WVEC Action Alert

SB 600- Handouts to Industry; Who’s Looking Out for Ratepayers?

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Feb 21, 2018 View / Comment Online



SB 600- Handouts to Industry; Who’s Looking Out for Ratepayers?

SB 600 offers discounted electric rates to industrial users and manufacturers whose rates, like everyone’s, have continued to skyrocket in the past few years.

However, someone is going to have to make up the cost of these discounts and, per usual, it’s not going to be the utility shareholders. It’s going to be you and me. And, our seniors who are living on fixed incomes. Perhaps now would be the time for larger industrial users to focus on conservation and/or energy efficiency programs to cut utility costs until a rate solution exists for everyone!

This morning, the committee was told that residential customers had been represented in stakeholder meetings. That was untrue and was later amended by the staff attorney. Let’s remind the committee members that residents were NOT in on this bill.

We have the chance to stop this bill. Please contact the members of the Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining committee and ask them to please, “VOTE NO on SB 600.”

Click here to open a new email addressed to all Senate EIM committee members. If you want to make phone callse (or if your email program doesn’t automatically start a new email), click here for complete contact information, including a list of email addresses that can be copied and pasted as a group.


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  1. Another problem with this bill is the code from which it comes, same code as HB 4482 which changes the payback structure for utilities on net metering and would basically kill solar in WV for the foreseeable future if passed.

  2. Please do not pass SB 600. Why should industry get discounts while the rest of the population gets no such consideration. We all must pay our bills. And they must as well. This bill continues to reflect the disparity in the treatment of citizens versus industry and wealth.

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