Action Alerts Archive

290 posts found, showing 10 per page

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Action Alerts WVEC April 16, 2019
Celebrate Earth Day With The WV Environmental Council
Monday, April 22 from 6:00 – 10:00 PM at the Empty Glass. MUSIC, FOOD, AND FUN! $10 suggested donation More
Issues: Event
Action Alerts WVEC March 18, 2019
Tell Governor Justice: Veto SB 622 (Plus Another Shameless Appeal for Funds)
Despite the way practically every West Virginia voter, regardless of their party affiliation, feels about the state of our politics and money's role in it, West Virginia politicians charged ahead with SB 622 — the bill no one asked for. More
Issues: Clean elections
Action Alerts WVEC March 6, 2019
What Do We Want? Democracy! When Do We Want It? Now!
But some members of the WV Legislature have other ideas. The House of Delegates is set to vote on a major campaign finance overhaul bill that would allow even more big money into a system that already favors the wealthy and special interests. More
Issues: Clean elections
Action Alerts WVEC March 6, 2019
Urgent: Call Your Senators to Oppose Tax Cut for Coal Industry
Today at 3PM, the Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to take up a severance tax cut for the coal industry, a expensive proposal that will do little to nothing to create jobs while taking money from our schools, colleges, and communities. More
Issues: Coal
Action Alerts WVEC March 3, 2019
SB 163 fails to protect West Virginians with the best science
Late Friday, the House Judiciary Committee passed out the water quality standards rule (SB 163) without updates to human health protections. Delegate Barbara Fleischauer put forth a valiant effort to present and pass an amendment to include the updated protections, but it was voted down on a divided voice vote. That amendment was co-sponsored by Delegates Sammi Brown and Mike Pushkin – thank you to these clean water champions! More
Issues: Water
Action Alerts WVEC February 20, 2019
Take Action to Update Human Health Protection in WV’s Water Quality Standards – SB 163
Water quality and the rules that govern it have become a focus of the 2019 legislative session. One of the most controversial and contentious bills this session deals with outdated human health protections in West Virginia’s water quality standards. More
Issues: LegislationPollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 18, 2019
Take Action on PPAs
Our lawmakers have a no-cost way to empower more West Virginians to benefit from affordable distributed energy. Current law forbids us from entering into Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to buy energy from renewable or alternative energy resources. Legalizing these agreements will help West Virginia communities, families, businesses, and nonprofits. More
Issues: EnergyRenewable energy
Action Alerts WVEC February 14, 2019
Water Policy News: Water Protection Bill Sent to House, Tracking Water Policy
Last week the West Virginia Senate voted to pass the water quality standards rule (SB 163) without updated protections for drinking water. The 20-12 vote advances the rule to the House. Thank you to the 12 Senators that voted no on the bill. More
Issues: PollutionWater
Action Alerts WVEC February 4, 2019
The Modern Jobs Act (MOJO Act)
HB 2589, The Modern Jobs Act (MOJO Act), would enable large energy producers to access cheaper renewable energy so they can create and protect manufacturing jobs in the state. It would also invite modern tech companies to the state who have renewable energy targets. More
Issues: LegislationRenewable energy
Action Alerts WVEC January 29, 2019
Tell Senate Judiciary to Keep Human Health Protection Updates
This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to could vote on updates to West Virginia's water quality standards (SB 167) -- the rules that protect our water. More
Issues: DEPPollutionWater
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Action Alerts from 2001 through 2012 are available in the archive vault (no fluff).