GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 7

WVEC Legislative Update

GREEN Vol. 25 Issue 7 View / Comment Online DonateMar 1, 2015

Out of State Trash
Stinky Deal in SB27 to Bring Trash from New Jersey to McDowell County Dies in Senate Finance Committee
Rob Goodwin
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed as amended SB27 on Saturday to allow McDowell county voters to decide if they want 50,000 tons of out-of-state trash rolling in monthly by rail and disposed of in county. To attempt to avoid constitutional provisions prohibiting bills from only applying to a single county and with the intent of this bill to only apply to a single county, Sen. Hall (Wyoming ) agreed to amend the bill introduced through a committee substitute to only pertain to counties with populations less than 40,000 people. More
Hearings Yes, But Listening is the Key
Bill Price
In the Wrap Up (on the WV State Legislature web page) for February 20th, Legislative leaders touted the number of public hearings that have been held on “bills of importance” this year. House Majority Leader Delegate Daryl Cowles (R-Morgan) said “Public hearings have long been a part of the process in the House for bills of heightened importance. This year we have had a great deal of input from citizens through the public hearing process. It is important to gather citizen input and this year we are considering numerous important bills to improve our state government- listening intently to the citizens.” I agree. But there’s a difference between “hearing” and “listening.” More
Roundup of the Week’s Activities
Vickie Wolfe
On Wednesday, "Category A" protection for the portion of the Kanawha River that flows through Charleston passed the House 85-13 and is headed to the Senate. Previously, this was S.B. 167, but it's now been bundled with other DEP rules in H.B. 2283. More... More
An Unexpected Champion
Conni Lewis
Had I told you that one of our most supportive and creative legislators was a young Republican, you might have scoffed. Had I added that his father is also a well known Republican politician, you might have questioned my grip on reality. You would be wrong. More
WV Coal Dome
Update on S.B. 423, “Gutting the Aboveground Storage Tank Act”
Vickie Wolfe
The committee substitute for S.B. 423, “Amending the Aboveground Storage Tank Act,” passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday evening. On Saturday afternoon it passed the full Senate with only one "no" vote, and it's now headed to the House. More
Bills We Are Tracking
Vickie Wolfe
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