Two Action Alerts from WV Rivers Coalition

Protect our drinking water

The PFAS Protection Act, HB 3189, is currently being considered by the House Judiciary Committee. This bill will require the state to immediately identify and reduce PFAS at the source and establish required limits on PFAS discharges into our drinking water sources. This bill helps hold polluters responsible for cleaning up and preventing further contamination of our drinking water sources. Ask members of the House Judiciary Committee to support the PFAS Protection Act!

Say no to off-road vehicles 

The legislature is considering a bill, SB 468, to open the door for off-road vehicles on state public lands. Motorized trails are expensive to build and maintain, degrade soil and habitat, threaten watersheds and streams, and impact hunting and fishing. Tell members of the Senate Outdoor Recreation Committee you oppose off-road vehicles on state public lands!

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  1. No off-road vehicles on public lands!

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