GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 5

WVEC Legislative Update

GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 5 View / Comment Online DonateFeb 14, 2015

WV Coal Dome
Crunch Time
Bill Price
If you’ve been reading these messages the past few weeks, you’ve seen me write about getting out of our silos and getting involved in all of the anti-water legislation that is moving through the WV Legislature this year. Over the next several days, we are in what I can only describe as “crunch time” and we need YOU. More
E-Day, you and your legislators
Conni Lewis
E-Day is coming soon! Time to make an appointment with your legislators to share your concerns about our water and our air and our future. gold-dome has all the information you need to contact your delegates and senators. Bring your passion and your love for the state. We will have the talking points if you need them. E-Day will be at the Capitol from 9 to 3 February 18. See you then. More
Power plant
HB2004 Anti-Clean Power Plan Bill heads to Senate Floor with $500,000 Fiscal Note
Rob Goodwin
On Thursday, February, 12th the Senate Judiciary committee sent HB2004 to the Senate floor with an expected vote this week. HB2004 will require legislative approval before any state plan is submitted to EPA under the proposed Clean Power Plan rules to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Representatives of the WVDEP, Alpha Natural Resources, and the Attorney General’s office spoke before the committee and answered questions on the proposed measure. More
Category A: the latest
Vickie Wolfe
On Tuesday morning, H.B. 2289 passed out of the House Industry and Labor Committee intact (yay!). This is the DEP rule change that would restore "Category A," or drinking water designation to the 72-mile stretch of the Kanawha River that runs through Charleston. Thanks to everyone who showed up for the meeting, and/or contacted committee members! More
Chemical disaster
Roundup of the week’s activities
Vickie Wolfe
There was no movement this week on H.B. 2574/S.B 423, "Gutting the Aboveground Storage Tank Act." But we're expecting S.B. 423 to appear on the agenda of the Senate Judiciary Committee early in the week. Please tell them NOT to gut the water protections we achieved last year in S.B. 373! Tell them to reject this bill! More
Please join us for E-day on Wednesday!
Vickie Wolfe
E-day is scheduled for Wednesday, February 18, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the lower rotunda. There will be a press conference at noon, lots of cool displays to look at, and guidance available for citizen lobbying. More
Bills We Are Tracking
Vickie Wolfe
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