Tag: Pollution

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Action Alerts WVEC September 12, 2024
Living in the Shadow of the Bhopal Disaster
You are invited to attend a panel discussion on environmental justice with survivors of the Bhopal India disaster - Bati Bai Rajak, Farhat Jahan, and Rachna Dhingra at West Virginia State University on Monday, September 16, 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Davis Fine Arts Center Theater, Institute WV. More
Issues: EventPollution
Action Alerts WVEC July 10, 2024
Urgent Action: Southern WV Needs Clean Water – Contact Leaders NOW
Everyone deserves clean water. Take action and help spread the word! ‌Wyoming and McDowell Counties in West Virginia are facing a severe water crisis, with residents in Wolf Pen/Indian Creek and communities like Gary, Leckie, and Anawalt experiencing significant water quality issues. More
Issues: CoalHealthPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC June 11, 2024
Zombie Mine Week of Action – Join Us!
Our communities are deeply tied to our lands — the land gives us clean water, refuge for wildlife and a sense of place. But today, hundreds of thousands of acres of coal mines are not being cleaned up. This puts nearby residents at risk, threatens our water and drags down our local economies. More
Issues: CoalHealthPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC May 13, 2024
Don’t Miss: Justin Nobel’s “Petroleum-238” Book Events This Week
Mark your calendars for two upcoming book events featuring Justin Nobel and his groundbreaking book, "Petroleum-238: Big Oil's Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It." More
Issues: Oil and gasPollution
Newsletter article WVEC May 10, 2024
Join West Virginians Who Care About Clean Air, Land, and Water: Vote in the Primary Election!
One of the biggest environmental and climate movement challenges is that we don't have enough voting power.  According to the nonprofit, nonpartisan Environmental Voter Project (EVP), one reason is the high number of people who identify climate and the environment as their Number One priority but are unlikely to vote. More
Issues: Clean electionsPollutionVoting RightsWater
Newsletters WVEC May 10, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 10
As the May 14th primary election approaches, we urge you to engage with candidates and vote. Your voice is crucial in shaping West Virginia's environmental future. Get inspired to head to the polls by reading WVEC President Sandra Fallon's article below on the importance of joining environmental voters in  growing the environmental movement’s influence.  More
Issues: EventLegislationPollutionVoting RightsWater
Newsletter article WVEC March 18, 2024
Upcoming events
Corridor H Visual Assessment Training at Parson's Community Center, Sunday, March 24 at 1 pm I Webinar Series: Community Air Monitoring Fundamentals, April 2024 | The Cheat River Festival in Albright, WV, May 3 and May 4 | Save the Date: WVEC Annual Meeting Sept. 13-15, 2024 | Save the Date for E-Day 2025! More
Issues: EventPollution
Newsletter article WVEC March 18, 2024
2024 Legislative Session Round Up 
Any legislator, lobbyist, or press member who spent the past two months at the Capitol can affirm that the 2024 session was anything but ordinary. One lawmaker told us it was the worst session they’d seen in over a decade. It’s not surprising, then, that while we hoped to get several proactive bills like the Orphaned Well Prevention Act and Community Solar passed, most of our efforts went toward defeating harmful bills instead. More
Issues: LegislationNet meteringOrphaned wellsPollution
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 14, 2024
Chemours Comment Deadline is Today at 5pm!
Just a quick reminder: the deadline for comments to the WV DEP for Chemours' second permit application to discharge more PFAS chemicals into the Ohio River is today, March 14, at 5 pm. More
Issues: HealthPFASPollutionWater
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 10, 2024
Attend a Public Hearing in Institute, WV, this Monday
We are writing to bring your attention to critical public health concerns surrounding the Specialty Products US, LLC facility in Dunbar, WV. The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection's (WV DEP) Division of Air Quality (DAQ) is currently accepting public comments for Specialty Product's draft Title V operating permit renewal for the operation of its polyethylene oxide manufacturing unit. More
Issues: DEPHealthPollution
Legislative Updates WVEC March 1, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 8
Welcome to our last newsletter of the 2024 Legislative Session. Stay tuned for any final action alerts next week, and please see the several actions below you can take now! More
Issues: HealthLandowner rightsLegislationPollutionPublic lands
Newsletter article WVEC March 1, 2024
WVEC Weekly Round-Up
As the session enters its final week, read on to learn which bills we’re working to defeat, why they’re bad, and how you can help. Lots can happen during these final days, so please keep a lookout for action alerts and other updates! Sadly, the only bills left are ones we oppose. Here’s what’s still alive. More
Issues: LegislationLoggingPollutionPublic lands
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition March 1, 2024
Tell WVDEP No More Toxic Discharges Into the Ohio River!
We need your help to tell the WV Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) to protect public health: No more toxic discharges into the Ohio River! The WVDEP is currently accepting comments on a permit for Chemours Washington Works facility. More
Issues: DEPHealthPollutionWater
Legislative Updates WVEC February 23, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 7
As Crossover Day approaches, we want to take a moment to thank you for your phone calls, emails, and donations throughout the 2024 session. Making our voices heard is a community effort, and we’re deeply grateful for your continued support.  More
Issues: LegislationOrphaned wellsPollution
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition February 23, 2024
Urgent Action Needed: Comment on Chemours Consent Order by Feb 25!
We need your voice to oppose environmental injustice in Belle, WV. The WVDEP is considering a consent order for Chemours Optima Belle which allows Chemours to discharge ethylbenzene into the Kanawha River at levels six times higher than the human health criteria set by the EPA. Ethylbenzene is a possible carcinogen and is known to cause tumors in animals. More
Issues: HealthPollutionWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 16, 2024
Weekly Round-Up
WVEC had a busy week at the legislature! E-Day came and went on Tuesday, February 13, and several environmental advocates and students joined us to make their voices heard throughout the Capitol! As we move closer to Crossover Day (February 28), we are working on several key bills to ensure they hit their respective committee agendas in time. On the other hand, several harmful bills are sitting in committees - let’s help keep them there!  More
Issues: Net meteringPollutionSolar power
Legislative Updates WVEC February 16, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 6
We have a lot of updates to share with you this week as we head into the home stretch of the 2024 legislative session. On Tuesday, we celebrated our largest E-Day ever! Thanks to all who worked for months to organize it and those who traveled across the state to attend! Read on for more from our President, Sandra Fallon. More
Issues: EdayLegislationNet meteringPollutionSolar power
Action Alerts WV Rivers Coalition February 15, 2024
Ask your State Senator to Vote NO on HB 5018
We need your help stopping HB 5018. This bill has passed through the House of Delegates and is now under consideration by the State Senate. This Unclean Air Act prohibits the use of community-collected data in courts — for both the public and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. More
Issues: Pollution
Newsletter article WVEC February 10, 2024
Weekly Round-Up
This week’s focus was working to amend HB 5018 (the community air monitoring bill) as it moved through the House, lobbying for the Orphaned Well Prevention Act and following a new bill, HB 5076. We’ve also been prepping for E-Day, which is coming up this Tuesday, February 13. More
Issues: Community solarNet meteringOrphaned wellsPollution
Newsletter article WVEC February 9, 2024
Impressions of the WV Legislature from a First-Time Lobbyist
It’s hard to believe we’ve come to the halfway point of the session. I don’t need to rely on landmarks as much to orient myself in the Capitol, and I can match names with the now-familiar faces I pass every day. And, while we’re still in the thick of it, I’m starting to make sense out of the heaps of information that piled up so fast in the beginning. More
Issues: LegislationPollution
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