WVEC Action Alert

The 2024 legislative session is about to begin! Your support is more important than ever!

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
The 2024 legislative session is about to begin! Your support is more important than ever!
Dec 20, 2023 View / Comment Online



Communications Coordinator Jillian’s nephew Jake is wrapped and ready for Santa!

Our WVEC lobby team is ready to work at the State Capitol, representing all of us in their efforts to protect the water we drink and the air we breathe. And we can’t do it without your help. While our work is year-round, we spend most of our budget during the session. Your contribution helps ensure WV legislators hear our voices and understand our concerns. 

WVEC’s 2024 legislative priorities address energy, clean water, and public lands. Please see a complete list of the issues here. We’ll also keep an eye on other policies legislators will introduce. 

There are two ways you can support our work:

  1. Donate to the WV Environmental Council to support our lobby team, OR
  2. Donate to the WV Fund for the Environment if you prefer a tax-deductible donation to fund our outreach and education programs.

You can donate online at wvecouncil.org/donate or by mailing a check made out to either WV Environmental Council or WV Fund for the Environment to: PO Box 1007, Charleston, WV 25324.

Please help protect West Virginia’s environment with a contribution today. And mark your calendar to come to the Capitol on Tuesday, February 13, for our annual Environmental Day (E-Day). Join citizen lobbyists from across the state to speak out for the environment. Learn more!

Best wishes to you and yours for a joyful holiday season and a peaceful and happy 2024. Thank you so much for your support!

Sandra Fallon
WVEC President

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Updated: December 20, 2023 — 5:05 pm

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