Action Needed – Tell Governor Justice to VETO HB4615

House Bill 4615, the anti-protest bill being touted as “criminal infrastructure protection,” is intended to intimidate and silence environmentalists. It hands industry even more power, with no regard for our people. Further criminalizing actions that are already illegal is unnecessary and will further crowd our jails and prisons.

The bill passed on the final night of session. We worked to have the bill amended substantially

About the bill:

The bill disproportionately affects land owners where a pipeline right of way has been placed on their land. In this instance, the land owner still OWNS the land, while the corporation LEASES, yet the landowner is guilty of trespassing. For example, Becky Crabtree was arrested for protesting a pipeline on her family farm. Under this bill, the penalties would have been much harsher.

This bill seeks to further marginalize and criminalize those who dare to try right wrongs. This bill seeks to protect corporations over people, aims to protect those whose pollution trespasses on public health and safety, whose pollution trespasses into our air, water, land, and bodies, and whose actions trespass upon our property rights, and who, with this bill seek to trespass on our right to protest those very trespasses.

What to Do:

First of all, THANK the senators that worked hard to amend the bill. Specifically thank Senators Trump, Weld, and Lindsay. Their work made the bill less bad in many ways.

Second, Reach out to the Governor…often! Urge Governor Justice to VETO this bill!! Click here to contact the Governor.


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  1. I vote NO for the safety and well-being of our people and environment.

    Isn’t your job to protect us and our environment not the folks taking from our state.

  2. Bill #HB4615 Anti-Protest bill is unconstitutional and I am asking you to veto this bill . Our Constitution guarantees that we have as citizens the right to peacefully protest . I am asking you to uphold our constitution and veto this bill.

  3. Protect people’s rights!!!

    1. Please veto HB 4516!!

  4. Private property rights have already been taken from us through a perverted and immoral use of eminent domain, so now you want to silence the protests, maybe because of your guilty conscience? Read the First Amendment to the Constitution, and then veto HB 4615 as unconstitutional!

  5. Robert Jarrell said it for me
    Private property rights have already been taken from us through a perverted and immoral use of eminent domain, so now you want to silence the protests, maybe because of your guilty conscience? Read the First Amendment to the Constitution, and then veto HB 4615 as unconstitutional!

  6. Our democracy is under threat in the overview as seen in the impeachment process in which the Senate refused to take hold the President accountable for treasonous actions. It is imperative that the power of the people to protest is not further diminished.

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