Stop the Rate Hikes!

From our Partners at West Virginians for Energy Freedom

AEP is seeking another rate increase for West Virginians despite their electric rates already having more than doubled in the past 15 years. The rate increases are making it increasingly difficult for families, small businesses, churches, and schools to afford their electric bills.

We can’t let this happen without a fight. It only takes a few minutes to make your voice heard. Take action here!

Under the proposal, residential customers using 1,000 kWh per month would see an increase of $23.74 per month—a 13.5% hike. Considering the average residential customer in West Virginia uses 1,123 kWh, the actual impact could be even greater.

In addition, the proposal makes solar far less affordable for aspiring solar panel owners, slashing the “net metering” credit for excess energy produced, by about two-thirds. 

Take 2 minutes to write a letter to the PSC asking them to say NO to these harmful changes and say YES to helping us reduce our energy bills.

Tell the PSC to Stop AEP!


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  1. This is unacceptable. You continue to gouge customers while reaping profits for CEO’s and stock holders, putting those in need at risk. You also cling to the fossil fuel teat without real vision for our future.

  2. You should not let consumers suffer while utilities make huge profits. People in WV cannot afford to support big fossil fuel corporations. Electricity prices need to come down! Solar is cheaper and should be encouraged, not punished. You should be focused on the individual rate payers of WV and not wealthy CEOs.

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