Posts by WVEC


532 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter article WVEC February 23, 2024
WVEC Weekly Round-Up
Crossover day is quickly approaching! Bills must make it out of their house of origin by Wednesday, February 28. Here’s what we are watching More
Action Alerts WVEC February 20, 2024
Crunch Time: Urge Your Legislators TODAY to Put SB 532 – The Orphaned Well Prevention Act – On the Agenda!
Legislators are considering the Orphaned Well Prevention Act (OWPA), SB 532 and HB 5414, that would require West Virginia oil and gas well operators to set aside money for future well plugging so that the cost does not fall on taxpayers or landowners. More
Issues: LegislationOrphaned wells
Newsletter article WVEC February 16, 2024
E-Day Attendees Call For Solar Energy Policies and Protections for Our Air and Water
Over 125 student, citizen, civic, university and environmental group members attending Environmental Day (E-Day) made their presence known at the State Capitol with 35 display tables, meetings with legislators, and information about their impressive and vital work. More
Issues: Eday
Newsletter article WVEC February 16, 2024
Weekly Round-Up
WVEC had a busy week at the legislature! E-Day came and went on Tuesday, February 13, and several environmental advocates and students joined us to make their voices heard throughout the Capitol! As we move closer to Crossover Day (February 28), we are working on several key bills to ensure they hit their respective committee agendas in time. On the other hand, several harmful bills are sitting in committees - let’s help keep them there!  More
Issues: Net meteringPollutionSolar power
Newsletter article WVEC February 16, 2024
Upcoming events
TONIGHT! King Coal Film Screening and Discussion, Friday, Feb. 16 from 6:30-8:30 pm | Community Outreach Meeting for Mercer-McDowell-Wyoming Counties, Saturday, Feb. 17 at 12 pm | Save the Date: WVEC Annual Meeting Sept. 13-15, 2024 More
Issues: EventFrackingPipelines
Legislative Updates WVEC February 16, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 6
We have a lot of updates to share with you this week as we head into the home stretch of the 2024 legislative session. On Tuesday, we celebrated our largest E-Day ever! Thanks to all who worked for months to organize it and those who traveled across the state to attend! Read on for more from our President, Sandra Fallon. More
Issues: EdayLegislationNet meteringPollutionSolar power
Newsletter article WVEC February 10, 2024
Join us for E-Day 2024 this Tuesday!
Join us for Environmental Day (E-Day) at the WV State Capitol this Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 9 am - 2 pm! Register here.

Issues: Eday
Newsletter article WVEC February 10, 2024
Weekly Round-Up
This week’s focus was working to amend HB 5018 (the community air monitoring bill) as it moved through the House, lobbying for the Orphaned Well Prevention Act and following a new bill, HB 5076. We’ve also been prepping for E-Day, which is coming up this Tuesday, February 13. More
Issues: Community solarNet meteringOrphaned wellsPollution
Newsletter article WVEC February 9, 2024
Impressions of the WV Legislature from a First-Time Lobbyist
It’s hard to believe we’ve come to the halfway point of the session. I don’t need to rely on landmarks as much to orient myself in the Capitol, and I can match names with the now-familiar faces I pass every day. And, while we’re still in the thick of it, I’m starting to make sense out of the heaps of information that piled up so fast in the beginning. More
Issues: LegislationPollution
Legislative Updates WVEC February 9, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 5
We have officially reached the halfway point of the WV Legislative Session! In this week’s Round-Up, Lucia and Isabel break down current bills we oppose and support. Thank you for all of your calls and emails so far! Check out WVEC’s recent media interviews, and stay tuned for action alerts as the session gets busier in the coming weeks.  More
Issues: EdaySocial justice
Action Alerts WVEC February 5, 2024
Reminder: Register Today for Our E-Day Advocacy Webinar Tomorrow @ 7 pm!
In case you missed it, I invite you to our free webinar tomorrow night, Feb. 6, from 7 to 8 pm! Our E-Day Advocacy: Bills and Talking Points webinar will offer the latest on bills we are tracking. Sign up here! More
Issues: EdayEvent
Newsletter article WVEC February 2, 2024
Upcoming Events!
POSTPONED - Mountain Valley Watch + WV Rivers’ Volunteer Appreciation Day, Saturday, Feb. 3 at 1 pm | E-Day Advocacy Webinar: Bills and Talking Points, Tuesday, Feb, 6 at 7 pm | Black Policy Day at the State Capitol, Wednesday, Feb. 7 | Environmental Day at the WV State Capitol, Tuesday, Feb. 13 More
Issues: EdaySocial justice
Newsletter article WVEC February 2, 2024
WVEC Weekly Round-Up
We’ve had a productive third week as things have started to pick up at the legislature. In addition to daily bill tracking, we’ve focused on meeting with senators to discuss the Orphaned Well Prevention Act, working with folks from WV Clean and Beautiful to defeat SB 171, and gathering voices to testify against HB 5018 in today’s public hearing. More
Issues: Community solarNet meteringOrphaned wellsPollution
Legislative Updates WVEC February 2, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 4
We just concluded day 24 of the legislative session!  Thank you for sending in your comments and participating in today’s public hearing on House Bill 5018 to protect community air monitoring. Only two speakers, both industry lobbyists, spoke out in support of the bill, and we appreciate your work to amplify our collective voice opposing this bad piece of legislation. More
Issues: Community solarLegislationOpportunityPollutionSolar power
Action Alerts WVEC February 1, 2024
Tomorrow at 9 am: We Need Your Voice to Protect Community Monitoring
On Tuesday, January 30, the House Committee on Energy and Manufacturing passed HB 5018 out of committee, and it is heading to the House floor despite the advocacy of more than 400 individuals against this industry-backed bill. We urge you to stand with us in opposing HB 5018 and demand the rejection of this detrimental bill. More
Issues: LegislationPollution
Action Alerts WVEC January 31, 2024
Take Action: Protect Community Monitoring
Please encourage your delegate and Speaker Hanshaw to REJECT HB 5018 and protect grassroots air quality monitoring. Add your voice today! Community air monitoring programs are vital for identifying pollution hotspots and protecting affected communities. More
Issues: Pollution
Action Alerts WVEC January 30, 2024
You’re Invited to our Advocacy Webinar on February 6th!
Join WVEC lobbyists Lucia Valentine and Isabel Stellato on Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 7 pm for a free webinar to get up-to-date information on bills we are tracking and talking points for meeting with key legislators during the legislative session.  More
Issues: EdayLegislation
Newsletter article WVEC January 26, 2024
WVEC Weekly Round-Up
SB 532 - The Orphaned Well prevention Act, Net Metering - PSC Rate Case Public Hearing | SB 171 - Prohibiting county commissions from adopting authorization that exceeds state law regarding agriculture operations | HB 5018 - To provide for the Department of Environmental Protection oversight and authority governing community air monitoring programs.  | HB 5018 - To provide for the Department of Environmental Protection oversight and authority governing community air monitoring programs.  | Community Solar  More
Issues: Community solarDEPNet meteringOrphaned wells
Newsletter article WVEC January 26, 2024
Register today for Save Our Solar, Black Policy Day and Other Events!
Save Our Solar Rally, Saturday, Jan. 27 at 2 pm
Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition (EPGC) Movie Night
Lobby Training for West Virginians
Mountain Valley Watch + WV Rivers’ Volunteer Appreciation Day
E-Day Advocacy Webinar: Bills and Talking Points
Black Policy Day at the State Capitol
Environmental Day at the WV State Capitol More

Issues: EdayEventSocial justiceSolar power
Legislative Updates WVEC January 26, 2024
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 3
Welcome back to the WVEC’s weekly newsletter! Wrapping up all the latest action, we have our Weekly Round-Up on the bills we are tracking and easy actions you can take today! More
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