Posts by WVEC


532 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Action Alerts WVEC February 27, 2023
E-Day at Capitol TOMORROW!!
ou’re invited to our 2023 Environmental Day (E-Day) at the WV State Capitol! Take advantage of this opportunity to advocate for your community! This year's advocacy day will be held tomorrow, February 28th, from 9 am to 2 pm. More
Issues: EdayEventLegislation
Newsletter article WVEC February 24, 2023
Join WVEC this Tuesday for E-Day!!
You’re invited to our 2023 Environmental Day (E-Day) at the WV State Capitol! Take advantage of this opportunity to advocate for your community! This year's advocacy day will be held on February 28th from 9 am to 2 pm. E-Day will bring together environmental groups, concerned citizens, and policymakers to discuss critical environmental issues, promote legislation, and build relationships.  More
Newsletter article WVEC February 24, 2023
Weekly Round-Up
This week at the legislature was a busy one! As we approach the last two weeks of session, the pressure is on to get bills out of committee by Crossover Day (March 1st) to be considered on the floor. We are focusing this week on bills that are moving, separated by bills we are working on getting passed and those we are trying to defeat, along with steps you can take to support the efforts.  More
Issues: EnergyNuclear energyPFASPublic landsWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 24, 2023
ACTION ALERT: Urge Your Legislators to Support Funding for Oil and Gas Well Inspectors 
HB 3110 passed the House of Delegates unanimously to provide more funding to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s (WV DEP) Office of Oil and Gas for well inspections! The bill now heads to the Senate Finance committee. More
Issues: DEPOil and gas
Newsletter article WVEC February 24, 2023
2023 Legislative Priorities
Community Solar. Adequate funding for inspectors for the WV DEP Office of Oil and Gas, Advanced Nuclear, Hydrogen Hub/CCS, Hydrogen Hub/CCS, Public Lands More
Issues: Community solarDEPLegislationPFASPublic landsWater
Legislative Updates WVEC February 24, 2023
GREEN, Volume 33 Issue 7
We're excited to share some great news from the West Virginia Capitol! We have seen some significant victories, with two bills passing the House floor and moving on to the Senate for consideration. HB 3110 and HB 3189 are crucial legislation that impact your community positively. More
Issues: DEPLegislationOil and gasPFASPublic landsWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 21, 2023
You’re invited to Environmental Day!
You’re invited to our 2023 Environmental Day (E-Day) at the WV State Capitol! Take advantage of this opportunity to advocate for your community! This year's advocacy day will be held on February 28th from 9 am to 2 pm. More
Issues: EdayLegislation
Action Alerts WVEC February 20, 2023
URGENT!!! Contact Your Legislators and Support Community Solar!!
Take action TODAY and support community solar in West Virginia! Introduced in the Senate last week, SB 627 creates a community solar program where individuals, businesses, and organizations can purchase or subscribe to a “share” in a locally-sited solar panel array and use credits against their electric utility costs. This bill can lower energy costs, create jobs, and promote energy freedom in our state.  More
Issues: Community solarRenewable energy
Newsletter article WVEC February 17, 2023
Weekly Round-Up
We are over 60 percent of the way through the 2023 Legislative Session! In continuation of last week, we changed our format from a weekly round-up to a breakdown of bills we are working on getting passed and those we are trying to defeat, along with steps you can take.  More
Issues: EnergyLegislationPFASWater
Legislative Updates WVEC February 17, 2023
GREEN, Volume 33 Issue 6
Welcome back to our weekly newsletter, bringing you the latest West Virginia legislative updates. This week, lawmakers and advocates came together for Black Policy Day to discuss essential policies impacting Black communities in the state. You can find coverage of this event on Mountain State Spotlight. More
Issues: EnergyLegislationPFASPublic landsWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 10, 2023
Weekly Round-Up
Yesterday was the official halfway point of the 2023 Legislative Session! As we head into the second half, we are changing the format of our weekly round-up to a breakdown of bills we are working on getting passed and those we are trying to defeat, along with steps you can take.  More
Issues: EnergyLegislationPublic landsWater
Newsletter article WVEC February 10, 2023
Clean Air Valentines: Share Your Love for WV
Our partners at Moms Clean Air Force WV and Our Future WV have a unique Valentine’s Day action planned to share grassroots messages on why residents love West Virginia and want clean air for their communities.  More
Issues: Pollution
Newsletter article WVEC February 10, 2023
You’re Invited to E-Day at the Capitol!
Get ready for a day of citizen advocacy! Please join us for 2023 Environmental Day (E-Day) at the WV State Capitol! Our annual advocacy day will take place on February 28th from 9 am to 2 pm. More
Issues: EventLegislation
Legislative Updates WVEC February 10, 2023
GREEN, Volume 33 Issue 5
In this week's Round-Up, Lucia and Maria offer a breakdown of current bills we oppose and support. Stay tuned for action alerts as the session gets even busier in the coming weeks. Thank you for all of your calls and emails so far - they are critical in shaping the future of our state.  More
Issues: EventLegislationOff-road vehiclesPollution
Action Alerts WVEC February 9, 2023
Ask the House Energy & Manufacturing Committee to Advance the PFAS Protection Act
URGENT! The House Energy & Manufacturing Committee meets today at 1:00PM and the PFAS Protection Act is on the agenda! Now is the time to contact members of the committee! Let them know that you want them to support the bill, HB 3189, to help protect our drinking water sources! Your contacts made a difference in moving the Senate version of the bill through the committee, now we need your help in the House. More
Issues: HealthPFASWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 8, 2023
You’re Invited to E-Day at the Capitol!
Get ready for a day of citizen advocacy! Please join us for 2023 Environmental Day (E-Day) at the WV State Capitol! Our annual advocacy day will take place on February 28th from 9 am to 2 pm. More
Issues: EventLegislation
Action Alerts WVEC February 7, 2023
Calls Needed Today to Senate Outdoor Recreation Committee! Protect Our State Public Lands!
Our state public lands provide opportunities for peaceful and non-motorized recreation like hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, and boating. Last week, Senate Outdoor Recreation Committee members considered amending SB 468 to allow off-road vehicles in ALL of our public lands, beyond the bill’s original intent, which was site specific to just Cabwaylingo State Forest. More
Issues: Outdoor recreationState parks
Newsletter article WVEC February 3, 2023
Actions Alerts and Online Events: Get involved today! 
Here's a quick overview of some of our members' action alerts and online events for you to join: The PFAS Protection Act, Mountain Valley Pipeline, Methane Lunch & Learn, Listening Session More
Issues: PFASPipelines
Newsletter article WVEC February 3, 2023
Weekly Round-Up 
Protecting Our Public Lands from Off-Road Vehicles, Keep Forever Chemicals (PFAS) from Polluting Our Drinking Water, Urge Adequate Funding for the Office of Oil & Gas Inspectors  More
Issues: Off-road vehiclesOil and gasPFAS
Newsletter article WVEC February 3, 2023
Ask Your Legislators to Fully Fund the DEP Office of Oil and Gas
This week, the West Virginia Senate and House energy committees passed SB448 and HB 3110, which provides funding to the Office of Oil and Gas (O&G) to increase the number of well inspectors. Both bills have advanced to their corresponding finance committees, where your help is needed! More
Issues: DEPOil and gas
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