GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 1

WVEC Legislative Update

GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 1 View / Comment Online DonateJan 19, 2015

Introducing the New Lobbying Team
Conni Lewis
To go along with a significantly new Legislature, the Environmental Council has assembled a significantly new lobby team. The introductions are short, you will know us by our work. More
Go Solar
House and Senate committees take up repeal of AREP Act early on
John Christensen
The WV Legislature opened this week for their annual 60-day session and it is patently obvious that ALEC, American Legislative Exchange Council, will be running the Republican agenda from the start. An ALEC bill SB 1 and HB 2001, the repeal of the Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Act (in its entirety) aka AREP was the first two bills introduced and they have already been through committees in both chambers, first in the Senate EIM committee the second day of the session and also in the house Energy committee only a few minutes later on the same afternoon. More
Yes, you can! Make a difference, that is . . .
Vickie Wolfe
If you’re reading this, I think it’s safe to assume that you’re someone who often receives “action alerts” from one organization or the other (such as ours), asking you to express support or opposition to some proposed government action. If you’re like me, you might sometimes think, “Aw, will it really make a difference whether I do this or not? (Notwithstanding Margaret Mead's well-worn quote.) What we witnessed in the House Energy Committee on Thursday provided clear evidence that the answer is a resounding “Yes!” More
Chemical disaster
The January 9th Chemical Disaster and Moving Forward on Water through the Legislature
Rob Goodwin
The opening week of the west Virginia legislative session will be marked for generations as the anniversary of the January 9th MCHM Chemical Disaster of 2014 that contaminated the water of 300,000 West Virginian’s including the state capitol. The 2015 Legislative session kicked off this past week marking the first anniversary of the disaster that should dominate the environmental policy discussion among law makers for generations to come. Despite the disappointing fact that Gov. Tomblin propped up coal and gas in his state of the state address last week and failed to mention the water crisis or clean up of streams in any way shape or form, there are some encouraging words from WVDEP. More
Old Logo
Evolution! Change! Transition!
Bill Price
Evolution! Change! Transition! We see this everywhere we turn. In nature, in our personal lives, and even in our families the one thing that is consistent is that there is change. And so it is with the WV Environmental Council. More
Follow Us on Twitter!
Vickie Wolfe
The WVEC now has a Twitter account! Our handle is @WVECouncil. This will allow us to be in touch with you in real time about what’s happening in the marble halls, what committee meetings you might want to stream live, etc. You can also find out quickly—maybe before we’re able to get out an action alert by e-mail--when we urgently need your calls/e-mails/presence/etc. More
First week’s reflections
Conni Lewis
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Important dates!
Vickie Wolfe
Wednesday, January 21: Final day of public comment on a legislative rule required by SB 373, also known as the water bill or the above ground storage tank rule. The 90-page rule proposed by the DEP, and open for your comment, is 47 CSR 63. More
GREEN Goes Green
Don Alexander
GREEN Legislative Updates have moved to a new format that should help simplify the process for publishing an update. More

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