WVEC Action Alert

URGENT: All West Virginians — not just monopoly utility companies — should have the freedom to choose solar energy!

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Feb 26, 2020 View / Comment Online



In this historic year for solar in the West Virginia Legislature, our lawmakers shouldn’t leave out the little guys – our state’s homeowners, small businesses, and tax-exempt institutions like schools, churches, and nonprofits. Everyone deserves the right to go solar! PPAs make this possible. 

S.B. 583 impacts the same section of state code as the bill we’ve been promoting — S.B. 611. The latter bill would legalize third-party financing, or Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), for renewable and alternative energy facilities. 

Amending language to legalize PPAs into S.B. 583 will create good new jobs for West Virginia workers. It will encourage homegrown entrepreneurship. It will attract employers to locate and invest in our state. It will do all this with no expense to taxpayers. Click here to contact your Delegates today!

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