Call Judiciary Chairman Tim Manchin This Morning!

West Virginia Environmental Council Action Alert
February 13, 2014        WVEC Alerts Archive

Call Judiciary Chairman Tim Manchin This Morning!

Last evening two bad bills passed out of the new House Energy committee:

HB 4411 – Allowing the disposal of drill cuttings and associated drilling waste generated from well sites in commercial solid waste facilities.

HB 4346 – Establishing separate standards of performance for carbon dioxide emissions.

The really bad news is that the Energy Committee is requesting that the second reference to Judiciary be waived for both bills.

We must communicate strongly to Chairman Manchin that the request must be denied, so that the bills can receive further scrutiny in the Judiciary Committee.

So please call or email Chairman Manchin right away and urge him NOT to waive the second committee reference for these two bills. Here’s where to reach him:

Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3252

Thanks for helping.

Don Garvin
WVEC Legislative Coordinator

Don Alexander
WVEC E-mail List Coordinator

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