GREEN Vol. 26 Issue 8

WVEC GREEN Legislative Update

GREEN Vol. 26 Issue 8   View / Comment Online
DonateMar 4, 2016

Shall we LEEP into the future?
Bill Price
As some may already be aware, the Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (LEEP) has died in the Legislature. After much time in the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee, it finally passed out of there and was ready for the Senate Floor. But instead, at the behest of lobbyists from First Energy and American Electric Power (AEP), the bill was assigned to the “rules committee”. More
Tagged: Energy efficiency
Fracking and water contamination
Misuse of terms
Conni Lewis
This week I am thinking about the use and misuse of terms such as “stakeholder” in legislative proceedings. Often, a legislator will ask “are the stakeholders on board?”. A typical answer is yes, the agency and the affected interest group are on board. More
Tagged: FrackingOil and gasSolid waste
Bills still standing
As you can see from our bill tracking list, most of the bills we've been following did not make Wednesday's deadline for "crossing over" from their House of origin; and in the majority of cases, this is a good thing. Below are a few words about some of the ones that are still alive. More
Tagged: Climate changeLegislationRegulationWater
Mountaintop removal mining
Severance taxes
Elizabeth Cruikshank
This week I decided to take a look at the Coal and Oil and Gas severance tax from two different Coal Field elected officials, Delegate Rupie Phillips D-Logan and Senator Art Kirkendoll D- Logan. The two elected officials are from the same county but have completely different views on cutting severance tax for the coal industry. More
Tagged: CoalOil and gas
“Not so fast,” says the EPA
You may be sick of hearing about the coal industry's efforts to weaken water quality standards for aluminum and selenium, which have been ongoing for a few years now. These changes were codified in last year's "Coal Jobs and Safety Act," and the corresponding rules are in this year's bundle, H.B. 4053. Well, hopefully you won't mind hearing some good news. More
Tagged: AluminumRegulationSeleniumWater
Bills We Are Tracking
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Tagged: Legislation
WV Environmental Council Annual Awards Dinner
Thursday, March 10 at the Charleston Woman’s Club from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Admission will be $20.00 per person and $35.00 per couple. More
Tagged: Event

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