Tag: Coal

68 posts found, showing 20 per page

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King Coal
Newsletter article Vickie Wolfe February 1, 2015
A Little More about Coal’s Wish List
Elsewhere in this issue of Green, we’ve mentioned the Coal Association’s Legislative Program 2015. Another item we'd like you to note is the Association's "request" regarding Aboveground Storage Tanks (p. 8), which reads, in part: ". . . it is clear the Association should work to amend the statute to exempt as many tanks at coal mining operations from most of the provisions of the statute as possible." More
Issues: Coal
Power plant
Newsletter article Jim Kotcon February 1, 2015
Energy Efficiency is Good for West Virginians. Amend Com Sub HB 2004.
HB 2004 amends the WV Air Pollution Control Act (22-5-20) to require legislative approval for any state plan to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from electric power plants. The Committee Substitute also eliminates the language, 22-5-20-(c) (4), that directs a state plan include counting emissions from power plants that closed recently, as well as reductions in emissions from energy efficiency programs. More
Issues: CoalEnergyEnergy efficiency
Fracking and water contamination
Newsletter article Bill Price January 25, 2015
Dismantling Silos
This past Friday and Saturday, I went to the Peoples’ Concerned about Chemical Safety’s conference entitled “Looking Forward”. The goals of the conference were to have residents have conversations about local chemical safety, look at how solutions that have worked elsewhere, and to be a part of local solutions to prevent water contamination. And there’s that common thread again….water contamination. More
Issues: CoalMCHMWater
Newsletter article Ken Ward January 25, 2015
Debate highlights W.Va.’s inaction on energy diversity, efficiency
As lawmakers move to dismantle West Virginia’s six-year-old alternative-energy law, they tout their action as another effort to help the state’s declining coal industry. However, state records show that the 2009 law actually does little to hurt the coal industry and maybe even less to really promote alternatives like wind energy or solar power. West Virginia’s coal-heavy utilities say they have been — and will continue to be — able to meet the law without adding new renewable generation. More
Issues: CoalEnergyEnergy efficiency
Blog WVEC October 18, 2007
America’s Greenest States – WV Ranks Dead Last!
By Don Garvin If you ever wondered why we need a West Virginia Environmental Council, just consider the following: An October 17, 2007 Forbes magazine article ranks West Virginia as No. 50 – dead last – in the magazine’s first-ever list of America’s “Greenest” States. “So who’s at the bottom?” the magazine asks.  According to […] More
Issues: CoalEnergy
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