GREEN, Volume 31 Issue 13

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Oct 15, 2021 View / Comment Online



Happy fall! We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who joined in on our annual meeting last Thursday. It was great to see everyone and we are looking forward to the next time we can see you all in person. Thank you to everyone who has donated. If you haven’t made a donation yet and would like to support our lobbying efforts, please do so here.

The next couple of months are pretty important and packed full of meetings, from legislative interim meetings to hearings on the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The legislative session is right around the corner, starting on January 12 and going until March 12. We will soon release our job announcement for lobbyists for the 2022 session. Please email for more information or visit

Read the articles below for more events and updates and have a great weekend.

Click an article title or thumbnail image to read the full article (text below is only an excerpt).

Recap of Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting happened last Thursday evening and was filled with lots of great conversation, an update on our legislative priorities, and a great discussion of important topics from our wonderful panelists.
Tagged: Event
Coal Community Workgroup Listening Sessions Starting Very Soon!
Hannah King
The West Virginia House of Delegates has created a Coal Community Workgroup to focus on the revitalization and needs of West Virginia’s coal communities. The workgroup will be conducting listening sessions starting next week in 4 counties, including Marshall, Monongalia, Logan, and Raleigh Counties.
Tagged: CoalEvent
WV Highlands Conservancy Fall Review
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy
The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy is hosting their Fall Review on October 30 from 1-8 p.m. via Zoom. This fun event is full of great presenters and wonderful environmental topics across the board, with Keynote Speaker and author Katie Fallon presenting at 7 p.m.
Tagged: Climate changeEvent
Ethylene Oxide: What’s Happened and What’s Next
If you aren't familiar with this issue, according to an air toxins report released by the EPA (NATA), 6 of the 90 census tracts for the highest cancer risks were in the Kanawha Valley. Two plants, located in South Charleston and in Institute, are the big emitters that have contributed to ranking Kanawha County 10th for highest cancer risks in the United States. 
Tagged: HealthPollution
Two Virtual Public Hearings on Mountain Valley Pipeline: November 1 & November 4
WV Rivers Coalition
The Army Corps of Engineers will be holding virtual public hearings on the Mountain Valley Pipeline for residents in West Virginia and Virginia. These hearings are on the pipeline’s request to cross streams and wetlands.
Tagged: Pipelines
Climate Rally: October 30
Please save the date for an in-person Climate Rally in Charleston on Saturday, October 30. The rally will be held early afternoon and we will get the exact time to you as soon as possible. Costumes welcome but not required! Join us to urge Senators Manchin and Capito to include crucial climate action legislation in the infrastructure bill currently being debated in the U.S. Senate!
Tagged: Climate changeEvent

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