WVEC Action Alert

It’s Time to Designate Birthplace of Rivers National Monument

West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Apr 18, 2016 View / Comment Online Donate
From our friends at WV Rivers Coalition:

birthplace-riversEarth Day is this Friday, April 22, and there is no better time to voice your support for the Birthplace of Rivers National Monument! The Birthplace of Rivers National Monument would protect and celebrate an area renowned for its wilderness and recreation; it’s the headwaters of six iconic West Virginia rivers: the Elk, Gauley, Williams, Greenbrier, Cherry, and Cranberry.

We want to send President Obama 800 letters, by Earth Day, asking him to use the Antiquities Act to establish the Birthplace of Rivers National Monument. We are only 200 letters away from our goal, can you help?

Ask your friends to send one too!

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