WVEC Action Alert

WV DEP To Hold Water Quality Standards Human Health Criteria Meeting

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Jan 17, 2019 View / Comment Online



WV DEP To Hold Water Quality Standards Human Health Criteria Meeting

Every three years the state DEP reviews rules surrounding the toxins in our drinking water. This last year, they recommended 56 updates, compared to the federal EPA’s recommended 94 updates. Currently a rule is going through the legislative committee (SB167) to revert Water Quality Standards back to the 1985 standards, removing ALL recommended updates. The legislature has the chance to restore the updates to the protections recommended by the EPA and rule-making committee.

This Thursday, January 17, the WVDEP will host a public listening session water quality standards. WVDEP wants to hear from you on the potential effects of revising human health criteria. View our fact sheet on water quality standards for concerns to share with WVDEP.

What: WVDEP Water Quality Standards Public Listening Session 

When: Tuesday, January 17, 2-4PM

Where: DEP Headquarters, Coopers Rock Conference Room, 601 57th St SE, Charleston WV, 25304

Can’t make the meeting? WVDEP has provided a phone number you can call to listen to the meeting.

Telephone #: 877-278-2734

Participant Code: 840590

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