URGENT ACTION: Public hearing tomorrow on the “cancer creek bill”!

We need your help!

A public hearing on HB 2506 is happening tomorrow at 8:30 am. If passed, HB 2506 would allow more cancer causing toxins to be dumped into our water supply. We need to stand together in force and make our opposition heard!

Join us outside the WV House Chamber at 8 am to sign-up and speak out! Get there early so we can pack the House. It is important to demonstrate to Speaker Tim Armstead and the entire WV House of Delegates that we will not be silenced.

WV Public Broadcasting will live-stream the hearing.  If you can’t join us, tune-in and then call and email your Delegate(s) to ask them to vote NO on the HB 2506, the cancer creek bill!

After the public hearing, join us downstairs in the Lower Rotunda for E-Day!

  • 9:30 am – Citizen Lobbyist Training, Room 151A
  • 10:15 am – Rally
    • Speakers include water advocates Charleston Councilwoman Karan Ireland and Angie Rosser, Executive Director of West Virginia Rivers Coalition
  • 11:00 am – House Floor Recognition
  • 12 – 2 pm – Meetings with Legislators

At 6 pm, we will celebrate our environmental champions at our annual Awards Dinner at the Woman’s Club of Charleston. Purchase your ticket(s) now!

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