It was a wild week at the West Virginia Legislature! Several of the bills we’re following hit Committee agendas and were voted on this week. We have compiled a list of bills along with short summaries for each one and you can check out our report under the Legislative Update article.
We attended Governor Justice’s late State of the State Address on Thursday evening in the House Chamber, which was nothing short of eventful. We saw Baby Dog up close and personal.
We appreciate all your calls to legislators and more action alerts will be coming your way as the session progresses.
Please consider a donation to support the WVEC during this busy time. You can donate online at our website – thank you in advance!
Click an article title or thumbnail image to read the full article (text below is only an excerpt).
Public Hearing on HB 2882, Repealing the Nuclear BanLucia Valentine The House Committee on Government Organization held a public hearing on Friday, January 28th on House Bill 2882, repealing the ban on nuclear power. This hearing allowed the public to weigh in on this important issue and discuss what it would mean for our state. We had several of our member groups testify; Conservation West Virginia, WV Citizen Action, WV Climate Alliance, and NAACP Charleston. Tagged: Legislation, Nuclear energy An Update from WVDEP on Ethylene Oxide The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) is providing the below updates on its actions to address Ethylene Oxide (EtO) in the Kanawha Valley. This information, as well as previous steps taken by the WVDEP, can be found on the agency's EtO web page.Tagged: Health, Pollution Legislative Update – Week #3Hannah King It's the third week of the Legislature and quite a few bills we are following hit committee agendas and were voted on in both chambers. We have compiled a list of bills we’re following, both good and bad, and we will continue to update this list as we go. Read more below to see what's happening!Tagged: Legislation, Nuclear energy, Pollution |