But wait! there’s more

While your intrepid lobby team and allied groups have been focused on water issues, there are other environmental concerns as well. Let me mention a few that are not receiving much attention.

Sen. Carmichael is the lead sponsor of SB 482, a potentially dangerous bill regarding permits for stationary sources of air pollution, which would be a gift to the oil and gas industries. Among its worst provisions is the requirement to approve an air pollution permit within 45 days of receiving a completed permit application. DEP opposes it and so do we.

Del. Manchin has sponsored HB 2094 encouraging the development of environmental awareness education with a focus on recycling. It’s not very prescriptive, but encourages school systems to institute programs. Sweet little bill, if I am allowed to use such language.

Finally, Sen. Walters has introduced SB 61 creating a Water Sustainability Institute at the Tech Center in South Charleston. You might think that it’s a special interest bill for his district, but you’d be wrong. If enacted (and funded) the Institute would be devoted to research and development of technologies to remove unwanted chemicals from water.

So there you have it: the good, the bad and the intriguing from our legislators.

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