division of Mining and Reclamation will hold an online Public Hearing for the Keystone mining discharge permit from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 as result of the comments and petition signatures submitted by Friends of Blackwater and you!The WV DEP Division of Mining and Reclamation will hold an online Public Hearing for the Keystone mining discharge permit from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 as result of the comments and petition signatures submitted by Friends of Blackwater and you! More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article OVEC July 30, 2020
Drinking Water Dilemma: Barging Oil and Gas Waste on the Ohio River
Three barge docks are proposed to be built along the river to transport oil and gas waste from horizontal and vertical fracking operations. The projects, if approved, could result in the first barges carrying briny fracking wastes on the Ohio River. More
Issues: FrackingHealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article  July 30, 2020
Pickin’ on Rockwool
Sunday, August 9, 2020, 4-8 PM jeffersoncountyvision.com More
Issues: HealthPollution
Newsletter article  July 30, 2020
Is the EPA turning a blind eye to WVDEP? 
Watershed protection organizations from three states plead with the EPA to make West Virginia follow the Clean Water Act. This article is a news release sent out on July 21, 2020, an effort led by the Jefferson County Foundation. It was picked up by Bloomberg News on July 22.  More
Issues: DEPPollutionWater
Newsletters WVEC July 30, 2020
GREEN, Volume 30 Issue 13
A new threat recently emerged for communities along the Ohio River. Three barge docks are proposed to be built along the river to transport oil and gas waste from horizontal and vertical fracking operations. The projects, if approved, could result in the first barges carrying briny fracking wastes on the Ohio River. More
Issues: DEPHealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article Friends of the Cheat June 1, 2020
Cheat Fest From Home – The First Virtual Cheat River Festival was a Surprising Success!
The Cheat River Festival, Friends of the Cheat’s annual kick-off to summer, was started by paddlers and river stewards to raise money to restore the Cheat River’s waters polluted from a century of coal mining. It’s now a celebration of two and a half decades of successful clean up efforts, essentially a family reunion, and importantly, a fundraiser supporting continued stewardship.  More
Issues: PollutionWater
Newsletter article Sarah Carballo June 1, 2020
People Over Petro
When combating a major threat like a massive petrochemical build-up in the Ohio River Valley, there is strength in numbers. One way to build that strength is by working in a coalition—which is why OVEC joined the People Over Petro Coalition (POPCO). More
Issues: Oil and gasPollution
Newsletters WVEC June 1, 2020
GREEN, Volume 30 Issue 11
Welcome to the June issue of GREEN. As our latest newsletter goes live, our world is in turmoil from two diseases. One, COVID-19, is new and causing a global pandemic. The other has been with us far too long: Systemic racism, which has most-recently manifested itself in white vigilantes taking the life of a jogging black man, a woman in Central Park weaponizing her whiteness against a black bird-watcher, and police violence taking the lives of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, and the resulting protests and rage in the streets.  More
Issues: Clean electionsOil and gasPollutionRenewable energyWater
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